TRANSVERSAL: A MAPLE PACKAGE FOR SINGULARITY THEORY. Versions 3.1 and 3.2 =================================================== Calculations which arise in local singularity theory lend themselves naturally to symbolic algebra methods. Transversal is a package which uses such methods to deal with problems in the classification and unfolding theory of smooth map-germs. It consists of a collection of procedures which run under the symbolic algebra system Maple. The package is available to subscribers to the London Mathematical Society, Journal of Computational Mathematics, as an add-on link to the article: Computational Aspects of Classifying Singularities, Neil P. Kirk, LMS J. Comp. Math., 2000. This is the first published account of material discussing the package, and the only published account of this article. The package is also available on the internet; see the AVAILABILITY section below. RESOURCES Transversal is a library of Maple routines. It runs under Maple V and is presently available in two versions due to compatibility problems with different releases of Maple. Transversal 3.1 - runs under Maple V Release 3 and Release 4. Transversal 3.2 - runs under Maple V Release 5. Other than compatibility issues, there are no major differences between the two versions of Transversal. The package should run on most platforms, though the majority of development has been carried out using the Unix version of Maple. In particular, a simple Unix shell script is provided which installs Transversal as a Maple library (available using the "with" command). However, for portability reasons the whole package is provided as a set of ASCII files, not as Maple ".m" files which are machine dependent. Thus, it should be possible to run the package on any platform which supports Maple by issuing several (in fact a lot of!) "read" statements from within the Maple session. AVAILABILITY The Transversal package is available via ftp from the Liverpool University Department of Mathematics ftp server. For latest information refer to the Web page for details. Either open the Pure Mathematics Research Division home page: or and navigate to the Singularity Theory Group page, or try the direct link: The package is also available to subscribers to the London Mathematical Society, Journal of Computational Mathematics, as an add-on link to the article: Computational Aspects of Classifying Singularities, Neil P. Kirk, LMS J. Comp. Math., 2000. The files transversal_31.tar and transversal_32.tar contain the two versions of the package in tar format. (These can be downloaded either via a Web browser or via anonymous ftp. In the latter case switch ftp transfer to BINARY (bin) mode before transferring the files.) On Unix the tar file may be unpacked via the command tar xvf transversal_31.tar On Windows it may be unpacked using a suitable archive utility (for example, WinZip, Note that whatever utility you use it must recognise the tar format and be capable of unpacking the tar file into the original directory structure. In addition, many of the filenames used in the package do not conform to the older DOS 8.3 naming limitations. It is preferable to use an archive program that unpacks the files using their actual filenames as opposed to shortening them to conform to the 8.3 conventions. See your local administrator for details of your particular system. Note that the files will be extracted and PUT IN YOUR CURRENT WORKING DIRECTORY. Thus, you may prefer to create an appropriate subdirectory (such as transversal_31 or TRANS_31) and change to that before extracting the tar file (see also the installation notes below). For usage and copying restrictions see the copyright file. CONTENTS On unpacking the tar file the following will be created in your current directory. COPYRIGHT copyright notice. DOC directory containing documentation for the package. README this file. installtrans Unix shell script to install Transversal as a Maple library. loadtr Maple file (ASCII text) which loads the Transversal package by reading in the files containing the Maple procedures. This provides a means of using the package on most platforms. loadtrW as loadtr but for the package Transversal_W. transversal.maple Maple file (ASCII text) containing the tables which define the Transversal package(s) as a library (required by the Maple command "with"). transversal_lib directory containing Maple files (ASCII text) defining the actual procedures which make up the Transversal package(s). Note: only Transversal and Transversal_W are available in the present release. The other extensions (Transversal_M and Transversal_L) will be available in a later release. INSTALLATION There are two methods of installation. Method 1) is neater and installs Transversal as a Maple library which may be called up from any Maple session via the "with" command; it mainly applies to Maple on Unix platforms and is the recommended method in this case. Method 2) involves the brute force "read all files in" technique. This is simpler and can be used on other platforms where method 1) has not been developed yet (for example on a PC or Mac) or by anyone unfamiliar with Maple libraries who has problems with method 1). Method 2), which is provided for portability reasons, will be slightly slower than the technique used in method 1), the latter loading versions of the files which have been stored in Maple internal ".m" format. Note that whichever platform you are using you will still need to obtain the package via ftp and untar the resulting files. This is described below for Unix but may be achieved on other systems via several available programs; ask your local administrator for the relevant details. The details below refer to version 3.1; version 3.2 is dealt with similarly. Method 1) These installation notes apply to Unix machines running Maple V. The installation script requires the standard "commandline Maple" command to be present in order to run. It should be possible to rewrite the (very simple) shell installation script to run on other platforms, but in practice problems may arise for several reasons. For example, the commandline Maple command may not be available or problems may arise with regard to the limit to the number of characters allowed in a file name in DOS. Method 2) is suggested for non-Unix platforms unless you are confident you can translate method 1). The following describes complete installation instructions and includes how to unpack the tar file in a suitable installation directory. The symbol % denotes the Unix prompt and the example refers to the user "person" having home directory /usr/people/person You should substitute these accordingly. Firstly choose a suitable directory to install your personal Maple libraries (or even in the Maple directory tree if you have administration access). A good choice would be ~/maple/lib/transversal_31 in your home directory. Note: if this directory already exists its contents may be overwritten so rename the directory and create a new one accordingly. The directory ~/maple/lib would be your general directory for storing Maple libraries. % cd # ensure you are in your home directory % mkdir maple % cd maple % mkdir lib % cd lib % mkdir transversal_31 % cd transversal_31 Now copy the tar file transversal_31.tar into this directory and untar it ... % tar xvf transversal_31.tar All the relevant files and directories (installation files, documentation, etc.) will then be placed in this directory. The actual Transversal source code is written to the subdirectory transversal_lib created during the untaring process. The package can now be installed by executing the shell script "installtrans" ... % sh installtrans This firstly uses the data in the file transversal.maple to build the corresponding files transversal.m and transversal_W.m which store tables defining the Transversal libraries (these are used by the Maple command "with" when loading the library). It then creates ".m" versions of the ASCII files containing the actual Transversal source code in ~/maple/lib/transversal_31/ transversal_lib. Note that such ".m" files are machine dependent and this installation procedure must therefore be repeated if Transversal is to be installed as a library on a different version of Unix: you cannot just copy across the files. Next, the pathname of the library directory needs to given to Maple (use the full pathname and avoid ~). The Maple variable _translib is used to store the pathname and this must also be added to the Maple list variable libname as follows. Change to your home directory and edit (or create) the (hidden) Maple initialisation file .mapleinit . The commands in this file are executed by default at the beginning of every Maple session. A line similar to the following should be added to the file. The full pathname of your home directory should be substituted for /usr/people/person (and similarly if you chose to install the library in a different place to the suggested maple/lib/ transversal_31 directory). _translib := `/usr/people/person/maple/lib/transversal_31`: libname := libname,_translib: Do *NOT* forget to "backquote" the full pathname so that Maple treats it as a single name. Since the lines are terminated with a colon Maple will not display the result as it executes them. The Transversal or Transversal_W libraries may now be loaded by issuing the command: with(transversal); or with(transversal_W); from within any Maple session. Note: the remaining files and directories (such as DOC or README) may be moved to a different location, but the ".m" files which define the libraries and the directory transversal_lib which contains the library procedures as ".m" files must remain in the chosen Maple directory /usr/people/person/maple/lib/transversal_31. Method 2) Firstly unpack the Transversal tar file. This is described in detail for Unix machines under method 1); for other platforms plenty of software exists in order to do this. On Windows platforms it is preferable to use an archive program such as WinZip ( that unpacks the files using their actual, non truncated, filenames. In what follows it is assumed that Transversal is unpacked into one of the following directories. These are typical directory names one may choose on a Unix machine or a PC (the Unix case refers to the user "person" having home directory /usr/people/person). You should substitute this directory path for the one you chose when installing Transversal, as necessary. Likewise the appropriate changes should be made if carrying out this procedure on a platform different to a Unix machine or PC. Unix: /usr/people/person/maple/lib/transversal_31 PC: C:\MAPLE\LIB\TRANSVERSAL_31 or (say) C:\MAPLE\LIB\TRANS_31 Initiate a Maple session and then define the Maple variable _translib, which is used to store the pathname of the Transversal library directory, by issuing one of the following Maple commands (suitably modified to suit your directory path). In both cases do *NOT* forget to "backquote" the full pathname so that Maple treats it as a single name. Unix: _translib := `/usr/people/person/maple/lib/transversal_31`; Note: use the full Unix pathname and avoid ~. PC: _translib := `c:/maple/lib/trans_31`; Note: use a forward slash / between directories, even though a backslash is used in DOS pathnames. The use of capital letters is not necessary. This command must be typed at the start of every Maple session in which you wish to use Transversal. Alternatively, the command may be included in your Maple initialisation file so that it is executed by default at the beginning of every Maple session. For example, on Unix, this is the (hidden) file .mapleinit in your home directory. Next, to load Transversal instruct Maple to read the file loadtr (or loadtrW for Transversal_W) ... read loadtr; This file contains the relevant Maple commands to read in all of the files which make up the Transversal library. Note: the commands in the file loadtr find where the Transversal files live through the variable _translib. Possible Problems: 1) Maple may be unable to find the file loadtr and thus return a read error. The simplest solution is to change to the directory where you installed Transversal and then run Maple from there, if possible. For example on Unix: % cd ~/maple/lib/transversal_31 Maple will then (correctly) look for loadtr in this directory when you issue the read command. If all else fails you can issue the read command giving the full pathname, thus: Unix: read `/usr/people/person/maple/lib/transversal_31/loadtr`; PC: read `c:/maple/lib/trans_31/loadtr`; 2) Maple is unable to complete the read statements present in the file loadtr (this will result in numerous error messages being output). The most likely reason for these errors is that the operating system you are using imposes DOS limits on the number of characters allowed in a file name and its extension, or the archive program unpacked the tar file and adopted such limits. In the latter case the preferred solution is to use an archive program that does not impose the DOS 8.3 naming limitations. Alternatively, the solution is for the user to edit the read statements within the file loadtr so that the directory names and file names match those used by your operating system. For example, suppose you rename the Transversal directory transversal_lib as tran_lib (the former directory is created by unpacking the tar file and contains the Maple source code) and, in addition, the file jetcalc.maple in transversal_lib/Standard is shortened to then in loadtr change the line read cat(_translib,`/transversal_lib/Standard/jetcalc.maple`): to read cat(_translib,`/tran_lib/Standard/`): And similarly for the other read statements. DOCUMENTATION The directory DOC contains a copy of the Transversal User Manual in PostScript and LaTeX2e formats. The PostScript version was prepared for A4 paper. If this is unsuitable then try editing and recompiling the LaTeX file: the A4 page settings are clearly marked at the start of the document so it should be clear what to change (though you may have to edit the LaTeX code slightly to eliminate any serious overfull boxes and the like). Note that the manual was prepared for double-sided printing, for example, chapters ending on a right-hand-side, odd-numbered page are immediately followed by a blank, left-hand-side page. A tutorial and reference guide are also available - these are included as part of the user manual. The manual was written for Transversal 3.1. It has not been updated for version 3.2 but, other than being slightly out of date with regard to the sections on background and history, should be equally applicable. COPYRIGHT, DISCLAIMERS, CONTACT INFO, ETC. Transversal, and its documentation, is Copyright (c) 2000 by Neil P. Kirk; see the separate copyright notice for details of use and copying. If you use this software in your work I request that you give a suitable acknowledgement in any publication or presentation. Although this software has been extensively tested the standard ``disclaimers'' apply. There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for the software, it is provided solely "as is". All comments and suggestions are welcome and may be sent to me at the following address. Bug reports and fixes may be sent to this address too. Dr. N.P. Kirk, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool, P.O. Box 147, Liverpool, L69 3BX. England. Email: -------------------- Neil Kirk June 2000