findit estpost findit frmttable cd "/Users/cbrandt/Dropbox/NHRI Katerina Caroline/NHRI replication notes - Jan 11 2016" use "Linos_data_for_IO.dta", clear *Table 1 *First column corresponds with column 1 in Table 1 table Feature post1992, contents(mean F) *Respondant mean and standard deviation can be found calculated in the survey.csv file. *Table 2 *Each regression corresponds with a different model in Table 2 xtset id xtlogit F strongrec weakrec earlier1987n controversyn prevalencebefore if post1992==2, fe xtlogit F strongrec weakrec earlier1987n controversyn prevalencebefore important difficulty if post1992==2, fe logit F strongrec weakrec earlier1987n controversyn prevalencebefore important difficulty polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if post1992==2, robust cluster (country) logit F strongrec weakrec earlier1987n controversyn prevalencebefore important difficulty polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if post1992==2 & democracy==2, robust cluster (country) logit F strongrec weakrec earlier1987n controversyn prevalencebefore important difficulty polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if post1992==2 & democracy==1, robust cluster (country) *Table 3 *Each regression corresponds with a different model in Table 3 logit F post1992##reccat, robust cluster(country) logit F post1992##reccat polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc , robust cluster(country) logit F post1992##reccat polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if democracy==2, robust cluster(country) logit F post1992##reccat polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if democracy==1, robust cluster(country) *Figure 1 logit F i.reccat earlier1987n controversyn prevalencebefore important difficulty polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if post1992==2, robust cluster (country) margins, at( reccat=(1(1)3)) marginsplot, recast(dot) ytitle(Pr(Feature Adopted)) yscale(range(0 1)) ylabel(0(0.1)1) xtitle("") xscale(range(1 3)) title(After Paris - All Countries) graph save Graph "figure1.gph", replace *Figure 2 *Code generates the figure for democracies, then a separate figure for autocracies logit F i.reccat earlier1987n controversyn prevalencebefore important difficulty polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if post1992==2 & democracy==2, robust cluster (country) margins, at( reccat=(1(1)3)) marginsplot, recast(dot) ytitle(Pr(Feature Adopted)) yscale(range(0 1)) ylabel(0(0.1)1) xtitle("") xscale(range(1 3)) title(After Paris - Democracies) graph save Graph "figure2A.gph", replace logit F i.reccat earlier1987n controversyn prevalencebefore important difficulty polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if post1992==2 & democracy==1, robust cluster (country) margins, at( reccat=(1(1)3)) marginsplot, recast(dot) ytitle(Pr(Feature Adopted)) yscale(range(0 1)) ylabel(0(0.1)1) xtitle("") xscale(range(1 3)) title(After Paris - Autocracies) graph save Graph "figure2B.gph", replace *Figure 3 logit F post1992##reccat polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc , robust cluster(country) margins, dydx(post1992) at( reccat=(1(1)3)) marginsplot, xdimension( at(reccat)) horizontal recast(scatter) scheme(lean1) title("") ytitle("") xline (0, lpattern (dash)) xtitle ("Democracies") ylabel(,alt) xscale(range(-0.4 0.4)) xlabel(-0.4(0.1)0.4) legend(off) graph save Graph "figure3.gph", replace *Figure 4 *Code generates the figure for democracies, then a separate figure for autocracies logit F post1992##reccat polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if democracy==2, robust cluster(country) margins, dydx(post1992) at( reccat=(1(1)3)) marginsplot, xdimension( at(reccat)) horizontal recast(scatter) scheme(lean1) title("") ytitle("") xline (0, lpattern (dash)) xtitle ("Democracies") ylabel(,alt) xscale(range(-0.4 0.4)) xlabel(-0.4(0.1)0.4) legend(off) graph save Graph "figure4A.gph", replace logit F post1992##reccat polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if democracy==1, robust cluster(country) margins, dydx(post1992) at( reccat=(1(1)3)) marginsplot, xdimension( at(reccat)) horizontal recast(scatter) scheme(lean1) title("") ytitle("") xline (0, lpattern (dash)) xtitle ("Authoritarian States") ylabel(,alt) xscale(range(-0.4 0.4)) xlabel(-0.4(0.1)0.4) legend(off) graph save Graph "figure4B.gph", replace *Table A1 des GDPpcc2005 polity2compplus physintcompplus cl tabstat GDPpcc2005 polity2compplus physintcompplus cl if id!=205, statistics (mean) by (post1992) columns (variables) ttest GDPpcc2005 if id!=205, by(post1992) ttest polity2compplus if id!=205, by(post1992) ttest physintcompplus if id!=205, by(post1992) ttest cl if id!=205, by(post1992) *Table A2 *Table A2 - Columns 1, 2 and 3 mat T = J(44,5,.) matrix rownames T = "Broad Mandate" "" "Constitution or Legislative" "" "Investigate" "" "Civil Society" "" "Harmonize" "" "Education" "" "Advise on Leg" "" "Engage IO" "" "No Gov Rep" "" "Not Desig Exec" "" "Term Limits" "" "Possibility of Reppointment" "" "Indiv Complaint" "" "Enforcement" "" "Refer" "" "Subpoena" "" "Annual Report" "" "Immunity" "" "Dismissal wo Cause" "" "Amicus" "" "Prisons" "" "Single Head" "" prtest F if Feature==1 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==2 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==3 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==4 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==5 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==6 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==7 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==8 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==9 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==10 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==11 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==12 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==13 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==14 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==15 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==16 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==17 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==18 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==19 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==20 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==21 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) prtest F if Feature==22 & country!="Palestinian territories", by (post1992) *Table A2 - Column 4 *The first 2 rows of this excel matches up with column 4 of Table A2 forval i = 1/22 { quietly reg F post1992 polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if Feature == `i' outreg2 using tableA2B.xls, append dec(2) lab ct (Model `i') } *Table A2 - Column 5 *The first 2 rows of this excel matches up with column 5 of Table A2 forval i = 1/22 { quietly reg F post1992 polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if democracy==2 & Feature == `i' outreg2 using tableA2C.xls, append dec(2) lab ct (Model `i') } *Table A2 - Column 6 *The first 2 rows of this excel matches up with column 6 forval i = 1/22 { quietly reg F post1992 polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if democracy==1 & Feature == `i' outreg2 using tableA2D.xls, append dec(2) lab ct (Model `i') } *Table A3 xtset id xtlogit F strongrec weakrec earlier1987n controversyn prevalencebefore if post1992==1 & Feature~=13 & Feature~=14 & Feature~=16, fe xtlogit F strongrec weakrec earlier1987n controversyn prevalencebefore important difficulty if post1992==1 & Feature~=13 & Feature~=14 & Feature~=16, fe logit F strongrec weakrec earlier1987n controversyn prevalencebefore important difficulty polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if post1992==1 & Feature~=13 & Feature~=14 & Feature~=16, robust cluster (country) logit F strongrec weakrec earlier1987n controversyn prevalencebefore important difficulty polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if post1992==1 & democracy==2 & Feature~=13 & Feature~=14 & Feature~=16, robust cluster (country) logit F strongrec weakrec earlier1987n controversyn prevalencebefore important difficulty polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if post1992==1 & democracy==1 & Feature~=13 & Feature~=14 & Feature~=16, robust cluster (country) *Table A4 logit F post1992##reccat if Feature~=13 & Feature~=14 & Feature~=16 , robust cluster(country) logit F post1992##reccat polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if Feature~=13 & Feature~=14 & Feature~=16, robust cluster(country) logit F post1992##reccat polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if democracy==2 & Feature~=13 & Feature~=14 & Feature~=16, robust cluster(country) logit F post1992##reccat polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if democracy==1 & Feature~=13 & Feature~=14 & Feature~=16, robust cluster(country) *Figure A1 logit F post1992##reccat polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if Feature~=13 & Feature~=14 & Feature~=16, robust cluster(country) margins, dydx(post1992) at( reccat=(1(1)3)) marginsplot, xdimension( at(reccat)) horizontal recast(scatter) scheme(lean1) title("") ytitle("") xline (0, lpattern (dash)) xtitle ("Change in Pr(Feature Adopted)") ylabel(,alt) xscale(range(-0.4 0.4)) xlabel(-0.4(0.1)0.4) graph save Graph "figureA1.gph", replace *Figure A2 *Code generates the figure for democracies, then a separate figure for autocracies logit F post1992##reccat polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if democracy==2 & Feature~=13 & Feature~=14 & Feature~=16, robust cluster(country) margins, dydx(post1992) at( reccat=(1(1)3)) marginsplot, xdimension( at(reccat)) horizontal recast(scatter) scheme(lean1) title("") ytitle("") xline (0, lpattern (dash)) xtitle ("Democracies") ylabel(,alt) xscale(range(-0.4 0.4)) xlabel(-0.4(0.1)0.4) graph save Graph "figureA4A.gph", replace logit F post1992##reccat polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if democracy==1 & Feature~=13 & Feature~=14 & Feature~=16, robust cluster(country) margins, dydx(post1992) at( reccat=(1(1)3)) marginsplot, xdimension( at(reccat)) horizontal recast(scatter) scheme(lean1) title("") ytitle("") xline (0, lpattern (dash)) xtitle ("Authoritarian States") ylabel(,alt) xscale(range(-0.4 0.4)) xlabel(-0.4(0.1)0.4) graph save Graph "figureA4B.gph", replace *In text calculations *In text calculations for page 22 logit F i.reccat earlier1987n controversyn prevalencebefore important difficulty polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if post1992==2 & democracy==2, robust cluster (country) margins, at( reccat=(1(1)3)) *In text calculations for page 22 logit F i.reccat earlier1987n controversyn prevalencebefore important difficulty polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if post1992==2 & democracy==1, robust cluster (country) margins, at( reccat=(1(1)3)) *In text calculations for page 27 logit F post1992##reccat polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if democracy==2, robust cluster(country) margins reccat, at( post1992=(1(1)2)) *In text calculations for page 27 logit F post1992##reccat polity2compplus physintcompplus al_ethnic GDPpcc2005 englo ssa latincar nafmiddleeast southasia ceeccasia eastaspacoc if democracy==1, robust cluster(country) margins reccat, at( post1992=(1(1)2))