##This file contains R code for performing statistical tests on ring data presented in the manuscript. ##For specific independence tests, the data is provided in Supplemental Table 1 and the excel file Ring_Data_SEARCH. library(readxl) setwd("~[set path to file]") ##Statistical Tests on Averaged Values (by density cluster group) ##Friedman Test on difference between identified and known ring sites ring_matrix <- matrix(c(64, 57, 32, 86, 77, 60, 35, 27.5, 18, 33, 27, 215), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE) friedman.test(ring_matrix) SC_ring_matrix <- matrix(c(64, 57, 32, 35, 27.5, 18, 33, 27, 15), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE) friedman.test(SC_ring_matrix) ring_dist_matrix <- matrix(c(549.1037, 31.22222222, 24.33333333, 11, 2.555556, 691.5765, 41.9375, 32, 20.375, 2.750000, 749.6754, 39.94736842, 30.63157895, 19.15789474, 2.421053, 1394.4871, 43.85714286, 29.14285714, 16.14285714, 1.714286), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE) friedman.test(ring_dist_matrix) Arc_dist_matrix <- matrix(c(549.1037, 2.555556, 691.5765, 2.750000, 749.6754, 2.421053, 1394.4871, 1.714286), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE) wilcox.test(Arc_dist_matrix) shapiro.test(ring_group$DIST_M_mean) cor.test(ring_group$DIST_M_mean, ring_group$Arc_height_mean, method = c("kendall")) elev_dist_matrix <- matrix(c(549.1037, 7.855713, 691.5765, 4.252152, 749.6754, 2.972602, 1394.4871, 1.608039), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE) wilcox.test(elev_dist_matrix) vol_dist_matrix <- matrix(c(549.1037, 1314.157, 691.5765, 1756.283, 749.6754, 1813.906, 1394.4871, 1271.953), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE) wilcox.test(vol_dist_matrix) volrat_dist_matrix <- matrix(c(549.1037, 0.7731943, 691.5765, 0.5898152, 749.6754, 0.6419694, 1394.4871, 0.4314737), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE) wilcox.test(volrat_dist_matrix) ##Statistical tests on individual rings## rings <- read_excel("~[add path]/Ring_data_SEARCH.xls") #data used for analysis is found in supplemental table 1 wilcox.test(rings$MSH_DIST_M, rings$MAX_DIAM, alternative = "two.sided") wilcox.test(rings$MSH_DIST_M, rings$MIN_DIAM, alternative = "two.sided") wilcox.test(rings$MSH_DIST_M, rings$PLAZA_DIAM, alternative = "two.sided") wilcox.test(rings$MSH_DIST_M, rings$Arc_height, alternative = "two.sided") wilcox.test(rings$MSH_DIST_M, rings$VOL_M, alternative = "two.sided") wilcox.test(rings$MSH_DIST_M, rings$`VOL/AREA_M`, alternative = "two.sided") wilcox.test(rings$MSH_DIST_M, rings$SUIT_R1, alternative = "two.sided") wilcox.test(rings$DIST_M, rings$MAX_DIAM, alternative = "two.sided") wilcox.test(rings$DIST_M, rings$MIN_DIAM, alternative = "two.sided") wilcox.test(rings$DIST_M, rings$PLAZA_DIAM, alternative = "two.sided") wilcox.test(rings$DIST_M, rings$Arc_height, alternative = "two.sided") wilcox.test(rings$DIST_M, rings$VOL_M, alternative = "two.sided") wilcox.test(rings$DIST_M, rings$`VOL/AREA_M`, alternative = "two.sided")