BEGIN:VCARD X-LOTUS-CHARSET:UTF-8 VERSION:3.0 PRODID:-//Lotus Development Corporation//NONSGML Notes 8.5.2//EN_C FN:Sue Tuck/Journals/UK/cambridge N:Tuck;Sue;;; ADR;TYPE=WORK;TYPE=PREF :I am in the new office in UPH overlooking the football field and cass centre\, If you go along the main corridor which is after the canteen stairs and go as far as you can do a left then right.\n\, University Printing House\, Cambridge\, UK;;;;;; TEL;TYPE=WORK:44 1223 325946 EMAIL;TYPE=WORK;TYPE=PREF; ORG:Cambridge University Press;Journals - Production UK REV:20130806T131112Z END:VCARD