library(Zelig) # Script assumes that the current working directory is the same directory as the script and data files. To change the working director, use the setwd command. # See SI for further information on how variables were coded. # Note: This script was originally run under R version 2.14.2, using Zelig version 3.5.5. We have found that when the script is run under newer versions of R/Zelig there are very small changes in the standard errors. Since the numbers in the paper replicate exactly under the original software, we assume that the differences are due to small (but substantively unimportant) changes in how the software estimates standard errors. None of these differences alter the signficance level of any coefficient. # Table 2 Replication For Negotiation Complexity College Students Only. load("neg.rdata") ## Table 2 Column 1 Patience mc.patient <- zelig(q1a ~ subject.patience, data=neg.comb.cont, model="normal", robust=TRUE) summary(mc.patient) ## Table 2 Column 2 Level-K mc.strategic <- zelig(q1a ~ as.factor(subject.levelk), data=neg.comb.cont, model="normal", robust=TRUE) summary(mc.strategic) ## Table 2 Column 3 both measures + conrols mc.strategic.patient.control <- zelig(q1a ~ subject.patience + as.factor(subject.levelk) + gender + income + year + grad, data=neg.comb.cont, model="normal", robust=TRUE) summary(mc.strategic.patient.control) # Table 3 Replication for Decision to Join College Student's only. load("joiner.rdata") ## Table 3 Column 1 Enforcement j.enforcement <- zelig(q2a ~ enf ,, model="normal", robust=TRUE) summary(j.enforcement) ## Table 3 Column 2 Patience j.enforcement.patient <- zelig(q2a ~ enf + subject.patience ,, model="normal", robust=TRUE) summary(j.enforcement.patient) ## Table 3 Column 3 Level-K j.enforcement.strategic <- zelig(q2a ~ enf + as.factor(subject.levelk) ,, model="normal", robust=TRUE) summary(j.enforcement.strategic) ## Table 3 Column 4 Interactions + Controls <- zelig(q2a ~ enf * ( subject.patience + as.factor(subject.levelk)) + gender + income + year + grad,, model="normal") summary( # Table 4 Elite data included ## load("UGplusElite.rdata") ## Table 4 Column 1 Enforcement ugVelite.enforcement <- zelig(join~enf*elite, data=UGplusElite2, model="normal", robust=T) summary(ugVelite.enforcement) ## Table 4 Column 2 Patience ugVelite.patience <- zelig(join~enf+elite*patience, data=UGplusElite2, model="normal", robust=T) summary(ugVelite.patience) ## Table 4 Column 3 Level-K ugVelite.levelk <- zelig(join~enf+elite*as.factor(levelk), data=UGplusElite2, model="normal", robust=T) summary(ugVelite.levelk) ## Table 4 Column 4 All Interactions ugVelite.all <- zelig(join~elite*(enf+patience+as.factor(levelk)), data=UGplusElite2, model="ls", robust=T) summary(ugVelite.all)