*2013 SSI National Survey use "C:\Users\morrisl\Dropbox\opinionpolicyimmig\rep1pop.dta", clear ********************* *STANDARD BACKGROUND DEMOGRAPHICS, ATTITUDES, ORIENTATIONS ********************* *****SEX***** gen female=1 if GEN==2 replace female=0 if GEN==1 *****INTEREST IN POLITICS***** *0 to 1 where 1 is high and dk is . gen interest=POLINT replace interest=. if POLINT==8 replace interest=(4-interest)/3 *dichot with dks, somewhat, and not at all counted as low interest (0) and quite or very counted as high (1) gen highinterest=1 if POLINT==1|POLINT==2 replace highinterest=0 if highinterest!=1 *****AGE***** gen age=AGE *****RACE***** gen white=1 if RACE=="White" replace white=0 if RACE!="White" gen black=1 if RACE=="African American" replace black=0 if black!=1 gen latino=1 if RACE=="Hispanic" replace latino=0 if latino!=1 gen asian=1 if RACE=="Asian" replace asian=0 if asian!=1 *****NATIVITY****** gen usborn=1 if BORNIN_1==1 replace usborn=0 if BORNIN_1==0 *****EDUCATION****** gen educ=3 if Education=="College degree"|Education=="Masters degree"|Education=="Doctorate, law or professi"|Education=="Completed some postgraduat" replace educ=2 if Education=="Completed some college" replace educ=1 if Education=="High school graduate"|Education=="Completed some high school" *****LIBCON******* *code so higher values (1) more conservative gen libcon=LIBCON/4 replace libcon=. if libcon>1 *****Party ID****** *more republican higher values (1) gen partyid=0 if STRONGDEM==0 replace partyid=1 if STRONGDEM==1 replace partyid=2 if INDLEAN==0 replace partyid=3 if INDLEAN==2|INDLEAN==3 replace partyid=4 if INDLEAN==1 replace partyid=5 if STRONGREP==1 replace partyid=6 if STRONGREP==0 replace partyid=partyid/6 ******************************* *****MOST IMPORTANT ISSUES***** ******************************* gen econrank=Q2_1 gen deficitrank=Q2_2 gen healthcarerank=Q2_3 gen middleeastrank=Q2_4 gen immigrank=Q2_5 gen terrorrank=Q2_6 gen defpriority=(6-deficitrank)/5 ************************ *****True American****** ************************ gen born=BORNIN/3 gen involved=INVOLVED/3 gen christian=CHRISTIAN/3 gen feel=FEEL/3 gen hardwork=HARDWORK/3 gen english=ENGLISH/3 gen respectlaws=INSTLAW/3 gen citz=CITIZ/3 gen euro=EURANCEST/3 egen civicscore=rmean(involved feel hardwork english respectlaws citz) egen civ_mean=mean(civicscore) egen civ_sd=sd(civicscore) gen civz=(civicscore-civ_mean)/civ_sd egen ethnicscore=rmean(born christian euro) egen eth_mean=mean(ethnicscore) egen eth_sd=sd(ethnicscore) gen ethz=(ethnicscore-eth_mean)/eth_sd gen ethcivdiff=ethnicscore-civicscore egen ethciv_mean=mean(ethcivdiff) egen ethciv_sd=sd(ethcivdiff) gen ethcivz=(ethcivdiff-ethciv_mean)/ethciv_sd ************************* *FEELING THERMOMETERS ************************* gen latinofeel=FTHISPANIC/100 gen blackfeel=FTBLACKS/100 gen whitefeel=FTWHITES/100 gen asianfeel=FTASIANS/100 egen minorityfeel=rmean(blackfeel latinofeel asianfeel) gen prejudice=whitefeel-minorityfeel if white==1 replace prejudice=blackfeel-whitefeel if black==1 replace prejudice=latinofeel-whitefeel if latino==1 replace prejudice=asianfeel-whitefeel if asian==1 ************************ *HUMANITARIANISM ************************ *code higher values (1) more humanitarian, lower (0) less humanitarian gen help=(4-LESSFORT)/4 gen concern=(4-WELLBEING)/4 gen needs=OTHERNEEDS/4 gen attention=ATTENTION/4 egen humanitarianism=rmean(help concern needs attention) ****************** *Level experiment ****************** *Guesses about proportions gen guesstotal=guessforskill+guessforfamily+guessforrefugee gen guessskillshare=guessforskill/guesstotal gen guessfamilyshare=guessforfamily/guesstotal gen guessrefugeeshare=guessforrefugee/guesstotal hist guessforskill hist guessforfamily hist guessforrefugee *Preferences about increase/decrease in each category w and w/out pie chart (Table 1) foreach var of varlist baseline skills family refugee{ replace `var' = `var'/4 } tab baseline tab family gotinfo tab skills gotinfo tab refugee gotinfo gen baselinenodk=baseline replace baselinenodk=. if baseline==2 gen familynodk=family replace familynodk=. if family==2 gen skillsnodk=skills replace skillsnodk=. if skills==2 gen refugeenodk=refugee replace refugeenodk=. if refugee==2 mean baselinenodk mean familynodk if gotinfo==0 mean familynodk if gotinfo==1 mean refugeenodk if gotinfo==0 mean refugeenodk if gotinfo==1 mean skillsnodk if gotinfo==0 mean skillsnodk if gotinfo==1 *Correlates of preferences in each category (Table 2) reg baselinenodk humanitarianism defpriority prejudice ethcivz interest partyid libcon age female educ black latino asian reg familynodk humanitarianism defpriority prejudice ethcivz interest partyid libcon age female educ black latino asian if gotinfo==0 reg refugeenodk humanitarianism defpriority prejudice ethcivz interest partyid libcon age female educ black latino asian if gotinfo==0 reg skillsnodk humanitarianism defpriority prejudice ethcivz interest partyid libcon age female educ black latino asian if gotinfo==0 clear *2015 IGS poll use "C:\Users\morrisl\Dropbox\opinionpolicyimmig\rep2pop.dta", clear gen partyid=1 if pid1==1 & strongdem==1 replace partyid=2 if pid1==1 & strongdem==2 replace partyid=3 if (pid1==3|pid1==4) & leaner==3 replace partyid=4 if (pid1==3|pid1==4) & leaner==2 replace partyid=5 if (pid1==3|pid1==4) & leaner==1 replace partyid=6 if pid1==2 & strongrep==2 replace partyid=7 if pid1==2 & strongrep==1 replace path=(7-path)/6 replace path=. if path>1|path<0 tab path tab homefirst tab wait5 tab hireillegals tab nolegalcriteria clear