library( lubridate ) library( dplyr ) library( car ) # _________________ PREPARE DATA _________________ # Load the csv containing LIWC output HRC <- read.csv( "HRC_LIWC_output.csv", head=T ) HRC.WC <- as.numeric( as.vector( HRC$WC )) # Set dates HRC$Date <- mdy( HRC$Date ) date <- HRC$Date year.all <- list( year( HRC$Date )) Year <- as.integer( unique( HRC$Year )) Month <- month( HRC$Date ) # _________________ SUBSET DATA FOR FEMININE & MASCULINE VARIABLES _________________ # Raw values HRC.subset <- subset( HRC, select = c( Date, Year, Transcript, WC, pronoun, i, verb, auxverb, social, posemo, negemo, cogmech, tentat, Sixltr, we, article, preps, anger, swear )) HRC.subset$WC <- as.numeric( HRC.subset$WC ) # Weighted mean HRC.wt <- sapply( split( HRC.subset, HRC.subset$Year ), function(x) apply(x[, 4:ncol( HRC.subset )], 2, weighted.mean, x$WC )) # weighted by word count HRC.wt <- t( HRC.wt ) # transpose matrix HRC.wt <- data.frame( Year,HRC.wt ) head( HRC.wt ) # _________________ BUILD RATIO _________________ # Ratio by year with raw data fem.all <- with( HRC.subset, data.frame( pronoun+ i + verb+auxverb +social + posemo+negemo + cogmech+tentat )) masc.all <- with( HRC.subset, data.frame( Sixltr + we+ article + preps + anger+swear )) ratio.all <- as.matrix( fem.all/masc.all ) ratio.all <- data.frame( HRC$Year, Month, ratio.all ) colnames( ratio.all ) <- c( "Year","Month", "Ratio" ) HRC.subset$Ratio <- ratio.all$Ratio # Check normality shapiro.test( ratio.all$Ratio ) # Non-normal # library( tseries ) # jarque.bera.test( ratio.all$Ratio )# Non-normal hist( ratio.all$Ratio ) scatterplot( ratio.all$Ratio~ ratio.all$Year, data=ratio.all, xlab="Year", ylab="Ratio feminine/masculine", main="Ratio of feminine/masculine words over time",xlim=c( 1992,2013 ), col="black" ) # Ratio by year using weighted average masc <- with( HRC.wt, data.frame( Sixltr + we+article + preps + anger+swear )) fem <- with( HRC.wt, data.frame( pronoun+ i + verb+auxverb+tentat+social + posemo+negemo + cogmech )) ratio <- as.matrix( fem/masc ) ratio <- data.frame( HRC.wt$Year, ratio ) colnames( ratio ) <- c( "Year","Ratio" ) HRC.wt$Ratio <- ratio$Ratio # Check normality hist( ratio$Ratio ) shapiro.test( ratio$Ratio ) # p = .31 Data are normal # jarque.bera.test( ratio$Ratio ) # p = 0.53 scatterplot( ratio$Ratio~ ratio$Year, data=ratio, xlab="Year", ylab="Feminine/Masculine Ratio", main="Ratio of feminine/masculine words over time", xlim=c( 1992,2013 ), col="black" ) # _________________ SUMMARY STATISTICS _________________ library( stargazer ) # Number of Documents & Word Count by Time Period/Year HRC$period <- HRC$Year HRC$period[HRC$period < 2000] <- "1992-99" HRC$period[HRC$period > 2000 & HRC$period < 2007] <- "2001-06" HRC$period[HRC$period == 2007 | HRC$period == 2008] <- "2007-08" HRC$period[HRC$period > 2008] <- "2009-13" period.n <- HRC[,2:ncol( HRC )]%>% group_by( period ) %>% summarise(N = n() ) period.n$N <- as.factor(period.n$N ) period.WC <- HRC[,2:ncol( HRC )]%>% group_by( period ) %>% summarise( WC = sum( WC ) ) period.WC$WC <- as.factor(period.WC$WC ) n.WC <-cbind( period.WC[,2], period.n[,2]) n.WC <- data.frame( t( n.WC ) ) # Weghted mean by Time Period/Year <--- Table 3 in publication HRC.wt$period <- HRC.wt$Year HRC.wt$period[HRC.wt$period < 2000] <- "1992-99" HRC.wt$period[HRC.wt$period > 2000 & HRC.wt$period < 2007] <- "2001-06" HRC.wt$period[HRC.wt$period == 2007 | HRC.wt$period == 2008] <- "2007-08" HRC.wt$period[HRC.wt$period > 2008] <- "2009-13" stat.sum <- HRC.wt[,2:ncol( HRC.wt )]%>% group_by( period ) %>% summarise_each(funs( mean ) ) stat.sum <- data.frame( t( stat.sum ) ) stat.sum <- rbind( stat.sum,n.WC ) stat.sum # Total Word Count, N T.n.WC <- data.frame( rbind( sum( HRC$WC ),nrow( HRC )), row.names = c( "Total WC", "Total No. Documents" )) T.n.WC # Add to supplementary material stargazer( HRC.subset[,4:ncol( HRC.subset )],digits = 2, type = "text",summary = TRUE,covariate.labels = c( "Word Count","Pronouns","First-person singular","Verbs","Auxiliary verbs","Social references","Positive emotion","Negative emotion","Cognitive mechanisms","Tentative words","Words >6 letters","First-person plural", "Articles", "Prepositions", "Anger words","Swear words", "Feminine/Masculine ratio" )) # _________________ PLOT F/M RATIO IN 2007-08 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN _________________ HRC.pc <- HRC.subset[which( HRC.subset$Year == 2007|HRC.subset$Year == 2008 ),] # Figure 3 in publication HRC.pc.plot <- ggplot( HRC.pc, aes( x = Date, y = Ratio, linetype=factor(Transcript ) ) )+ geom_point(aes( shape =factor( Transcript)),size = 3.8 )+ stat_smooth( method = "glm",span = .9, se = FALSE, colour = "gray35",alpha = .5 )+ scale_shape_manual(values = c( 16,5 ),name = "Transcript", labels = c( "Debate","Interview" ))+ scale_linetype_manual( values = c( 2,3 ),name = "",labels = c( " "," " ))+ scale_x_date( date_breaks = "2 months",date_labels = "%b-%y" )+ ylab('Feminine/Masculine ratio')+ xlab('Date')+ theme_bw()+ theme(axis.text = element_text(size=16, colour="black" ))+ theme(axis.line = element_line(colour="black"))+ theme(axis.title = element_text(size=18, colour="black", face="bold" ) )+ theme(axis.title.x = element_text(margin = margin( 10,0,0,0) ) )+ theme(axis.title.y = element_text(margin = margin( 0,10,0,0) ) )+ theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "gray100"))+ theme(panel.border = element_rect(fill = "NA"))+ # theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = "horizontal") + theme(legend.title = element_text(size=16, colour="black",face = "bold",margin = margin( 0,0,8,0) ), legend.key = element_blank( ), legend.text =element_text(size=14, colour="black" ), legend.margin = unit( 0,"cm" ), # legend.text.align = 0, legend.position = c(0.88, 0.92), = "horizontal", = "right" )+ # legend.background = element_rect(fill = "gray95"))+ theme(axis.ticks = element_blank( ), axis.line = element_line(colour="black" ))+ theme( panel.grid.major.y= element_line(colour = "gray90", linetype = "solid",size = .3), panel.grid.major.x=element_line(colour = "gray90", linetype = "solid",size = .3), panel.grid.minor.y=element_blank(), panel.grid.minor.x=element_blank() ) HRC.pc.plot # _________________ BUILD TIME SERIES _________________ library( tseries ) library(zoo) library( ggplot2 ) HRC.subset <- HRC.subset[-3] # drop transcript factor # _________________ Quarterly time series _________________ # Summarize all subsetted variables by Year-Quarter Date <- format.Date( as.yearqtr( HRC.subset$Date )) ts.zoo <- zoo( HRC.subset[,3:ncol( HRC.subset )], as.yearqtr( HRC.subset$Date ))# Error, but still creates zoo object ts.zoo <- aggregate( ts.zoo, identity, mean )# To fix error, aggregate by averaging duplicate dates within each quarter ts.zoo2 <- zooreg( c( 0:84 ), start=as.yearqtr( 1992,1 ), end=as.yearqtr( 2013,1 ), frequency=4 )# fill in missing quarters by merging with an empty series containing a complete set quarters ts.zoo <- merge( ts.zoo[0:75,], ts.zoo2 )# Full matrix including NAs ts.zoo <- na.approx( ts.zoo ) # interpolation for NA ts.zoo <- ts.zoo[,1:17] plot( ts.zoo[,3:11],plot.type = "single",col = 1:8 ) # plots ts.plot.fem <- autoplot.zoo( ts.zoo[,3:11] )+ scale_x_yearqtr( ) ts.plot.fem # ggplot panel plot for feminine vars ts.plot.masc <- autoplot.zoo( ts.zoo[,11:17] )+ scale_x_yearqtr( ) ts.plot.masc # ggplot panel plot for masculine vars Time <- time( ts.zoo ) ts.df <- ts( data.frame( Time, ts.zoo[,1:17], start=1992, frequency=4 ))# convert zoo object into a time series data frame. dates saved as $index but could also add Time to df # Summarize Ratio by Year-Quarter ts.zoo.rat <- zoo( HRC.subset$Ratio, as.yearqtr( HRC$Date ) ) # Error from duplicate dates. Still creates zoo object ts.zoo.rat <- aggregate( ts.zoo.rat, identity, mean ) # To fix error, aggregate by averaging duplicate dates within each quarter ts.zoo.rat2 <- zooreg( c( 0:84 ), start=as.yearqtr( 1992,1 ), end=as.yearqtr( 2013,1 ), frequency=4 ) # fill in missing quarters by merging with an empty series containing a complete set quarters ts.zoo.rat <- merge( ts.zoo.rat[0:75,],ts.zoo.rat2 ) # Full matrix including NAs ts.zoo.rat <- na.spline( ts.zoo.rat )#spline interpolation for NAs colnames( ts.zoo.rat ) <- c( "Ratio", "zoo.rat2" ) ts.zoo.rat <- ts.zoo.rat[,1] # plot ts.ratio.plot <- autoplot.zoo( ts.zoo.rat )+ scale_x_yearqtr( n=10 ) ts.ratio.plot ts.df.rat <- fortify.zoo( ts.zoo.rat,melt = TRUE ) # convert zoo object into a data frame ts.df.rat <- as.ts( ts.df.rat ) # make ts colnames( ts.df.rat ) <- c( "Year","Series","Ratio" ) # _________________ Yearly time series _________________ # Summarize all subsetted (ratio) variables by Year and format as time series Year <- year( HRC$Date ) ts.zoo.yr <- zoo( HRC.subset[,3:ncol( HRC.subset )], Year ) ts.zoo.yr <- aggregate( ts.zoo.yr, identity, mean ) ts.zoo2.yr <- zooreg( c( 0:21 ), start=1992, end=2013, frequency=1 ) ts.zoo.yr <- merge( ts.zoo.yr[0:22,], ts.zoo2.yr ) ts.zoo.yr <- ts.zoo.yr[,1:17] # plot ts.yr.plot <- autoplot.zoo( ts.zoo.yr )+ geom_line( color="grey55" )+scale_x_continuous( breaks=c( 1992,1994,1996,1998,2000,2002,2004,2006,2008,2010,2012 )) ts.yr.plot ts.df.yr <- fortify.zoo( ts.zoo.yr,melt = FALSE ) ts.df.yr <- as.ts( ts.df.yr ) # Summarize F/M Ratio by Year and format as time series Year <- year( HRC$Date ) ts.zoo.yr.rat <- zoo( HRC.subset$Ratio, Year ) ts.zoo.yr.rat <- aggregate( ts.zoo.yr.rat, identity, mean ) ts.zoo2.yr.rat <- zooreg( c( 0:21 ), start=1992, end=2013, frequency=1 ) ts.zoo.yr.rat <- merge( ts.zoo.yr.rat[0:22,], ts.zoo2.yr.rat ) ts.zoo.yr.rat <- ts.zoo.yr.rat[,1] # plot ts.ratio.yr.rat.plot <- autoplot.zoo( ts.zoo.yr.rat )+ geom_line( color="grey55" )+scale_x_continuous( breaks=c( 1992,1994,1996,1998,2000,2002,2004,2006,2008,2010,2012 ) ) ts.ratio.yr.rat.plot ts.df.yr.rat <- fortify.zoo( ts.zoo.yr.rat,melt = TRUE ) ts.df.yr.rat <- as.ts( ts.df.yr.rat ) colnames( ts.df.yr.rat ) <- c( "Year","Series","Ratio" ) # _________________ GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS _________________ # ALL ( multivariate ) based on quarterly time series <- -- Table 2 Full model in publication lm.ts <- glm( Time ~ pronoun+ i + verb+auxverb+social + posemo+negemo + cogmech+tentat +Sixltr + we+ article + preps + anger+swear,data = ts.df ) summary( lm.ts ) durbinWatsonTest( lm.ts, max.lag = 6 ) jarque.bera.test( resid( lm.ts )) anova( lm.ts ) # RATIO based on yearly time series <- -- Table 2 Ratio model in publication lm.ts.rat.yr <- glm( Year~ Ratio, data=ts.df.yr.rat ) summary( lm.ts.rat.yr ) durbinWatsonTest( lm.ts.rat.yr, max.lag = 6 ) acf( ts.df.yr.rat ) # TABLE 2 stargazer( lm.ts,lm.ts.rat.yr, type = "text", style = "ajps", column.labels= c("Full model", "Ratio model" ), dep.var.labels.include = FALSE, out = "HRC_reg_model.txt", intercept.bottom = FALSE, notes = c( "Full model based on quarterly time series; ratio model based on yearly time series." ), notes.append = TRUE, model.numbers = FALSE, star.cutoffs = c( .1,.05,.01,.001 ), digits = 2, covariate.labels = c("Intercept", "Pronouns","First-person singular","Verbs","Auxiliary verbs","Social references","Positive emotion","Negative emotion","Cognitive mechanisms","Tentative words","Words > 6 letters","First-person plural", "Articles", "Prepositions", "Anger words","Swear words", "Feminine/Masculine ratio" )) # _________________ FORMAT RATIO GRAPH _________________ library( ggthemes ) ts.ratio.yr.rat.plot <- autoplot.zoo( ts.zoo.yr.rat )+ geom_line( color="black", size = 1 )+ scale_x_continuous( breaks=c( 1992,1994,1996,1998,2000,2002,2004,2006,2008,2010,2012 ))+ scale_y_continuous( limits=c( 1.5,3 )) + ylab('Feminine/Masculine ratio') + xlab('Year')+ theme_few()+ theme(axis.text = element_text( size=16, colour="black" ))+ theme(axis.line = element_line( colour="black" ))+ theme(axis.title = element_text( size=18, colour="black", face="bold" ))+ theme(panel.background = element_rect( fill = "gray100"))+ theme(panel.border = element_rect( fill = "NA" ))+ stat_smooth( method="glm",color="grey70", fill="grey92", size=.9 )+ annotate( "linerange", x = c(1992,1996,2000,2006,2008), ymin = 1.5, ymax = 3, colour = "grey70", size = .9, linetype = 3 )+ theme(axis.title.x = element_text(margin = margin( 10,0,0,0 )))+ theme(axis.title.y = element_text(margin = margin( 0,10,0,0 )))+ theme(panel.border = element_rect(fill = "NA"))+ theme(axis.ticks = element_blank( ), axis.line = element_line(colour="black" )) ts.ratio.yr.rat.plot # _________________ COLORED GRAPHS _________________ # Yearly ggcolor.ratio.yr <- autoplot.zoo( ts.zoo.yr.rat )+ geom_line( color="black", size = 1 )+ scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(1992,1994,1996,1998,2000,2002,2004,2006,2008,2010,2012))+ scale_y_continuous(limits=c(1.5,3)) + ylab('Feminine/Masculine ratio') + xlab('Year')+ theme_few()+ theme(axis.text = element_text(size=16, colour="black"))+ theme(axis.line = element_line(colour="black"))+ theme(axis.title = element_text(size=18, colour="black", face="bold"))+ theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "gray100"))+ theme(panel.border = element_rect(fill = "NA"))+ stat_smooth(method="glm",color="dodgerblue", fill="gray85", size=.9)+ annotate("linerange", x = c(1992,1996,2000,2006,2008), ymin = 1.5, ymax = 3, colour = "grey70", size = .9, linetype = 3)+ theme(axis.title.x = element_text(margin = margin( 10,0,0,0)))+ theme(axis.title.y = element_text(margin = margin( 0,10,0,0)))+ theme(panel.border = element_rect(fill = "NA"))+ theme(axis.ticks = element_blank( ), axis.line = element_line(colour="black" )) ggcolor.ratio.yr # Quarterly ( more noise ) ggcolor.ratio.qtr<-autoplot.zoo(ts.zoo.rat)+ geom_line(color="black", size = 1)+ scale_x_yearqtr(n=10)+ scale_y_continuous(limits=c(1.5,3.3)) + ylab('Feminine/Masculine ratio') + xlab('Year-Quarter')+ theme_few()+ theme(axis.text = element_text(size=16, colour="black"))+ theme(axis.line = element_line(colour="black"))+ theme(axis.title = element_text(size=18, colour="black", face="bold"))+ theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "gray100"))+ theme(panel.border = element_rect(fill = "NA"))+ stat_smooth(method="glm",color="dodgerblue", fill="gray85", size=.9)+ annotate("linerange", x = c(1992,1996,2000,2006,2008), ymin = 1.5, ymax = 3.3, colour = "grey70", size = .9, linetype = 3)+ theme(axis.title.x = element_text(margin = margin( 10,0,0,0) ) )+ theme(axis.title.y = element_text(margin = margin( 0,10,0,0) ) )+ theme(panel.border = element_rect(fill = "NA"))+ theme(axis.ticks = element_blank( ), axis.line = element_line(colour="black" )) ggcolor.ratio.qtr