// authors: Navin A. Bapat, Bo Ram Kwon // project: IO publication Fall 2014 // date: 9-1-2014 //#1: version 12 clear all set linesize 80 set more off //#2. Creating the Full Sanctions Sample use "C:\Users\User1\Documents\Dropbox\Publications\IO submit 2011-2013\Final revision 2013\BapatKwonIO5.29.2013.dta * drop non-states drop if ccode2>=1000 drop if ccode2==-99 drop if ccode1==-99 drop if ccode1>=1000 * restrict senders to OECD countries (29 between 1970-2000) keep if ccode1==2|ccode1==20|ccode1==70|ccode1==200|ccode1==205|ccode1==210| /// ccode1==211|ccode1==212|ccode1==220|ccode1==225|ccode1==230|ccode1==235| /// ccode1==255|ccode1==290|ccode1==305|ccode1==310|ccode1==316|ccode1==325| /// ccode1==350|ccode1==375|ccode1==380|ccode1==385|ccode1==390|ccode1==395| /// ccode1==640|ccode1==732|ccode1==740|ccode1==900|ccode1==920 * drop sanctions that are not associated with firm-level transactions drop if sanctiontype==6|sanctiontype==8|sanctiontype==10 * code: 4 export restriction, 6 asset freeze, 7 foreign aid, 8 travel ban, 10 other * keep sanctiontype=-99, no sanctions imposed gen success4=1 if imposition==1 & success1==1 replace success4=0 if success4==. tab imposition success1 * success rate given sanctions were imposed = (86/351)*100=24.5% // Table #4. Estimates of the Effect of Sender Market Share on Success and Imposition * full model heckprob success1 sendermktshare sendermktsharesq targettradeproportion sendertradeproportion /// majorpolicygoal targetregime rivalry multilateral, /// sel(imposition = sendermktshare sendermktsharesq targettradeproportion /// sendertradeproportion tradeissue targetregime) cluster(ccode2) *rivalry drops out from selection equation * key variable model heckprob success1 sendermktshare sendermktsharesq targettradeproportion multilateral, /// sel(imposition = sendermktshare sendermktsharesq targettradeproportion sendertradeproportion /// tradeissue targetregime) cluster(ccode2) // Table #5. Estimates of the Effect of Sender Market Share on Success and Imposition probit success4 sendermktshare sendermktsharesq targettradeproportion sendertradeproportion /// majorpolicygoal multilateral targetregime rivalry probit imposition sendermktshare sendermktsharesq targettradeproportion /// sendertradeproportion tradeissue targetregime *rivalry drops out from selection equation // Figures #4, #5. Predicted Probability of Success & Imposition * full model heckprob success1 sendermktshare sendermktsharesq targettradeproportion sendertradeproportion /// majorpolicygoal targetregime rivalry multilateral, /// sel(imposition = sendermktshare sendermktsharesq targettradeproportion /// sendertradeproportion tradeissue targetregime) cluster(ccode2) predict pcond, pcond predict psel, psel graph twoway qfitci pcond sendermktshare graph twoway qfitci psel sendermktshare ****************** Online Appendix ****************** // Table #6. Descriptive Statistics (Full Sample) sum imposition success4 sendermktshare targettradeproportion sendertradeproportion rivalry /// multilateral targetregime majorpolicygoal tradeissue // Table #7. Descriptive Statistics (Unilateral Sanctions Sample) drop if multilateral ==1 sum imposition success4 sendermktshare targettradeproportion sendertradeproportion rivalry /// targetregime majorpolicygoal tradeissue // Table #8. Estimates of the Effect of Sender Market Share on Success and Imposition (Unilateral Sanctions Sample) * full model heckprob success1 sendermktshare sendermktsharesq targettradeproportion sendertradeproportion /// majorpolicygoal targetregime rivalry, /// sel(imposition = sendermktshare sendermktsharesq targettradeproportion /// sendertradeproportion tradeissue targetregime) cluster(ccode2) *rivalry drops out from selection equation * key variable model heckprob success1 sendermktshare sendermktsharesq targettradeproportion, /// sel(imposition = sendermktshare sendermktsharesq targettradeproportion sendertradeproportion /// tradeissue targetregime) cluster(ccode2) *rivalry drops out from selection equation