Explanation of appendices to "A Lot More to Do: The Sensiitivity of Time-Series Cross-Section Analyses to Simple Alternative Specifications" by Wilson and Butler in Political Analysis 2007. Appendix A: Data about attention to issues of unit heterogeneity and dynamic specification in political science articles using TSCS data. This data was used to construct Table 1 in the paper. Appendix B-1: For the eight studies used in the robustness analyses (see Table 2 and Section 3.2), this appendix compares the coefficient from the regression reported in the original paper to the coefficient for the model including fixed effects for the independent variable(s) that were identified as key in the initial studies. The results were used to construct Table 3 in the paper. More details about the data in this appendix are given at the top of the document. Appendix B-2: For the eight studies used in the robustness analyses (see Table 2 and Section 3.2), this appendix compares the coefficients, across six different dynamic specifications, for the key independent variable(s) in the studies. The results were used to construct Table 4 in the paper. More details about the data in this appendix are given at the top of the document. Appendix C-1: Provides the same information as Appendix B-1 for all the independent variables and not just the key independent variable(s) in the eight studies. Appendix C-2: Provides the same information as Appendix B-2 for all the independent variables and not just the key independent variable(s) in the eight studies.