bsc <- function (counts, surveyed, order = T, R = 10000) { library(boot) if (length(counts) != length(surveyed)) {stop ("Vectors must be of equal length.") } binom <- unlist(mapply(c, lapply(counts, function(x) rep(1, x)), lapply(surveyed - counts, function(x) rep(0, x)),SIMPLIFY=F) ) snumb <- paste("s", 1:length(surveyed), sep="") ident <- rep(snumb, surveyed) scsample <- data.frame(binom,ident) if (order == TRUE) {n <- factorial(length(counts))} if (order == FALSE) {n <- 1} bsc <- function(x, id) { sc1 <- tapply(x[id,1], x[id,2], mean) sc <- prod(sc1) / n return(sc) } boot.scsample <- boot(scsample, statistic = bsc, R, strata = scsample[, 2] ) return(boot.scsample) } bsc2 <- function(bsc.alt1a, bsc.alt2a, order = T, R = 10000){ library(boot) bsc.alt1 <- bsc.alt1a$data bsc.alt2 <- bsc.alt2a$data bsc.alt1$scid <- "first" bsc.alt2$scid <- "second" bsc.diff.df <- rbind(bsc.alt1,bsc.alt2) bsc.diff.df$comb <- as.factor(paste(bsc.diff.df$scid,bsc.diff.df$ident, sep = "")) bsc.diff.df$scid <- NULL bsc.diff.df$ident <- NULL if (order == TRUE) { n1 <- factorial(length(unique(bsc.alt1$ident))) n2 <- factorial(length(unique(bsc.alt2$ident)))} if (order == FALSE) { n1 <- 1 n2 <- 1} l <- length(unique(bsc.alt1$ident)) m <- length(unique(bsc.alt2$ident)) bsc.diff <- function(x, id) { sc1 <- tapply(x[id,1], x[id,2], mean) sca <- (prod(sc1[1:l]) / n1) scb <- (prod(sc1[(l+1):(l+m)]) / n2) sc <- sca - scb return(sc) } boot.diff <- boot(bsc.diff.df, statistic = bsc.diff, R, strata = bsc.diff.df[, 2] ) return(boot.diff) } summary.bsc <- function (bsc.alt) { <-, type="bca") title <- "BOOTSTRAPPING SOUND CHANGES" prob <- paste("Estimated P =", round(bsc.alt$t0*100, digits = 5), "%") bca <- paste("Estimated 95 % BCa CI = [", round($bca[4]*100, digits = 4),"%,", round($bca[5]*100, digits = 4),"%]") #rnsc <- paste(pasteR,, countsp, surveyed, sep = "\n") probbca <- paste(prob, bca, sep = "\n") cat(title, probbca, sep = "\n\n") } summary.bsc2 <- function (bsc2.alt) { <-, type="bca") title <- "BOOTSTRAPPING SOUND CHANGES - COMPARE" prob <- paste("Estimated",expression(Delta), "P =", round(bsc2.alt$t0*100, digits = 5), "%") bca <- paste("Estimated 95 % BCa CI = [", round($bca[4]*100, digits = 4),"%,", round($bca[5]*100, digits = 4),"%]") if ($bca[4] > 0 &$bca[5] > 0) { sig <- "P(A1) is significantly higher than P(A2)." } else if ($bca[4] < 0 &$bca[5] < 0) { sig <- "P(A1) is significantly lower than P(A2)." } else { sig <- "P(A1) and P(A2) are not significantly different." } probbca <- paste(prob, bca, sep = "\n") cat(title, probbca,sig, sep = "\n\n") }