* Replication File for "To Concede or To Resist? The Restraining Effect of Military Alliances" * 06/20/13 use "FangJohnson&LeedsIOrep.dta", clear set more off ****************************** *** Descriptive Statistics *** ****************************** sum year tab dispute tab targ_resist sum ally_cost, d *************** *** Table 2 *** *************** heckprob targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) ********************************* *** Table 2 Robustness Checks *** ********************************* * Coding ally resistance as target resistance heckprob ally_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) * Coding target resistance with different hostility levels heckprob targ_resist3 ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) heckprob targ_resist4 ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) heckprob targ_resist5 ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) * Using only observations where the target had one bilateral alliance heckprob targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win if one_bilateral==1, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) * Using only observations where the target's allies were all members of the same multilateral alliance heckprob targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win if one_sub_multilateral==1, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) * Coding the target's costs of damaging its alliance only using the target's strongest alliance heckprob targ_resist ally_cost_strongest pchaloff pchalneu c_win, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) * Controlling for the raw capabilities of the target heckprob targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win cap_targ, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) * Including all allies capabilities in the challenger's probability of winning in war heckprob targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win_allies, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win_allies ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) * Using a two-step probit estimator probit dispute pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3 predict probitxb, xb gen pdfprobit = normalden(probitxb) gen cdfprobit = normal(probitxb) gen imr = pdfprobit/cdfprobit probit targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win imr drop probitxb pdfprobit cdfprobit imr * Using a probit estimator with selection variables probit targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3 * Including each identifying variable in the outcome equation in turn heckprob targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) heckprob targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win jdem, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) heckprob targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win s_un_glo, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) * Controlling for the Cold War heckprob targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win if cold_war==1, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) heckprob targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win if cold_war==0, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) heckprob targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win cold_war, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3 cold_war) * Controlling for the number of allies the target has corr ally_cost ally_count heckprob targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win ally_count, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) * Removing observations where the target and challenger are members of a common defense pact heckprob targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win if target_challenger_def==0, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) * Using a threshold of 5 or higher on the polity2 variable heckprob targ_resist ally_cost pchaloff pchalneu c_win, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem5 s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3) * Excluding the target's cost of damaging its alliance corr ally_cost c_win heckprob targ_resist pchaloff pchalneu c_win, select(dispute=pchaloff pchalneu c_win ln_distance jdem s_un_glo peaceyrs peaceyrs2 peaceyrs3)