cd "O:\Fixed vs Random\LATEST\for PSRM\sims" drop _all matrix drop _all scalar drop _all set matsize 11000 set seed 12345 *create matrix to store results mat A = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, /// 20,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,30,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,40,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,50,1,2,3,4, /// 5,6,7,8,9,60,1) mat colnames A = N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var /// REX1b REX2b REX3b REZ1b REZ2b REZ3b REconsb REX1v REX2v REX3v REZ1v REZ2v REZ3v REconsv /// REWBX1b REWBX2b REWBX3b REWBX3barjb REWBZ1b REWBZ2b REWBZ3b REWBconsb REWBX1v REWBX2v /// REWBX3v REWBX3barjv REWBZ1v REWBZ2v REWBZ3v REWBconsv /// FEX1b FEX2b FEX3b FEconsb FEX1v FEX2v FEX3v FEconsv /// FEVDuX1b FEVDuX2b FEVDuX3b FEVDuZ1b FEVDuZ2b FEVDuZ3b FEVDuetab FEVDuconsb FEVDuX1v /// FEVDuX2v FEVDuX3v FEVDuZ1v FEVDuZ2v FEVDuZ3v FEVDuetav FEVDuconsv /// corr *specify parameters forvalues N = 100/100 { //number of countries forvalues n = 20/20 { //number of observations per country forvalues Contextual = -1/0 { //Size of contextual effect associated with X1 //(ie, the difference between the within and the between effect) forvalues cor = -1/3 { //Correlation between Z2 and u local L2corr = `cor'/5 forvalues L2Var = 4/4 { //Variance of level 2 residuals forvalues L1Var = 3/3 { //Variance of level 1 residuals forvalues sims = 1/1000 { clear *Set number of countries set obs `N' *give ID for each country gen j = _n *specify the correlation between higher level variables and higher level residuals, /// *and generate them matrix C = (1,0,0,0,0 \ 0,1,0,0,0 \ 0,0,1,0,`L2corr' \ 0,0,0,1,0 \ 0,0,`L2corr',0,1) drawnorm Z1 Z2 Z3 X3barj u, means(0,0,0,0,0) sds(1,1,1,1,`L2Var') corr(C) *Set number of occasions for each country expand `n' sort j gen i = _n egen occasion = seq(),from(1) to(`n') *generate level 1 variance gen e = rnormal(0,`L1Var') *generate 'within' components of t-varying variables gen X3w = rnormal(0,1) gen X1 = rnormal(0,1) gen X2 = rnormal(0,1) *Combine within and between variables into one variable gen X3 = X3barj + X3w gen UwithXj = u + (`Contextual'*X3barj) corr X3 UwithXj mat corr = r(rho) *Generate Y gen Y = 1 + (0.5*X1) + (2*X2) - (1.5*X3) + (`Contextual'*X3barj) /// - (2.5*Z1) + (1.8*Z2) + (3*Z3) + u + e *set data as time-series tsset j occasion, yearly *Run the models saving beta estimates and SEs xtreg Y X1 X2 X3 Z1 Z2 Z3 mat REb = e(b) mat REvars = vecdiag(e(V)) xtreg Y X1 X2 X3w X3barj Z1 Z2 Z3 mat REwbb = e(b) mat REwbvars = vecdiag(e(V)) xtreg Y X1 X2 X3, fe mat FEb = e(b) mat FEvars = vecdiag(e(V)) xtfevd Y X1 X2 X3 Z1 Z2 Z3, invariant(Z1 Z2 Z3) mat FEVDub = e(b) mat FEVDuvars = vecdiag(e(V)) *Make matrix of results mat info = (`N',`n',`Contextual',`cor',`L2Var',`L1Var') mat A = (A \ info,REb,REvars,REwbb,REwbvars,FEb,FEvars,FEVDub,FEVDuvars,corr) } } } } } } } mat A = A[2...,.] clear svmat A, names(col) note: closing state `c(seed)' gen B1true = 0.5 gen B2true = 2 gen B3true = -1.5 gen B3Btrue = Contextual - 1.5 //Between = Contextual + Within gen B4true = -2.5 gen B5true = 1.8 gen B6true = 3 ***********Measures for X3/B3********************* *Bias gen BiasB3FE = (FEX3b / B3true) gen BiasB3RE = (REX3b / B3true) gen BiasB3REWB = (REWBX3b / B3true) gen BiasB3FEVDu = (FEVDuX3b / B3true) egen MBiasB3FE = mean(BiasB3FE), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen MBiasB3RE = mean(BiasB3RE), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen MBiasB3REWB = mean(BiasB3REWB), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen MBiasB3FEVDu = mean(BiasB3FEVDu), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) drop Bias* *RMSE gen SqErB3FE = (FEX3b - B3true)^2 gen SqErB3RE = (REX3b - B3true)^2 gen SqErB3REWB = (REWBX3b - B3true)^2 gen SqErB3FEVDu = (FEVDuX3b - B3true)^2 egen MSEB3FE = mean(SqErB3FE), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen MSEB3RE = mean(SqErB3RE), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen MSEB3REWB = mean(SqErB3REWB), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen MSEB3FEVDu = mean(SqErB3FEVDu), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) gen RMSEB3FE = sqrt(MSEB3FE) gen RMSEB3RE = sqrt(MSEB3RE) gen RMSEB3REWB = sqrt(MSEB3REWB) gen RMSEB3FEVDu = sqrt(MSEB3FEVDu) drop SqEr* MSE* ***********Measures for Z3/B6********************* *Bias gen BiasB6RE = (REZ3b / B6true) gen BiasB6REWB = (REWBZ3b / B6true) gen BiasB6FEVDu = (FEVDuZ3b / B6true) egen MBiasB6RE = mean(BiasB6RE), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen MBiasB6REWB = mean(BiasB6REWB), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen MBiasB6FEVDu = mean(BiasB6FEVDu), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) drop Bias* *RMSE gen SqErB6RE = (REZ3b - B6true)^2 gen SqErB6REWB = (REWBZ3b - B6true)^2 gen SqErB6FEVDu = (FEVDuZ3b - B6true)^2 egen MSEB6RE = mean(SqErB6RE), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen MSEB6REWB = mean(SqErB6REWB), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen MSEB6FEVDu = mean(SqErB6FEVDu), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) gen RMSEB6RE = sqrt(MSEB6RE) gen RMSEB6REWB = sqrt(MSEB6REWB) gen RMSEB6FEVDu = sqrt(MSEB6FEVDu) drop SqEr* MSE* ********Measures for X3barj************ *Bias gen BiasB3BREWB = (REWBX3barjb / B3Btrue) egen MBiasB3BREWB = mean(BiasB3BREWB), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) drop Bias* *RMSE gen SqErB3BREWB = (REWBX3barjb - B3Btrue)^2 egen MSEB3BREWB = mean(SqErB3BREWB), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) gen RMSEB3BREWB = sqrt(MSEB3BREWB) ****************Optimism********************* **************X3 egen MeanB3FE = mean(FEX3b), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen MeanB3RE = mean(REX3b), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen MeanB3REWB = mean(REWBX3b), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen MeanB3FEVDu = mean(FEVDuX3b), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) gen SqErB3FE = (FEX3b - MeanB3FE)^2 gen SqErB3RE = (REX3b - MeanB3RE)^2 gen SqErB3REWB = (REWBX3b - MeanB3REWB)^2 gen SqErB3FEVDu = (FEVDuX3b - MeanB3FEVDu)^2 egen TotSqErB3FE = total(SqErB3FE), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen TotSqErB3RE = total(SqErB3RE), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen TotSqErB3REWB = total(SqErB3REWB), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen TotSqErB3FEVDu = total(SqErB3FEVDu), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) gen OptTopB3FE = sqrt(TotSqErB3FE) gen OptTopB3RE = sqrt(TotSqErB3RE) gen OptTopB3REWB = sqrt(TotSqErB3REWB) gen OptTopB3FEVDu = sqrt(TotSqErB3FEVDu) drop Mean* SqEr* Tot* egen sumvarB3FE = total(FEX3v), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen sumvarB3RE = total(REX3v), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen sumvarB3REWB = total(REWBX3v), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen sumvarB3FEVDu = total(FEVDuX3v), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) gen OptBotB3FE = sqrt(sumvarB3FE) gen OptBotB3RE = sqrt(sumvarB3RE) gen OptBotB3REWB = sqrt(sumvarB3REWB) gen OptBotB3FEVDu = sqrt(sumvarB3FEVDu) gen optB3FE = OptTopB3FE / OptBotB3FE gen optB3RE = OptTopB3RE / OptBotB3RE gen optB3REWB = OptTopB3REWB / OptBotB3REWB gen optB3FEVDu = OptTopB3FEVDu / OptBotB3FEVDu drop sumvar* Opt* ********Z3 *Optimism egen MeanB6RE = mean(REZ3b), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen MeanB6REWB = mean(REWBZ3b), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen MeanB6FEVDu = mean(FEVDuZ3b), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) gen SqErB6RE = (REZ3b - MeanB6RE)^2 gen SqErB6REWB = (REWBZ3b - MeanB6REWB)^2 gen SqErB6FEVDu = (FEVDuZ3b - MeanB6FEVDu)^2 egen TotSqErB6RE = total(SqErB6RE), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen TotSqErB6REWB = total(SqErB6REWB), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen TotSqErB6FEVDu = total(SqErB6FEVDu), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) gen OptTopB6RE = sqrt(TotSqErB6RE) gen OptTopB6REWB = sqrt(TotSqErB6REWB) gen OptTopB6FEVDu = sqrt(TotSqErB6FEVDu) drop Mean* SqEr* Tot* egen sumvarB6RE = total(REZ3v), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen sumvarB6REWB = total(REWBZ3v), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) egen sumvarB6FEVDu = total(FEVDuZ3v), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) gen OptBotB6RE = sqrt(sumvarB6RE) gen OptBotB6REWB = sqrt(sumvarB6REWB) gen OptBotB6FEVDu = sqrt(sumvarB6FEVDu) gen optB6RE = OptTopB6RE / OptBotB6RE gen optB6REWB = OptTopB6REWB / OptBotB6REWB gen optB6FEVDu = OptTopB6FEVDu / OptBotB6FEVDu drop sumvar* Opt* ********B3b egen MeanB3bREWB = mean(REWBX3barjb), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) gen SqErB3bREWB = (REWBX3barjb - MeanB3bREWB)^2 egen TotSqErB3bREWB = total(SqErB3bREWB), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) gen OptTopB3bREWB = sqrt(TotSqErB3bREWB) drop Mean* SqEr* Tot* egen sumvarB3bREWB = total(REWBX3barjv), by(N n Contextual L2corX5 L2Var L1Var) gen OptBotB3bREWB = sqrt(sumvarB3bREWB) gen optB3bREWB = OptTopB3bREWB / OptBotB3bREWB drop sumvar* Opt* save simulations1, replace