function CCaPS % clear clc % Box model is based on the models of Kump and Arthur 1999 and Payne and % Kump 2007. Carbonate system solver is based on Emerson and Hedges 2008 % implementation of R. Zeebe's Csys code (can be found on his website). % % Model sketch: % % _______ % Fwcarb--> | |--> Fbcarb % Fworg --> | MC | % Fvolc --> | |--> Fborg % |_______| % _______ % Fwcarb--> | | % Fwsil --> | MCa | --> Fbcarb % Fhyd --> | | % |_______| % % _______ % Fwp --> | MP | --> Fbp % |_______| % % _______ % Fborg --> | O2 | --> Fworg + Fvolc_reduced % |_______| % % %%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%% % Choose run type HERE % Uncomment to re-create paper figures or do a 'custom' run. % If the latter set your own preferences in custom_params function % = 'LBC_plot'; %%(Figure 1) % = 'short_pert'; %%(Figure 3) % = 'long_pert'; %%(Figure 4) % = 'Mp_sens'; %%(Figure 5) = 'multi_pert'; %%(Figure 6) % = 'custom'; %%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% switch case 'short_pert' Output = short_pert(flags); case 'long_pert' Output = long_pert(flags); case 'Mp_sens' Output = Mp_sens(flags); case 'multi_pert' Output = multi_pert(flags); case 'custom' Output = custom_params(flags); case 'LBC_plot' LBC_plot(); Output = []; otherwise error('No such run option!') end %export model vars to base workspace assignin('base','Output',Output) end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [Output] = custom_params(flags) %run length [yrs] params.t_run_start = -100e3; params.t_run_end = 2500e3; %flag0 - pco2 basline flags.pCO2 = 4; %0 1.3 ppm (alk=.9, dic=.3) %1 502 ppm (alk=2.2, dic=2.0) %2 37000 ppm (alk=19.0, dic=20.0) %3 2000 ppm (alk=5.0, dic=5.22 omega = 9) %4 2000 ppm (alk =1.89, dic = 1.9 omega = 1.4) %flag1 - pco2 weathering dependence: flags.weathering = 2; %0 - off %1 - on, dependent on RCO2 with a power of params.p_w = 1; %1 is linear, 2 is cubic, etc.. %2 - on, Berner parameterization %flags.del_diff - differences between delccarb and delcorg: flags.del_diff = 3; %0 - off %1 - extrabasinal Corg. %amount: params.fexternal = .5; %composition: params.delexternal = -28.0; %2 - pco2 depd. fractionation with const PO4 %3-pco2 depd. fractionation with variable PO4 using %parameterization from Kump and Arthur 99 %note that might not yield baseline of +2 %flags.Fbcarb - Fbcarb feedback flags.Fbcarb = 5; %0- Fbcarb = const initial Fbcarb %1- Fbcarb= inputs of the Ca box %2- Fbcarb = inputs of C box minus Fborg. %3- linearly proportional to [Ca] %4- proportional to omega with a power of params.p_carb = 1; %5- proportional to omega with negative omega<1 %flags.pertb - perturbtion type flags.pertb = 3.4; %0 - steady state %1 - drive a gaussian change in Fborg params.f_extra = .66; %additional multiples of initial %Fborg. %3.x (see below) change in the carbon input (Fextra); %perturbation length - must be shorter than run length!! %and no overlap between perturbations (flag 3.9) params.t_perturbation_start_1 = 0; params.t_perturbation_end_1 = 50e3; params.M_extra_1= 3.5e17; %total additional carbon in moles % params.M_extra_1= 1e18; % params.del_extra_1 = -70; %isotopic composition params.del_extra_1 = -5.5; %3.0 %Fborg is the C inputs minus Fbcarb (not to be %used with flags.Fbcarb = 1 ) % %3.1 %Fborg is linearly proportional to RCO2 %3.2 %Fborg is prop to P burial; C:P is set at 106 (Redfield) %3.3 %Fborg is prop to P burial;C:P varies as %a func of pco2 with a power of params.p_CP_RCO2=1; %3.4 %Fborg remains at the original steady %state %3.5 %Fborg is such that forg remains %unchanged %3.6 %Fborg is prop to P burial; C:P varies %as a power of Fbp with a power of params.p_CP_bP = 1; %3.7 %%Fborg is prop to P burial; C:P varies %as an exponential func of Fbp %3.8 Fborg is prop to p weathering, C:P at %106 %3.9 Add a second perturbation % No overlap between the two perturbations!!! % (Fborg as in 3.6). params.t_perturbation_start_2 = 20e3; params.t_perturbation_end_2 = 800e3; params.M_extra_2 = 1.2e18; params.del_extra_2 = -5.5; %4 Add another 2 pulses (4 total) params.t_perturbation_start_3 = 270e3 + 100e3; params.t_perturbation_end_3 = 300e3 + 270e3 + 100e3; params.M_extra_3 = 0e18; params.del_extra_3 = -5.5; params.t_perturbation_start_4 = 620e3 + 100e3; params.t_perturbation_end_4 = 100e3 + 620e3 + 100e3; params.M_extra_4 = 0e17; params.del_extra_4 = -5.5; %5 add another pulse and a shift in silicate weathering params.t_perturbation_start_5 = 840e3 + 100e3; params.t_perturbation_end_5 = 100e3 + 840e3 + 100e3; params.M_extra_5 = 7.5e17; params.del_extra_5 = -5.5; params.t_shift_start = 500e3 + 100e3; params.shift_mag = 3e12; %case 5.1- shift to a different C:P power params.p_CP_bP_2 = 1; params.t_p_CP_bP = 600e3; %flags.PO4 - phophate burial flags.PO4 = 0; %0 - phosphate burial is prop to phophate mass %with a power of params.p_bp_Mp = 1; params.PO4_multi = 1; %multiplyer of initial PO4 (set at modern) %flags.plot - number and type of plotted results. flags.plot = 1.1; %0- plot all 20 output parameters: %1 DIC; %2 d13C carb; %3 Ca; %4 Fborg %5 Fbcarb; %6 forg; %7 pCO_2; %8 pH; %9 Omega; %10 CO2aq; %11 HCO3; %12 avg_d13C of weathering; %13 ALK; %14 average d13C of burial; %15 d13C org'; %16 PO4; %17 d44Ca; %18 Fextra; %19 C:P; %20 Fwsil; %21 CO2 %1- plot only 9 outputs: %Fextra, d13C, Ca, DIC, pCO2, ALk, d44Ca, C:P, Omega %2- plot only 6 outputs: %Fextra, d13C, pCO2, forg, Omega, C:P %2.1- plot only 6 outputs: %Fextra, d13C, pCO2, forg, Omega, C:P %2.2- plot only 6 outputs: %Fextra, d13C, pCO2, forg, Omega, pH %3- plot only 4 outputs: %forg, d13C, ALK, pCO2 %3.1- plot only 4 outputs: %Fextra, d13C, Omega, pco2 %4- plot only 3 outputs: %Fborg, d13C, Omega %5- plot only 2 outputs: %Fextra, d13C %5.1 plot only 2 outputs: %d13C, Omega %6- plot only delorg and delcarb on the same plot %7- plot trajectory on alk-dic phase plot %flags.plot_save - plot save options flags.plot_save = 0; %0- don't save a plot %1- save a copy as an eps file. If putting file in %directory other than the current one then add the full %path to the filename. flags.file_name = 'myfile'; flags.file_path = '/some/very/long/path'; %flags.plot_hold - plot overlay flags.plot_hold = 'hold'; %hold - do not clear plot window %replace - clear window %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %call the model [Output] = model(params,flags); %call plotting function plotting(Output,params,flags); end function [] = LBC_plot() close all hf = figure('Units', 'centimeters','OuterPosition', ... [1 1 19 16],'name','sim_window','PaperPositionMode','auto'); [LBC_Data] = LBC_data(); ax1 = subplot('Position',[0.18 0.1 0.3 0.8],'FontSize',9); LBC_carb_lines(LBC_Data) ylabel('\delta^{13}C_{carb}'); ylim([-5 7]) set(gca,'YDir','reverse') grid on box on view(-90,90) % swap the x and y axis axes('Position',get(ax1,'Position'),... 'Visible','on','Color','none','XTickLabel',[],'XTick',[],'XColor','k',... 'YMinorTick','on','YAxisLocation','right','YDir','reverse','FontSize',9); LBC_org_lines(LBC_Data) ylabel('\delta^{13}C_{org}','VerticalAlignment','Middle',... 'HorizontalAlignment','center','FontSize',9); ylim([-35 -23]) view(-90,90) % swap the x and y axis %%%%%% ax2 = subplot('Position',[0.69 0.1 0.3 0.8],'FontSize',9); LBC_carb_lines(LBC_Data) ylabel('\delta^{13}C_{carb}','FontSize',9); xlim([25 100]) ylim([-5 7]) grid on box on set(gca,'YDir','reverse') view(-90,90) axes('Position',get(ax2,'Position'),... 'Visible','on','Color','none','XTickLabel',[],'XTick',[],'XColor','k',... 'YMinorTick','on','YAxisLocation','right','YDir','reverse','FontSize',9); LBC_org_lines(LBC_Data) ylabel('\delta^{13}C_{org}','VerticalAlignment','Middle',... 'HorizontalAlignment','center','FontSize',9); xlim([25 100]) ylim([-35 -23]) view(-90,90) % print('-f1','-depsc','-loose', '-painters', '-noui',... % ['/Users/avivbachan/Documents/Research/Thesis/Modeling_chapter/Modelling_paper/Manuscript_version_2/Figures'... % '/LBC_mat_fig.eps']); end function [Output] = short_pert(flags) params = struct(... 't_run_start', -10e3,... 't_run_end', 200e3,... 'p_carb', 1,... 'p_CP_bP', 1,... 'p_bp_Mp', 1,... 'PO4_multi', 1,... 't_perturbation_start_1', 0,... 't_perturbation_end_1', 20e3 ,... 'M_extra_1', 3.5e17,... 'del_extra_1', {-5.5, -22, -50, -70 }... ); flags.pCO2 = 4; flags.weathering = 2; flags.del_diff = 0; flags.Fbcarb = 5; flags.pertb = 3.6; flags.PO4 = 0; flags.plot = 3.1; flags.plot_save = 0; flags.plot_hold = 'hold'; flags.file_name = ''; flags.file_path = ''; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for i = 1:length(params) %call the model Output = model(params(i),flags); %call plotting function [hf,hs] = plotting(Output,params,flags); end set(hs, 'XLim',[params(1).t_run_start, params(1).t_run_end ]) %line colors black hline = findobj(hf, 'type', 'line'); set(hline,'color','k') %dashed lines in the isotope panel h_fig_children = get(hf,'Children'); h_delta_children = get(h_fig_children(3),'Children'); h_delta_children = flipud(h_delta_children); set(h_delta_children(1),'LineStyle','-') set(h_delta_children(2),'LineStyle','--') set(h_delta_children(3),'LineStyle','-.') set(h_delta_children(4),'LineStyle',':') %legend legend(h_delta_children,... num2str([params.del_extra_1]'),'Location','SouthEast') %letters % Create textbox annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.06556 0.9027 0.06261 0.06701],... 'String',{'(A)'},... 'LineStyle','none'); % Create textbox annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.5235 0.9027 0.06261 0.06701],'String',... {'(B)'},'LineStyle','none'); % Create textbox annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.5235 0.4622 0.06261 0.06701],'String',... {'(D)'},'LineStyle','none'); % Create textbox annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.06556 0.4622 0.06261 0.06701],... 'String',{'(C)'},'LineStyle','none'); end function [Output] = long_pert(flags) params = struct(... 't_run_start', -100e3,... 't_run_end', 800e3,... 'p_carb', 1,... 'p_CP_bP', 1,... 'p_bp_Mp', 1,... 'PO4_multi', 1,... 't_perturbation_start_1', 0 ,... 't_perturbation_end_1', {100e3 , 500e3 },... 'M_extra_1', {1.5e18 3e18},... 'del_extra_1', -5.5,... 'p_w' , 1,... 'p_CP_RCO2', 1); params(2,:) = deal(params(1,:)); [params(2,:).p_CP_bP] = deal(3); flags.pCO2 = 4; flags.weathering = 2; flags.del_diff = 0; flags.Fbcarb = 5; flags.pertb = 3.6; flags.PO4 = 0; flags.plot = 3.1; % flags.plot = 0; flags.plot_save = 0; flags.plot_hold = 'hold'; flags.file_name = ''; flags.file_path = ''; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [m,n] = size(params); for j = 1:n for i = 1:m %call the model [Output] = model(params(i,j),flags); %call plotting function [hf,hs] = plotting(Output,params(i,j),flags); end end %plot annotation set(hs, 'XLim',[params(1).t_run_start, params(1).t_run_end ]) h_fig_children = get(hf,'Children'); h_lines_cell = get(h_fig_children,'Children'); h_lines_mat = [h_lines_cell{:}]; set(h_lines_mat,'Color','k') %black lines set(h_lines_mat([1 3],1:3),'LineStyle','--','Color','k') % % set(h_lines_mat(3,:),'LineStyle','-','Color','k') % legend(h_lines_cell{1},'3','1',... 'Location','NorthEast') % % annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.06556 0.9027 0.06261 0.06701],... 'String',{'(A)'},... 'LineStyle','none'); % Create textbox annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.5235 0.9027 0.06261 0.06701],'String',... {'(B)'},'LineStyle','none'); % Create textbox annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.5235 0.4622 0.06261 0.06701],'String',... {'(D)'},'LineStyle','none'); % Create textbox annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.06556 0.4622 0.06261 0.06701],... 'String',{'(C)'},'LineStyle','none'); % end function [Output] = Mp_sens(flags) params = struct(... 't_run_start', - 100e3,... 't_run_end', 2000e3,... 'p_carb', 1,... 'p_bp_Mp', 1,... 't_perturbation_start_1', 0 ,... 't_perturbation_end_1', 500e3,... 'M_extra_1', 2e18,... 'del_extra_1', -5.5,... 'p_w' , 1,... 'p_CP_RCO2', 1,... 'p_CP_bP', 1 ,... 'PO4_multi', 1); params(2,:) = deal(params(1,:)); [params(2,:).PO4_multi] = deal(10); params(3,:) = deal(params(2,:)); [params(3,:).PO4_multi] = deal(50); flags.pCO2 = 4; flags.weathering = 2; flags.del_diff = 0; flags.Fbcarb = 5; flags.pertb = 3.6; flags.PO4 = 0; flags.plot = 3.1; % flags.plot = 0; flags.plot_save = 0; flags.plot_hold = 'hold'; flags.file_name = ''; flags.file_path = ''; %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [m,n] = size(params); for j = 1:n for i = 1:m %call the model [Output] = model(params(i,j),flags); %call plotting function [hf,hs] = plotting(Output,params(i,j),flags); end end set(hs, 'XLim',[params(1).t_run_start, params(1).t_run_end ]) %plot annotation h_fig_children = get(hf,'Children'); h_lines_cell = get(h_fig_children,'Children'); h_lines_mat = flipud([h_lines_cell{:}]); set(h_lines_mat(1,:),'LineStyle','-.','Color','k') set(h_lines_mat(2,:),'LineStyle','--','Color','k','LineWidth',1) set(h_lines_mat(3,:),'LineStyle','-','Color','k') %legend legend(h_lines_mat(:,1),... '1x',... '10x', ... '50x','Location','NorthEast') annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.06556 0.9027 0.06261 0.06701],... 'String',{'(A)'},... 'LineStyle','none'); % Create textbox annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.5235 0.9027 0.06261 0.06701],'String',... {'(B)'},'LineStyle','none'); % Create textbox annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.5235 0.4622 0.06261 0.06701],'String',... {'(D)'},'LineStyle','none'); % Create textbox annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.06556 0.4622 0.06261 0.06701],... 'String',{'(C)'},'LineStyle','none'); end function [Output] = multi_pert(flags) params.t_run_start = -100e3; params.t_run_end = 1000e3; flags.pCO2 = 4; flags.weathering = 2; flags.del_diff = 0; flags.Fbcarb = 5; flags.pertb = 5.1; flags.PO4 = 0; % flags.plot = 5.3; %model d13C and Lombardy Basin d13C (no corr lines) % flags.plot = 5.4; %Fextra, model d13C and Lombardy basin d13C % flags.plot = 5.5; %pCO2, model d13C and Lombardy basin d13C % flags.plot = 5.2; %Omega and PCO2 % flags.plot = 3.2; %C:P, d13C, Omega, pCO2 flags.plot = 3.1; %Fextra, d13C, Omega, pCO2 % flags.plot = 1; flags.plot_save = 0; flags.plot_hold = 'hold'; %params used params.p_carb = 1; params.p_CP_bP = 3; params.p_bp_Mp = 1; params.PO4_multi = 1; params.t_perturbation_start_1 = 0 ; params.t_perturbation_end_1 = 20e3 ; params.M_extra_1= 3.5e17; %total additional carbon in moles params.del_extra_1 = -70; params.t_perturbation_start_2 = 10e3 ; params.t_perturbation_end_2 = 70e3 ; params.M_extra_2 = 1.2e18; params.del_extra_2 = -5.5; params.t_perturbation_start_3 = 270e3 ; params.t_perturbation_end_3 = 150e3 + 270e3 ; params.M_extra_3 = 2e18; params.del_extra_3 = -5.5; params.t_perturbation_start_4 = 620e3 ; params.t_perturbation_end_4 = 720e3 ; params.M_extra_4 = 7.5e17; params.del_extra_4 = -5.5; params.t_perturbation_start_5 = 840e3 ; params.t_perturbation_end_5 = 940e3 ; params.M_extra_5 = 7.5e17; params.del_extra_5 = -5.5; params.t_shift_start = 400e3 ; params.shift_mag = 3e12; params.p_CP_bP_2 = 1; params.t_p_CP_bP = 500e3; %not in use params.p_w = 1; params.fexternal = .5; params.delexternal = -28.0; params.f_extra = .66; params.p_CP_RCO2=1; flags.file_name = 'myfile'; flags.file_path = '/some/very/long/path'; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %call the model [Output] = model(params,flags); [hf, hs] = plotting(Output,params,flags); switch flags.plot case 5.2 set(hs,'XLim',[params.t_run_start params.t_run_end]) case {5.3,5.4,5.5} switch flags.plot case {5.4,5.5} set(hs(2),'Position',[0.13 0.48 0.775 0.3],... 'YLim',[-5 7]) switch flags.plot case 5.4 set(hs(1), 'Position',[0.13 0.8 0.775 0.1],... 'XTickLabel','') case 5.5 set(hs(1), 'Position',[0.13 0.8 0.775 0.1],... 'XTickLabel','','YLim',[1000 5000]) end set(get(hs(1),'XLabel'),'String','') annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.04619 0.9169 0.06261 0.06701],... 'String',{'(A)'},... 'FitBoxToText','off',... 'LineStyle','none'); annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.04619 0.67351 0.06261 0.06701],... 'String',{'(B)'},... 'FitBoxToText','off',... 'LineStyle','none'); annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.04619 0.3607 0.06261 0.06701],... 'String',{'(C)'},... 'FitBoxToText','off',... 'LineStyle','none'); %%%%% % Create line annotation(hf,'line',[0.1975 0.1975],[0.8968 0.09817],'LineStyle','--',... 'LineWidth',1); % Create line annotation(hf,'line',[0.2228 0.2222],[0.395 0.09651],'LineStyle','--',... 'LineWidth',1); % Create line annotation(hf,'line',[0.3668 0.2205],[0.4765 0.3977],'LineStyle','--',... 'LineWidth',1); % Create line annotation(hf,'line',[0.3686 0.3686],[0.8952 0.4775],'LineStyle','--',... 'LineWidth',1); % Create line annotation(hf,'line',[0.5038 0.5032],[0.3966 0.09814],'LineStyle','--',... 'LineWidth',1); % Create line annotation(hf,'line',[0.5897 0.5044],[0.4782 0.3943],'LineStyle','--',... 'LineWidth',1); % Create line annotation(hf,'line',[0.5914 0.5914],[0.8968 0.4792],'LineStyle','--',... 'LineWidth',1); % Create line annotation(hf,'line',[0.6473 0.6467],[0.3982 0.09977],'LineStyle','--',... 'LineWidth',1); % Create line annotation(hf,'line',[0.7331 0.6479],[0.4798 0.396],'LineStyle','--',... 'LineWidth',1); % Create line annotation(hf,'line',[0.7349 0.7349],[0.8984 0.4808],'LineStyle','--',... 'LineWidth',1); end switch flags.plot case 5.3 set(gca,'Position',[0.13 0.6 0.77 0.35],'YLim',[-5 7]); annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.04619 0.9169 0.06261 0.06701],... 'String',{'(A)'},... 'FitBoxToText','off',... 'LineStyle','none'); % Create textbox annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.04619 0.4622 0.06261 0.06701],... 'String',{'(B)'},... 'FitBoxToText','off',... 'LineStyle','none'); end if get(hf,'UserData')==1 %if this is the first time plotted %get LBC data LBC_Data = LBC_data(); %carbonate carbon plotting switch flags.plot case {5.4,5.5} ax1 = axes('Position',[0.13 0.1 0.77 0.3]); end switch flags.plot case 5.3 ax1 = axes('Position',[0.13 0.1 0.77 0.35]); end LBC_carb_lines(LBC_Data) ylabel('\delta^{13}C_{carb}'); ylim([-5 7]) grid on box on %organic carbon plotting ax2 = axes('Position',get(ax1,'Position'),... 'Visible','on','Color','none','XTickLabel',[],'XTick',[],'XColor','k',... 'YMinorTick','on','YAxisLocation','right'); LBC_org_lines(LBC_Data) ylabel('\delta^{13}C_{org}'); xlabel('Thickness','Color','k','Position',[297.86 -36.949 17.321]); ylim([-35 -23]) end case 3.1 set(hs, 'XLim',[params(1).t_run_start, params(1).t_run_end ]) h_fig_children = get(hf,'Children'); h_lines_cell = get(h_fig_children,'Children'); h_lines_mat = flipud([h_lines_cell{:}]); set(h_lines_mat(:),'Color','k') annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.06556 0.9027 0.06261 0.06701],... 'String',{'(A)'},... 'LineStyle','none'); % Create textbox annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.5235 0.9027 0.06261 0.06701],'String',... {'(B)'},'LineStyle','none'); % Create textbox annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.5235 0.4622 0.06261 0.06701],'String',... {'(D)'},'LineStyle','none'); % Create textbox annotation(hf,'textbox',[0.06556 0.4622 0.06261 0.06701],... 'String',{'(C)'},'LineStyle','none'); end end function [hf,hs]= plotting(Output,params,flags) %plotting function. called from control function %unpackage the model output x=Output.t; y=[Output.DIC, Output.delbcarb, Output.Ca ,... Output.Fborg, Output.Fbcarb,... Output.forg, Output.pco2, Output.pH,..., Output.epsb, Output.hco3,... Output.delwC, Output.ALK, Output.delbC,... Output.delborg,Output.PO4,Output.delCa,... Output.Fextra,Output.CP,Output.Fwsil,... Output.CO2]; %open a new figure window if one isnt already opened if isempty(findobj('type','figure','name','sim_window'))==1, close all switch flags.plot case 7 hf = figure('name','sim_window'); case 6 fig_height = 9; hf = figure('Units', 'centimeters','OuterPosition', ... [1 1 9 fig_height],'name','sim_window'); case {5,5.1} fig_height = 9; hf = figure('Units', 'centimeters','OuterPosition', ... [1 1 19 fig_height],'name','sim_window'); case 5.2 fig_height = 16; hf = figure('Units', 'centimeters','OuterPosition', ... [1 1 8 fig_height],'name','sim_window'); case 5.3 fig_height = 16; hf = figure('Units', 'centimeters','OuterPosition', ... [1 1 16 fig_height],'name','sim_window'); case {5.4,5.5} fig_height = 19; hf = figure('Units', 'centimeters','OuterPosition', ... [1 1 16 fig_height],'name','sim_window'); case 4 fig_height = 7; hf = figure('Units', 'centimeters','OuterPosition', ... [1 1 19 fig_height],'name','sim_window'); case {3,3.1,3.2,3.3} fig_height = 13; hf = figure('Units', 'centimeters','OuterPosition', ... [1 1 16 fig_height],'name','sim_window'); case 2 fig_height = 20; hf = figure('Units', 'centimeters','OuterPosition', ... [1 1 19 fig_height],'name','sim_window'); case {2.1,2.2} fig_height = 12; hf = figure('Units', 'centimeters','OuterPosition', ... [1 1 19 fig_height],'name','sim_window'); case {1,1.1,0} hf = figure('Units', 'normalized','OuterPosition', ... [0 0 1 1],'name','sim_window'); end fig_counter = 1; set(hf,'UserData',fig_counter); else switch flags.plot_hold case 'replace' clf; fig_counter = 1; case 'hold' hf = gcf; set(hf,'NextPlot','add') fig_counter = get(gcf,'UserData') + 1; set(hf,'UserData',fig_counter); end end %%Plotting switch. switch flags.plot case 0 %%Full output l=4; %grid height w=5; %grid width kk=1:20; case 1 %%9 box output l=3; %grid height w=3; %grid width kk=[18,2,3,1,7,13,17,19,9]; case 1.1 %%9 box output l=3; %grid height w=3; %grid width kk=[18,2,3,1,7,13,21,19,9]; case 2 %%6 box output l=3; %grid height w=2; %grid width kk=[18,2,7,6,9,19]; case 2.1 %%6 box output l=2; %grid height w=3; %grid width kk=[18,2,7,19,6,9]; case 2.2 %%6 box output l=2; %grid height w=3; %grid width kk=[18,2,7,8,9,17]; case 3 %%4 box output l=2; %grid height w=2; %grid width kk=[6,2,13,7]; case 3.1 %%4 box output l=2; %grid height w=2; %grid width kk=[18,2,9,7]; case 3.2 %%4 box output l=2; %grid height w=2; %grid width kk=[19,2,9,7]; case 3.3 %%4 box output l=2; %grid height w=2; %grid width kk=[7,2,9,17]; case 4 %%4 box output l=1; %grid height w=3; %grid width kk=[18,2,9]; case 5 %%2 box output l=1; %grid height w=2; %grid width kk=[18,2]; case 5.1 %%2 box output l=1; %grid height w=2; %grid width kk=[9,2]; case 5.2 %%2 box output l=2; %grid height w=1; %grid width kk=[7,9]; case 5.3 %%2 box output l=2; %grid height w=1; %grid width kk = 2; case 5.4 %%2 box output l=3; %grid height w=1; %grid width kk = [18, 2] ; case 5.5 %%2 box output l=3; %grid height w=1; %grid width kk = [7, 2] ; end %make some labels ylab={'DIC [mmol/kg]'; '\delta^{13}C'; '[Ca^{2+}] [mmol/kg]'; 'F^b_{org} [mol/yr]';'F^b_{carb} [mol/yr]'; 'f_{org}'; 'pCO_2 [ppmv]';'pH '; '\Omega'; '\epsilon_b'; 'HCO_3 [mol/kg]'; 'Avg \delta^{13}C^w '; 'ALK [meq/kg]' ; 'Avg \delta^{13}C^b' '\delta^{13}C^b_{org}'; '[PO_4^{3-}]';'\delta^{44}Ca'... ;'F_{extra} [mol/yr]'; 'C:P';'F^w_{sil} [mol/yr]';... '[O_2] %'}; %lines denoting perturbation max (changes according to perturbation chosen) % switch flags.pertb % case 0 % tforcemax=0; % case 1 % tforcemax=Output.t(Output.Fborg==max(Output.Fborg)); % case 2 % tforcemax=Output.t(Output.Fwsil==max(Output.Fborg)); % case {3.0,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5,3.6,3.7,3.8} % tforcemax=Output.t(Output.Fextra==max(Output.Fextra)); % end switch flags.plot case {0,1,1.1,2,2.1,2.2,3,3.1,3.2,3.3,4,5,5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4,5.5} %plotting loop, makes subplots nn = length(kk); for ii = 1:(nn) hs(ii) = subplot(l,w,ii); line(x,y(:,kk(ii)),'LineStyle','-'); %,'LineWidth',1.5,'Color','k') xlabel('Time') ylabel(ylab(kk(ii))) set(gca,'XMinorTick','on') grid on box on figure(hf) % annotation('textbox',get(gca,'Position')-[0.05 -.06 0 0],'String',['(',char(ii+64),')']... % ,'LineStyle','none', 'FitBoxToText','on'); % if flags.pertb~=3.9 && flags.plot~=4 && tcrit>0.2 % line([params.t_perturbation_start_1 params.t_perturbation_start_1],ylim,'Color','r','LineStyle','--') % line([tforcemax tforcemax],ylim,'Color','g','LineStyle','-.') % line([params.t_perturbation_end_1 params.t_perturbation_end_1],ylim,'Color','r','LineStyle','--') % end % axis tight end case 6 yl1 = plot(x,y(:,2)); a1 = gca; box off ylabel(a1,'\delta^{13}C_{carb}') xlabel(a1,'time (yrs)') a2 = axes('Position',get(a1,'Position'),... 'YAxisLocation','right','XAxisLocation','top','XTickLabel',... '','Color','none'); yl2 = line(x,y(:,15),'Parent',a2,'LineStyle','--','Color','k'); grid on hl = legend([yl1 yl2],'\delta^{13}C_{carb}','\delta^{13}C_{org}'); set(hl,'Box','off') ylabel(a2,'\delta^{13}C_{org}') axis([a1 a2],'square') case 7 hold on scatter(Output.DIC, Output.ALK,[],Output.t) end %%save figure to directory as eps. switch flags.plot_save case 1 %%%Uncomment one or the other to use: %%print using screen size: set(gcf,'PaperPositionMode','auto') %or resize figure to standard two column width (190mm) and a reasonable %height % set(gcf, 'PaperUnits', 'centimeters') % papersize = get(gcf, 'PaperSize'); % width = 19.0; % Initialize a variable for width. % height = 15; % Initialize a variable for height. % left = (papersize(1)- width)/2; % bottom = (papersize(2)- height)/2; % myfiguresize = [left, bottom, width, height]; % set(gcf, 'PaperPosition', myfiguresize); %print figure print('-f1','-depsc','-loose', '-painters', [flags.file_path flags.file_name]); end end function [Output] = model(params,flags) % this is the model function. Is called by the control function. % subfunction odefun holds the diff equations %Oceanic parameters tempi = 20; %[C] Celsius depth = 0; %[m] meters sal = 1.035; %[kg/L] Voc = 1.32e21; %[L] %initial mass of carbon switch flags.pCO2 case 0 DICi = 0.3e-3; %[mol/kg] ALKi = 0.9e-3; %[eq/kg] case 1 DICi = 2.0e-3; %[mol/kg] ALKi = 2.2e-3; %[eq/kg] case 2 DICi = 20.0e-3; %[mol/kg] ALKi = 19.0e-3; %[eq/kg] case 3 DICi = 5.0e-3; %[mol/kg] ALKi = 5.22e-3; %[eq/kg] case 4 DICi = 1.9e-3; %[mol/kg] ALKi = 1.89e-3; %[eq/kg] end MCi = DICi*sal*Voc; %mass of C in the ocean in [mol] %initial mass of calcium Cai = 17e-3; %[mol/kg] modern: 10.3e-3 % Cai = 14e-3; %[mol/kg] modern: 10.3e-3 MCai=Cai*sal*Voc; %mass of Ca in the oceans in [mol] %initial alkalinity kalk = 2*Cai - ALKi;%[eq/kg] %kalk the net difference between the cations and anions %excluding Ca %initial carbonate system parameters [pco2i,pH,co2i,hco3,co3]=CO3eq(tempi,sal,depth,ALKi,DICi); %other params omegai=(MCai/Voc/sal*co3)/(10^-6.37); %calcite saturation state. PO4i=0.25e-6 .* params.PO4_multi; %[mol/kg] %photosynthetic fractionation switch flags.del_diff case 0 epsCi = 30; %[permil] case 1 epsCi = 30; case 2 epsCi = -((159.5*PO4i+38.39)/(co2i*1e6) - 33); case 3 epsCi = -((159.5*PO4i+38.39)/(co2i*1e6) - 33); end % initial Carbon input fluxes fworg = 0.25; delvolc = -5.5; %[permil] Fvolc = 16e12; %[mol/y] delwcarb = delvolc + fworg * epsCi; %[permil] delworg = delwcarb-epsCi; %[permil] Fwcarbi = 24e12; %[mol/y] Fworgi = fworg*Fwcarbi/(1-fworg); %[mol/y] forgi = fworg; Fbcarbi = (1-forgi)*(Fvolc+Fworgi+Fwcarbi); %[mol/y] Fborgi = (forgi)*(Fvolc+Fworgi+Fwcarbi); %[mol/y] Fborg = Fborgi; %initial Ca input fluxes Fhyd = 0; %[mol/y] Fwsili = Fvolc + Fworgi - Fhyd - Fborgi; %[mol/y] %O2 fluxes params.f_red = fworg; MO2 = 1.8e20*0.2095; %phosphate: %initial mass of Phosphate CPi=106; Mpi=PO4i*sal*Voc; %mass of P in the ocean [mol] Fwpi=(Fwcarbi+Fvolc+Fworgi-(Fhyd+Fwsili+Fwcarbi))/CPi; %[mol/yr] Fbpi=Fwpi; %[mol/y] epsCa=1.4; %[permil] %isotopic values of initial input fluxes %carbon %calcium delhyd=-0.25; %[permil] delwriv=-0.6; %[permil] %isotopic value of initial output fluxes delw=(Fvolc*delvolc+Fworgi*delworg+Fwcarbi*delwcarb)/(Fvolc+Fworgi+Fwcarbi); delbcarbi = delw + forgi*epsCi; delborgi = delbcarbi - epsCi; delb = (Fbcarbi*delbcarbi+Fborgi*delborgi)/(Fborgi+Fbcarbi); fborg_test = Fborgi/(Fbcarbi+Fborgi); delbcarbCai = (delhyd*Fhyd + delwriv*(Fwsili + Fwcarbi))/... (Fhyd+Fwsili+Fwcarbi) + epsCa; % disp([ % Mpi/Fbpi; % MCi/Fborgi; % MCi/Fbcarbi; % MCai/Fbcarbi]) % Berner weathering params G=3.3; Z=0.09; Zc=0.07; %% %the perturbation n=5000; %number of points in the interpolation tinterp=[params.t_run_start linspace(params.t_perturbation_start_1,... params.t_perturbation_end_1,n) params.t_run_end]; switch flags.pertb case 0 F_extra_interp= zeros(1,n+2); case 1 F_extra_interp=[Fborgi Fborgi*(1 + params.f_extra*normpdf(linspace(-4,4,n),0,1)/... max(normpdf(linspace(-4,4,n),0,1))) Fborgi]; case 2 F_extra_interp=[1 (1 + params.f_extra*normpdf(linspace(-4,4,n),0,1)/... max(normpdf(linspace(-4,4,n),0,1))) 1]; case {3.0,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5,3.6,3.7,3.8,3.9,4,4.1,5,5.1} %first perturbation t_interp_1_pertb = ... linspace(params.t_perturbation_start_1,params.t_perturbation_end_1,n); t_interp_1 = [params.t_run_start t_interp_1_pertb(1) ... t_interp_1_pertb(2:(end -1)) t_interp_1_pertb(end)... params.t_run_end]; sigma_1 = (params.t_perturbation_end_1 - params.t_perturbation_start_1)/10; %ten standard deviations out in each direction mu_1 = (params.t_perturbation_end_1 + params.t_perturbation_start_1)/2; F_extra_interp_1 = [0 0 params.M_extra_1*... normpdf(t_interp_1_pertb(2:(end -1)), mu_1, sigma_1) 0 0]; end switch flags.pertb case {3.9,4,4.1,5,5.1} %second perturbation t_interp_2_pertb = ... linspace(params.t_perturbation_start_2,params.t_perturbation_end_2,n); t_interp_2 = [params.t_run_start t_interp_2_pertb(1) ... t_interp_2_pertb(2:(end -1)) t_interp_2_pertb(end)... params.t_run_end]; switch case {'multi_pert','custom'} sigma_2 = (params.t_perturbation_end_2 - params.t_perturbation_start_2)/4; mu_2 = (50*params.t_perturbation_start_2 + params.t_perturbation_end_2)/51 ; a = 20; F_extra_interp_2 = [0 0 params.M_extra_2*skew_norm(... t_interp_2_pertb(2:(end -1)), mu_2, sigma_2, a ) 0 0]; otherwise sigma_2 = (params.t_perturbation_end_2 - params.t_perturbation_start_2)/10; %ten standard deviations out in each direction mu_2 = (params.t_perturbation_start_2 + params.t_perturbation_end_2)/2; % F_extra_interp_2 = ... [0 0 params.M_extra_2*normpdf(t_interp_2_pertb(2:(end -1)), mu_2, sigma_2) 0 0]; end end switch flags.pertb case {4,4.1,5,5.1} %third perturbation t_interp_3_pertb = ... linspace(params.t_perturbation_start_3,params.t_perturbation_end_3,n); t_interp_3 = [params.t_run_start t_interp_3_pertb(1) ... t_interp_3_pertb(2:(end -1)) t_interp_3_pertb(end)... params.t_run_end]; switch case {'multi_pert','custom'} sigma_3 = (params.t_perturbation_end_3 - params.t_perturbation_start_3)/7; mu_3 = (20*params.t_perturbation_start_3 + params.t_perturbation_end_3)/21; a = 4; F_extra_interp_3 = [0 0 params.M_extra_3*skew_norm( ... t_interp_3_pertb(2:(end -1)), mu_3, sigma_3, a ) 0 0]; otherwise sigma_3 = (params.t_perturbation_end_3 - params.t_perturbation_start_3)/10; %ten standard deviations out in each direction mu_3 = (params.t_perturbation_start_3 + params.t_perturbation_end_3)/2; % F_extra_interp_3 = ... [0 0 params.M_extra_3*normpdf(t_interp_3_pertb(2:(end -1)), mu_3, sigma_3) 0 0]; end %fourth perturbation t_interp_4_pertb = ... linspace(params.t_perturbation_start_4,params.t_perturbation_end_4,n); t_interp_4 = [params.t_run_start t_interp_4_pertb(1) ... t_interp_4_pertb(2:(end -1)) t_interp_4_pertb(end)... params.t_run_end]; switch case {'multi_pert','custom'} sigma_4 = (params.t_perturbation_end_4 - params.t_perturbation_start_4)/10; mu_4 = (20*params.t_perturbation_start_4 + params.t_perturbation_end_4)/21; a = 4; F_extra_interp_4 = [0 0 params.M_extra_4*skew_norm( ... t_interp_4_pertb(2:(end -1)), mu_4, sigma_4, a ) 0 0]; otherwise sigma_4 = (params.t_perturbation_end_4 - params.t_perturbation_start_4)/10; %ten standard deviations out in each direction mu_4 = (params.t_perturbation_start_4 + params.t_perturbation_end_4)/2; % F_extra_interp_4 = ... [0 0 params.M_extra_4*normpdf(t_interp_4_pertb(2:(end -1)), mu_4, sigma_4) 0 0]; end end switch flags.pertb case 4.1 %silicate weathering shift t_shift = linspace(params.t_shift_start,params.t_run_end,n); t_interp_shift = [params.t_run_start t_shift ]; Fwsil_extra_interp = [0 0 params.shift_mag*ones(1,length(t_shift)-1)]; end switch flags.pertb case {5,5.1} %fifth perturbation t_interp_5_pertb = ... linspace(params.t_perturbation_start_5,params.t_perturbation_end_5,n); t_interp_5 = [params.t_run_start t_interp_5_pertb(1) ... t_interp_5_pertb(2:(end -1)) t_interp_5_pertb(end)... params.t_run_end]; switch case {'custom','multi_pert'} sigma_5 = (params.t_perturbation_end_5 - params.t_perturbation_start_5)/10; %ten standard deviations out in each direction mu_5 = (20*params.t_perturbation_start_5 + params.t_perturbation_end_5)/21; a = 4; F_extra_interp_5 = [0 0 params.M_extra_5*skew_norm(... t_interp_5_pertb(2:(end -1)), mu_5, sigma_5, a ) 0 0]; otherwise sigma_5 = (params.t_perturbation_end_5 - params.t_perturbation_start_5)/8; %ten standard deviations out in each direction mu_5 = (params.t_perturbation_end_5 + params.t_perturbation_start_5)/2; F_extra_interp_5 = [0 0 ... params.M_extra_5*normpdf(t_interp_5_pertb(2:(end -1)),... mu_5, sigma_5) 0 0]; end %silicate weathering shift t_shift = linspace(params.t_shift_start,params.t_run_end,n); t_interp_shift = [params.t_run_start t_shift ]; Fwsil_extra_interp = [0 0 params.shift_mag*ones(1,length(t_shift)-1)]; %CP power shift switch flags.pertb case 5.1 t_interp_CP_bP = [params.t_run_start,... params.t_p_CP_bP - 1e3, ... params.t_p_CP_bP + 1e3, params.t_run_end]; F_extra_interp_CP_bP = ... [ params.p_CP_bP params.p_CP_bP ... params.p_CP_bP_2 params.p_CP_bP_2 ]; end end %% %the solver ic=[MCi delbcarbi MCai delbcarbCai Mpi MO2]; %initial conditions % options=odeset('RelTol',1e-7,'OutputFcn',@stop_func); switch flags.pertb case 3.9 [t1 y1] = ode15s(@odefun,[params.t_run_start params.t_perturbation_start_1],ic); %the solver up to the pertubation options_2 = odeset('InitialStep', mean(diff(t_interp_1_pertb))); [t2 y2] = ode15s(@odefun, [params.t_perturbation_start_1 params.t_perturbation_start_2], y1(end,:), options_2); options_3 = odeset('InitialStep', mean(diff(t_interp_2_pertb)) ); [t3 y3] = ode15s(@odefun, [params.t_perturbation_start_2 params.t_run_end], y2(end,:), options_3); %concatenate the solutions t = [t1; t2; t3]; y = [y1; y2; y3 ]; case {4,4.1} [t1 y1] = ode15s(@odefun,[params.t_run_start params.t_perturbation_start_1],ic); %the solver up to the pertubation options_2 = odeset('InitialStep', mean(diff(t_interp_1_pertb)) ); [t2 y2] = ode15s(@odefun, [params.t_perturbation_start_1 params.t_perturbation_start_2], y1(end,:), options_2); options_3 = odeset('InitialStep', mean(diff(t_interp_2_pertb)) ); [t3 y3] = ode15s(@odefun, [params.t_perturbation_start_2 params.t_perturbation_start_3], y2(end,:), options_3); options_4 = odeset('InitialStep', mean(diff(t_interp_3_pertb)) ); [t4 y4] = ode15s(@odefun, [params.t_perturbation_start_3 params.t_perturbation_start_4], y3(end,:), options_4); options_5 = odeset('InitialStep', mean(diff(t_interp_4_pertb)) ); [t5 y5] = ode15s(@odefun, [params.t_perturbation_start_4 params.t_run_end], y4(end,:), options_5); %concatenate the solutions t = [t1; t2; t3; t4; t5]; y = [y1; y2; y3; y4; y5]; case 5 [t1 y1] = ode15s(@odefun,[params.t_run_start params.t_perturbation_start_1],ic); %the solver up to the pertubation options_2 = odeset('InitialStep', mean(diff(t_interp_1_pertb)) ); [t2 y2] = ode15s(@odefun, [params.t_perturbation_start_1 params.t_perturbation_start_2], y1(end,:), options_2); options_3 = odeset('InitialStep', mean(diff(t_interp_2_pertb)) ); [t3 y3] = ode15s(@odefun, [params.t_perturbation_start_2 params.t_perturbation_start_3], y2(end,:), options_3); options_4 = odeset('InitialStep', mean(diff(t_interp_3_pertb)) ); [t4 y4] = ode15s(@odefun, [params.t_perturbation_start_3 params.t_perturbation_start_4], y3(end,:), options_4); options_5 = odeset('InitialStep', mean(diff(t_interp_4_pertb)) ); [t5 y5] = ode15s(@odefun, [params.t_perturbation_start_4 params.t_perturbation_start_5], y4(end,:), options_5); options_6 = odeset('InitialStep', mean(diff(t_interp_5_pertb)) ); [t6 y6] = ode15s(@odefun, [params.t_perturbation_start_5 params.t_run_end], y5(end,:), options_6); %concatenate the solutions t = [t1; t2; t3; t4; t5; t6]; y = [y1; y2; y3; y4; y5; y6]; otherwise min_duration = min(params.t_perturbation_end_1 - params.t_perturbation_start_1); options1 = odeset('Refine',4); options2 = odeset('InitialStep',min_duration/10,'Refine',4); [t1 y1]=ode15s(@odefun,[params.t_run_start params.t_perturbation_start_1],ic,options1); %the solver up to the pertubation [t2 y2]=ode15s(@odefun,[params.t_perturbation_start_1 params.t_run_end],... y1(end,:), options2 ); %the solver after the perturbation %concatenate the two solutions t=[t1; t2]; y=[y1; y2]; end %% %the solver calls this function function dy=odefun(t,y) %carbonate system ALK=(2*(y(3)/(sal*Voc))-kalk); %[eq/kg] carbonate alkalinity DIC=y(1)/(sal*Voc); %[mol/kg] dissolved inorganic carbon [pco2,pH,co2,hco3,co3]=CO3eq(tempi ,sal,depth,ALK,DIC) ; %omega=(y(3)/Voc/sal*1e3*co3)/(10^-6.37) %calcite saturation state. omega=(y(3)/Voc/sal*co3)/(10^-6.37); RCO2=pco2/pco2i; %fractionation dependancies switch flags.del_diff case 0 epsC = 30; %[permil] case 1 epsC = 30; case 2 epsC = -((159.5*PO4i+38.39)/(co2*1e6) - 33) ; case 3 epsC = -((159.5*y(5)/(sal*Voc)+38.39)/(co2*1e6) - 33) ; end %weathering flux dependancies switch flags.weathering case 0 Fwcarb=Fwcarbi; Fworg=Fworgi; Fwsil=Fwsili; Fwp=Fwpi; case 1 Fwcarb=Fwcarbi*(RCO2^params.p_w); Fworg=Fworgi*(RCO2^params.p_w); Fwsil=Fwsili*(RCO2^params.p_w); Fwp=Fwpi*(RCO2^params.p_w); case 2 Fwcarb=Fwcarbi*(RCO2)^(G*Z)*(1+G*Zc*log(RCO2)); Fworg=Fworgi*(RCO2)^(G*Z)*(1+G*Z*log(RCO2))^0.65; Fwsil=Fwsili*(RCO2)^(G*Z)*(1+G*Z*log(RCO2))^0.65; Fwp=Fwpi*(RCO2)^(G*Z)*(1+G*Z*log(RCO2))^0.65; end %phophate burial switch flags.PO4 case 0 Fbp = Fbpi * (y(5) / Mpi).^params.p_bp_Mp; end %the perturbation (organic carbon burial and extra carbon) Fwsil_extra = 0; switch flags.pertb case 0 F_extra = 0; del_extra = params.del_extra_1; Fbcarb=Fbcarbi; Fborg=Fborgi; case 1 F_extra = 0; del_extra = params.del_extra_1; Fborg = interp1(tinterp,F_extra_interp,t,'pchip'); case 2 F_extra = 0; del_extra = params.del_extra_1; CP = CPi * (Fbp/Fbpi).^params.p_CP_bP; Fborg = Fbp*CP; %[mol/y] Fwsil = Fwsili*interp1(tinterp,F_extra_interp,t,'pchip'); Fwcarb=Fwcarbi*interp1(tinterp,F_extra_interp,t,'pchip'); Fworg=Fworgi*interp1(tinterp,F_extra_interp,t,'pchip'); Fwp=Fwpi*interp1(tinterp,F_extra_interp,t,'pchip'); case 3.1 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); del_extra = params.del_extra_1; Fborg = Fborgi * RCO2; %[mol/y] case 3.2 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); del_extra = params.del_extra_1; CP = CPi; Fborg = CP*Fbp; %[mol/y] case 3.3 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); del_extra = params.del_extra_1; % CP = CPi * (RCO2)^p_CP_RCO2; % CPi * log (Fborg/Fborgi) CP = CPi + 0.05 * log (Fborg/Fborgi); Fborg = CP*Fbp; %[mol/y] case 3.4 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); del_extra = params.del_extra_1; CP = CPi; Fborg = Fborgi; %[mol/y] case 3.6 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); del_extra = params.del_extra_1; CP = CPi * (Fbp/Fbpi).^params.p_CP_bP; Fborg = Fbp*CP; %[mol/y] case 3.7 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); del_extra = params.del_extra_1; CP = CPi * exp(Fbp / Fbpi -1 ); Fborg = Fbp*CP; %[mol/y] case 3.8 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); del_extra = params.del_extra_1; CP = CPi; Fborg = Fwp.*CP; %[mol/y] case 3.9 F_extra_1 = interp1(t_interp_1, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); F_extra_2 = interp1(t_interp_2, F_extra_interp_2,t,'pchip'); F_extra = F_extra_1 + F_extra_2; del_extra = (F_extra_1*params.del_extra_1 + F_extra_2*params.del_extra_2)/(F_extra); if isnan(del_extra) == 1, del_extra = 0; end CP = CPi * (Fbp/Fbpi).^params.p_CP_bP; Fborg = Fbp*CP; %[mol/y] case 4 F_extra_1 = interp1(t_interp_1, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); F_extra_2 = interp1(t_interp_2, F_extra_interp_2,t,'pchip'); F_extra_3 = interp1(t_interp_3, F_extra_interp_3,t,'pchip'); F_extra_4 = interp1(t_interp_4, F_extra_interp_4,t,'pchip'); F_extra = F_extra_1 + F_extra_2 + F_extra_3 + F_extra_4; del_extra = ... (F_extra_1*params.del_extra_1 + F_extra_2*params.del_extra_2 +... F_extra_3*params.del_extra_3 + F_extra_4*params.del_extra_4)... /(F_extra); if isnan(del_extra) == 1, del_extra = 0; end CP = CPi * (Fbp/Fbpi).^params.p_CP_bP; Fborg = Fbp*CP; %[mol/y] case 4.1 F_extra_1 = interp1(t_interp_1, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); F_extra_2 = interp1(t_interp_2, F_extra_interp_2,t,'pchip'); F_extra_3 = interp1(t_interp_3, F_extra_interp_3,t,'pchip'); F_extra_4 = interp1(t_interp_4, F_extra_interp_4,t,'pchip'); F_extra = F_extra_1 + F_extra_2 +... F_extra_3 + F_extra_4; del_extra = ... (F_extra_1*params.del_extra_1 + F_extra_2*params.del_extra_2 +... F_extra_3*params.del_extra_3 + F_extra_4*params.del_extra_4)... /(F_extra); if isnan(del_extra) == 1, del_extra = 0; end CP = CPi * (Fbp/Fbpi).^params.p_CP_bP; Fborg = Fbp*CP; %[mol/y] Fwsil_extra = interp1(t_interp_shift, Fwsil_extra_interp,... t,'pchip'); case 5 F_extra_1 = interp1(t_interp_1, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); F_extra_2 = interp1(t_interp_2, F_extra_interp_2,t,'pchip'); F_extra_3 = interp1(t_interp_3, F_extra_interp_3,t,'pchip'); F_extra_4 = interp1(t_interp_4, F_extra_interp_4,t,'pchip'); F_extra_5 = interp1(t_interp_5, F_extra_interp_5,t,'pchip'); F_extra = F_extra_1 + F_extra_2 +... F_extra_3 + F_extra_4 + F_extra_5; del_extra = ... (F_extra_1*params.del_extra_1 + F_extra_2*params.del_extra_2 +... F_extra_3*params.del_extra_3 + F_extra_4*params.del_extra_4... + F_extra_5*params.del_extra_5)... /(F_extra); if isnan(del_extra) == 1, del_extra = 0; end CP = CPi * (Fbp/Fbpi).^params.p_CP_bP; Fborg = Fbp*CP; %[mol/y] Fwsil_extra = interp1(t_interp_shift, Fwsil_extra_interp,... t,'pchip'); case 5.1 F_extra_1 = interp1(t_interp_1, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); F_extra_2 = interp1(t_interp_2, F_extra_interp_2,t,'pchip'); F_extra_3 = interp1(t_interp_3, F_extra_interp_3,t,'pchip'); F_extra_4 = interp1(t_interp_4, F_extra_interp_4,t,'pchip'); F_extra_5 = interp1(t_interp_5, F_extra_interp_5,t,'pchip'); F_extra = F_extra_1 + F_extra_2 +... F_extra_3 + F_extra_4 + F_extra_5; del_extra = ... (F_extra_1*params.del_extra_1 + F_extra_2*params.del_extra_2 +... F_extra_3*params.del_extra_3 + F_extra_4*params.del_extra_4... + F_extra_5*params.del_extra_5)... /(F_extra); if isnan(del_extra) == 1, del_extra = 0; end p_CP_bP = interp1(t_interp_CP_bP, F_extra_interp_CP_bP,t); CP = CPi * (Fbp/Fbpi).^ p_CP_bP; Fborg = Fbp*CP; %[mol/y] Fwsil_extra = interp1(t_interp_shift, Fwsil_extra_interp,... t,'pchip'); end %carbonate buiral switch flags.Fbcarb case 0 Fbcarb = Fbcarbi; case 1 Fbcarb = Fhyd + Fwsil + Fwcarb ; case 2 Fbcarb = Fwcarb + Fworg + Fvolc + F_extra - Fborg; case 3 Fbcarb = Fbcarbi * y(3)/MCai; %[mol/y] case 4 Fbcarb = Fbcarbi*(omega/omegai).^params.p_carb; case 5 Fbcarb = Fbcarbi*( (omega-1)/(omegai-1) ).^params.p_carb; end switch flags.pertb % case 2 % Fbcarb = interp1(tinterp,F_extra_interp,t,'pchip'); % Fborg = Fwcarb + Fworg + Fvolc + F_extra - Fbcarb; case 3.0 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); Fborg = Fwcarb + Fworg + Fvolc + F_extra - Fbcarb; %[mol/y] case 3.5 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); CP = CPi; Fborg = forgi/(1-forgi)*Fbcarb; %[mol/y] del_extra = params.del_extra_1; end dy(1) = Fwcarb + Fworg + Fvolc + F_extra - Fborg - Fbcarb; %d(MC)/dt dy(2) = ( Fvolc*(delvolc-y(2)) + Fworg*(delworg-y(2)) +... Fwcarb*(delwcarb-y(2)) + F_extra*(del_extra - y(2))... - (Fborg)*(-epsC)) / y(1); %d(delC)/dt %Calcium boxes dy(3) = Fhyd + Fwsil + Fwsil_extra + Fwcarb - Fbcarb; %d(MCa)/dt dy(4) = ( Fhyd*(delhyd-y(4)) + (Fwsil + Fwsil_extra + Fwcarb)*(delwriv-y(4))... - Fbcarb*(-epsCa) ) / y(3); %d(delCa)/dt %PO4 box dy(5) = Fwp - Fbp; %O2 box dy(6) = Fborg - Fworg - params.f_red .* Fvolc; dy=dy(:); end %% %output %reconstruct vars MC = y(:,1); MCa = y(:,3); DIC = y(:,1)/(sal*Voc); %[mmol/kg] dissolved inorganic carbon Ca = y(:,3)/(sal*Voc); delbcarb = y(:,2); delCa = y(:,4); PO4 = y(:,5)/(sal*Voc); Mp = y(:,5); MO2 = y(:,6); ALK=(2*Ca-kalk); %[meq/kg] carbonate alk pco2=zeros(length(ALK),1);pH=zeros(length(ALK),1);omega=zeros(length(ALK),1); co2=zeros(length(ALK),1); hco3=zeros(length(ALK),1); co3=zeros(length(ALK),1); for i=1:length(ALK), [pco2(i),pH(i),co2(i),hco3(i),co3(i)]=CO3eq(tempi,sal,depth,ALK(i),DIC(i)); omega(i)=(Ca(i).*co3(i))/(10^-6.37); %calcite saturation state. end switch flags.del_diff case 0 epsC = 30; %[permil] delborg = delbcarb - epsC; case 1 epsC = 30; delborg = (1-params.fexternal)*(delbcarb - epsC) + params.fexternal*params.delexternal; case 2 epsC = -((159.5.*PO4i+38.39)./(co2*1e6) - 33) ; delborg = delbcarb - epsC; case 3 epsC = -((159.5.*PO4+38.39)./(co2*1e6) - 33) ; delborg = delbcarb - epsC; end RCO2=pco2/pco2i; %weathering feedbacks switch flags.weathering case 0 Fwcarb=Fwcarbi*ones(length(t),1); Fworg=Fworgi*ones(length(t),1); Fwsil=Fwsili*ones(length(t),1); Fwp=Fwpi*ones(length(t),1); case 1 Fwcarb=Fwcarbi.*(RCO2.^params.p_w); Fworg=Fworgi.*(RCO2.^params.p_w); Fwsil=Fwsili.*(RCO2.^params.p_w); Fwp=Fwpi.*(RCO2.^params.p_w); case 2 Fwcarb=Fwcarbi.*(RCO2).^(G.*Z).*(1+G.*Zc.*log(RCO2)); Fworg=Fworgi.*(RCO2).^(G.*Z).*(1+G.*Z.*log(RCO2)).^0.65; Fwsil=Fwsili.*(RCO2).^(G.*Z).*(1+G.*Z.*log(RCO2)).^0.65; Fwp=Fwpi.*(RCO2).^(G.*Z).*(1+G.*Z.*log(RCO2)).^0.65; end %phosphate burial switch flags.PO4 case 0 Fbp = Fbpi .* (Mp ./ Mpi).^params.p_bp_Mp; end %forcing switch flags.pertb case 0 F_extra = zeros(length(t),1); del_extra=zeros(length(t),1); Fborg=Fborgi*ones(length(t),1); CP = CPi * ones(length(t),1); case 1 F_extra = zeros(length(t),1); del_extra=zeros(length(t),1); Fborg = interp1(tinterp,F_extra_interp,t,'pchip'); CP = CPi * ones(length(t),1); case 2 F_extra = zeros(length(t),1); del_extra=zeros(length(t),1); CP = CPi .* (Fbp./Fbpi).^params.p_CP_bP; Fborg = Fbp.*CP; %[mol/y] Fwsil = Fwsili*interp1(tinterp,F_extra_interp,t,'pchip'); Fwcarb=Fwcarbi*interp1(tinterp,F_extra_interp,t,'pchip'); Fworg=Fworgi*interp1(tinterp,F_extra_interp,t,'pchip'); Fwp=Fwpi*interp1(tinterp,F_extra_interp,t,'pchip'); case 3.0 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); CP = CPi * ones(length(t),1); case 3.1 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); Fborg = Fborgi * MC / MCi; %[mol/y] CP = CPi * ones(length(t),1); case 3.2 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); CP = CPi * ones(length(t),1); Fborg = CP.*Fbp; %[mol/y] case 3.3 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); % CP = CPi * (RCO2).^p_CP_RCO2; % CP = CPi + CPi .* log (Fborg./Fborgi) ; % Fborg = CP*Fbp; %[mol/y]; Fborg = CP.*Fbp; %[mol/y] case 3.4 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); CP = CPi * ones(length(t),1); Fborg = Fborgi * ones(length(t),1); %[mol/y] case 3.6 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); CP = CPi .* (Fbp./Fbpi).^params.p_CP_bP; Fborg = Fbp.*CP; %[mol/y] case 3.7 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); CP = CPi .* exp(Fbp ./ Fbpi -1 ); Fborg = Fbp.*CP; %[mol/y] case 3.8 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); CP = CPi * ones(length(t),1); Fborg = Fwp.*CP; %[mol/y] case 3.9 F_extra_1 = interp1(t_interp_1, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); F_extra_2 = interp1(t_interp_2, F_extra_interp_2,t,'pchip'); F_extra = F_extra_1 + F_extra_2; del_extra = (F_extra_1*params.del_extra_1 + F_extra_2*params.del_extra_2)./(F_extra); if isnan(del_extra) == 1, del_extra = 0; end CP = CPi * (Fbp/Fbpi).^params.p_CP_bP; Fborg = Fbp.*CP; %[mol/y] case 4 F_extra_1 = interp1(t_interp_1, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); F_extra_2 = interp1(t_interp_2, F_extra_interp_2,t,'pchip'); F_extra_3 = interp1(t_interp_3, F_extra_interp_3,t,'pchip'); F_extra_4 = interp1(t_interp_4, F_extra_interp_4,t,'pchip'); F_extra = F_extra_1 + F_extra_2 + F_extra_3 + F_extra_4; del_extra = ... (F_extra_1*params.del_extra_1 + F_extra_2*params.del_extra_2 +... F_extra_3*params.del_extra_3 + F_extra_4*params.del_extra_4)... ./(F_extra); if isnan(del_extra) == 1, del_extra = 0; end CP = CPi * (Fbp/Fbpi).^params.p_CP_bP; Fborg = Fbp.*CP; %[mol/y] case 4.1 F_extra_1 = interp1(t_interp_1, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); F_extra_2 = interp1(t_interp_2, F_extra_interp_2,t,'pchip'); F_extra_3 = interp1(t_interp_3, F_extra_interp_3,t,'pchip'); F_extra_4 = interp1(t_interp_4, F_extra_interp_4,t,'pchip'); F_extra = F_extra_1 + F_extra_2 + F_extra_3 + F_extra_4; del_extra = ... (F_extra_1*params.del_extra_1 + F_extra_2*params.del_extra_2 +... F_extra_3*params.del_extra_3 + F_extra_4*params.del_extra_4)... ./(F_extra); del_extra(isnan(del_extra)) = 0; CP = CPi * (Fbp/Fbpi).^params.p_CP_bP; Fborg = Fbp.*CP; %[mol/y] Fwsil_extra = interp1(t_interp_shift, Fwsil_extra_interp,... t,'pchip'); case 5 F_extra_1 = interp1(t_interp_1, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); F_extra_2 = interp1(t_interp_2, F_extra_interp_2,t,'pchip'); F_extra_3 = interp1(t_interp_3, F_extra_interp_3,t,'pchip'); F_extra_4 = interp1(t_interp_4, F_extra_interp_4,t,'pchip'); F_extra_5 = interp1(t_interp_5, F_extra_interp_5,t,'pchip'); F_extra = F_extra_1 + F_extra_2 + F_extra_3 + F_extra_4... + F_extra_5; del_extra = ... (F_extra_1*params.del_extra_1 + F_extra_2*params.del_extra_2 +... F_extra_3*params.del_extra_3 + F_extra_4*params.del_extra_4... + F_extra_5*params.del_extra_5)... ./(F_extra); del_extra(isnan(del_extra)) = 0; CP = CPi * (Fbp/Fbpi).^params.p_CP_bP; Fborg = Fbp.*CP; %[mol/y] Fwsil_extra = interp1(t_interp_shift, Fwsil_extra_interp,... t,'pchip'); case 5.1 F_extra_1 = interp1(t_interp_1, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); F_extra_2 = interp1(t_interp_2, F_extra_interp_2,t,'pchip'); F_extra_3 = interp1(t_interp_3, F_extra_interp_3,t,'pchip'); F_extra_4 = interp1(t_interp_4, F_extra_interp_4,t,'pchip'); F_extra_5 = interp1(t_interp_5, F_extra_interp_5,t,'pchip'); F_extra = F_extra_1 + F_extra_2 +... F_extra_3 + F_extra_4 + F_extra_5; del_extra = ... (F_extra_1*params.del_extra_1 + F_extra_2*params.del_extra_2 +... F_extra_3*params.del_extra_3 + F_extra_4*params.del_extra_4... + F_extra_5*params.del_extra_5)... ./(F_extra); if isnan(del_extra) == 1, del_extra = 0; end p_CP_bP = interp1(t_interp_CP_bP, F_extra_interp_CP_bP,t); CP = CPi .* (Fbp/Fbpi).^ p_CP_bP; Fborg = Fbp.*CP; %[mol/y] Fwsil_extra = interp1(t_interp_shift, Fwsil_extra_interp,... t,'pchip'); end %carbonate burial switch flags.Fbcarb case 0 Fbcarb = Fbcarbi* ones(length(t),1); case 1 Fbcarb = Fhyd + Fwsil + Fwcarb ; case 2 Fbcarb = Fwcarb + Fworg + Fvolc + F_extra - Fborg; case 3 Fbcarb = Fbcarbi * MCa/MCai; %[mol/y] case 4 Fbcarb = Fbcarbi.*(omega./omegai).^params.p_carb; case 5 Fbcarb = Fbcarbi*( (omega-1)/(omegai-1) ).^params.p_carb; end switch flags.pertb % case 2 % Fbcarb = interp1(tinterp,F_extra_interp,t,'pchip'); % Fborg = Fwcarb + Fworg + Fvolc + F_extra - Fbcarb; case 3.0 Fborg = Fwcarb + Fworg + Fvolc + F_extra - Fbcarb; %[mol/y] case 3.5 F_extra = interp1(tinterp, F_extra_interp_1,t,'pchip'); CP = CPi* ones(length(t),1); Fborg = forgi./(1-forgi).*Fbcarb; %[mol/y] end CO2 = MO2/1.8e20; delwC=(Fvolc*delvolc+Fworg*delworg+Fwcarb*delwcarb+F_extra.*del_extra)./(Fvolc+Fworg+Fwcarb+F_extra); delbC = (Fbcarb.*delbcarb+Fborg.*delborg)./(Fborg+Fbcarb); epsb = delwC - delbC; forg=Fborg./(Fborg+Fbcarb); Output = struct('t', t, 'DIC',DIC*1e3, 'delbcarb', delbcarb, 'Ca', Ca*1e3,... 'Fborg', Fborg, 'Fbcarb', Fbcarb, 'forg', forg,... 'pco2', pco2, 'pH', pH, 'omega', omega, 'epsb', epsb,... 'hco3', hco3, 'co3', co3, 'ALK', ALK*1e3, ... 'delbC', delbC, 'delborg', delborg,'PO4',PO4,... 'delCa',delCa,'Fextra',F_extra,'CP',CP,'Fwsil',Fwsil,'delwC',delwC,... 'CO2',CO2); function [F] = skew_norm(x,mu,sigma,a) t = (x - mu) / sigma; F = 2 / sigma * normpdf(t,0,1) .* normcdf(a*t,0,1); end end function [ pco2,pH,co2,hco3,co3 ] = CO3eq( temp,s,z,alk,dic ) %CO3eq calculates carbonate system parameters from alkalinity and DIC. %Modified from Chemical Oceanography and the Marine Carbon Cycle 2008 by Emerson %and Hedges p129 and Richard Zeebe's csys code. %% %inputs temp degC sal in ppt depth in m alk in eq/kg dic in mol/kg %outputs co3 hco3 co2 in mol/kg % Test parameters. % Simply uncomment and run in cell mode (ctrl+enter) for outputs % temp=20; %[degC] % s=1.035;%[kg/L] % z=0; %[m] % alk=2.2e-3 ;%[eq/kg] % dic=2.0e-3 ;%[mol/kg] %params s=s*1e3-1e3; t=temp+273.15; Pr=z/10; R=83.131; tbor=0.000416*s/35.0; %constants U1=-60.2409+93.4517*(100/t)+23.3585*log(t/100); U2=s*(0.023517-0.023656*(t/100)+0.0047036*(t/100)^2); KH=exp(U1+U2); KB=exp((-8966.9-2890.53*s^0.5-77.942*s+1.728*s^1.5-0.0996*s^2)/t... +148.0248+137.1942*s^0.5+1.62142*s-(24.4344+25.085*s^0.5+... 0.2474*s)*log(t)+0.053105*s^0.5*t); K1=10^(-(3633.86/t-61.2172+9.67770*log(t)-0.011555*s+0.0001152*s^2)); K2=10^(-(471.78/t+25.9290-3.16967*log(t)-0.01781*s+0.0001122*s^2)); dvB= -29.48+0.1622*temp-0.002608*(temp)^2; dv1=-25.20+0.1271*temp; dv2=-15.82-0.0219*temp; dkB=-0.00284; dk1=-0.00308+0.0000877*temp; dk2=0.00113-0.0001475*temp; KB=(exp(-(dvB/(R*t))*Pr+(0.5*dkB/(R*t))*Pr^2))*KB; K1=(exp(-(dv1/(R*t))*Pr+(0.5*dk1/(R*t))*Pr^2))*K1; K2=(exp(-(dv2/(R*t))*Pr+(0.5*dk2/(R*t))*Pr^2))*K2; KW1=148.96502-13847.26/t-23.65218*log(t); KW2=(118.67/t-5.977+1.0495*log(t))*s^0.5-0.01615*s; KW=exp(KW1+KW2); %solve for H ion a1=1; a2=(alk+KB+K1); a3=(alk*KB-KB*tbor-KW+alk*K1+K1*KB+K1*K2-dic*K1); a4=(-KW*KB+alk*KB*K1-KB*tbor*K1-KW*K1+alk*K1*K2+KB*K1*K2-dic*KB*K1-2*dic*K1*K2); a5=(-KW*KB*K1+alk*KB*K1*K2-KW*K1*K2-KB*tbor*K1*K2-2*dic*KB*K1*K2); a6=-KB*KW*K1*K2; p=[a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6]; r=roots(p); h=max(real(r)); %Calculate HCO3, CO3 ,CO2aq [mol/kg], and pCO2 [microatm] hco3=dic/(1+h/K1+K2/h); co3=dic/(1+h/K2+h*h/(K1*K2)); co2=dic/(1+K1/h+K1*K2/(h*h)); pH=-log10(h); pco2=1e6*co2/KH; %Uncomment to check the calculations % BOH4=KB*tbor/(h+KB); % OH=KW/h; % Ct=(hco3+co3+co2); % At=(hco3+2*co3+BOH4+OH-h); end function [LBC_Data] = LBC_data() %% %Val Adrara Ccarb (from van de Schootbrugge et al 2008) %stratigraphic position, d13C_carb, d18O, Adrara = [ 1.8 1.901 -3.056 2.8 1.87 -2.144 3.8 1.735 -3.059 4.8 1.818 -2.774 5.8 2.138 -2.392 6.8 2.362 -2.873 7.8 1.803 -3.07 8.8 2.059 -1.655 9.8 2.058 -2.188 11 1.865 -2.677 11.6 1.947 -2.812 12 1.818 -3.548 12.9 2.205 -2.934 16 1.943 -3.16 17 0.672 -3.83 18 1.643 -3.364 20 1.358 -2.262 24 3.276 -4.662 27 2.54 -2.848 28 3.195 -2.865 28.6 3.184 -2.876 29.3 3.227 -2.874 30.8 1.41 -3.516 32 2.236 -2.472 33 2.068 -2.817 34 2.016 -2.12 34.9 1.374 -2.911 35.9 2.121 -2.908 36.2 2.388 -2.469 37.2 2.661 -2.337 38.3 2.5 -2.799 40 2.657 -2.88 44 2.664 -2.644 44.5 2.635 -2.752 45.4 2.366 -3.288 46.2 2.456 -2.909 46.9 2.544 -2.021 48 2.418 -2.411 49.4 2.461 -2.565 50.3 2.302 -3.176 52.2 2.193 -3.294 53.5 2.416 -2.293 55 2.367 -2.789 57.2 2.896 -2.289 57.6 3.145 -1.943 58.6 2.874 -2.086 59.2 3.158 -2.268 59.5 3.23 -3.061 60.7 4.211 -2.007 61.2 3.725 -2.967 61.7 3.817 -2.708 62.2 3.694 -2.566 62.7 3.828 -2.435 63.2 3.746 -2.347 63.7 3.805 -2.476 64.2 3.629 -2.53 64.7 3.786 -2.109 65.2 3.667 -2.311 65.7 3.216 -3.041 66.2 3.27 -3.201 67.2 3.505 -2.739 67.7 3.064 -2.943 68.2 3.303 -2.811 69.3 3.315 -2.965 69.8 3.554 -2.444 70.4 3.11 -2.987 71.4 3.374 -2.589 71.8 3.386 -2.985 79 3.029 -3.398 80 3.548 -5.52 81 2.606 -5.664 82 3.509 -5.243 83 3.594 -5.449 84 2.989 -5.592 85 1.498 -5.839 86 3.15 -5.835 87 4.04 -5.38 88 3.776 -5.353 89 3.252 -5.862 90 2.023 -5.893 91 3.178 -6.05 92 -0.87 -5.86 93 3.325 -5.298 94 3.779 -5.759 95 4.396 -5.323 96 4.376 -5.641 97 4.2 -5.857 98 4.416 -5.57 100.6 4.364 -5.681 101.4 4.781 -5.996 102.5 4.527 -6.005 103.5 4.703 -5.577 105.5 5.043 -4.108 106.5 5.048 -5.182 108 5.023 -5.397 109 5.235 -4.208 110 5.125 -5.846 111 5.428 -4.203 112 5.45 -4.684 113.4 5.586 -4.477 114.4 3.005 -5.579 115 5.722 -4.069 116 5.464 -4.684 117 5.544 -4.63 118 5.558 -4.191 119 5.492 -4.275 120 5.656 -3.958 121 5.231 -4.659 122 5.456 -4.379 123 5.559 -3.588 124 4.536 -3.518 126 5.759 -3.858 127 5.5 -4.763 128 5.213 -4.718 129 5.435 -4.324 130 5.503 -4.342 131 4.249 -4.28 132 4.378 -5.046 133 4.784 -4.601 134 4.98 -4.355 135 5.212 -3.825 136 5.412 -3.891 137 5.398 -4.032 138 5.392 -4.106 139 5.209 -4.041 140 5.374 -4.523 141 5.174 -4.743 142 5.46 -3.595 143 4.803 -4.181 144 5.206 -4.085 145 5.067 -4.432 146 5.118 -4.365 147 5.189 -4.084 148 5.039 -3.982 149 4.223 -5.037 150 5.066 -4.543 151 4.814 -4.793 152 4.599 -5.271 153 4.832 -3.393 154 4.838 -3.83 155 3.573 -4.77 156 4.578 -3.995 157 4.732 -3.921 158 4.946 -3.545 159 4.704 -4.358 160 4.902 -3.78 161 4.424 -4.623 162 4.271 -5.336 163 4.771 -4.643 164 4.682 -5.116 165 4.577 -4.765 166 4.878 -3.621 167 4.444 -4.397 168 4.112 -4.352 169 4.438 -4.281 170 4.649 -3.713 171 4.598 -4.501 172 4.654 -4.181 173 4.695 -3.593 174 4.658 -3.496 175 4.756 -3.333 176 4.654 -3.889 177 4.603 -4.135 178 4.662 -3.811 179 4.606 -3.674 180 4.058 -3.183 181 4.146 -4.154 182 4.351 -4.559 183 4.387 -3.781 185 4.44 -3.522 186 4.327 -4.463 186.8 4.461 -4.043 189 4.473 -3.789 190 4.414 -3.989 191 4.341 -3.685 192 4.265 -3.617 193 4.378 -3.684 194 4.422 -3.501 195 4.271 -3.629 196 4.286 -3.853 197 4.365 -3.677 198 4.004 -3.906 200 4.173 -3.923 201 4.189 -3.413 202 4.097 -3.5 203 4.059 -3.379 204 4.075 -3.337 205 4.06 -3.42 206 4.08 -3.355 207 4.206 -3.351 208 4.3 -3.45 209 4.131 -3.708 210 4.044 -3.824 211 4.146 -3.809 212 3.992 -4.322 213 3.313 -4.621 214 4.137 -3.287 215 4.105 -3.172 216 4.06 -3.578 217 3.802 -3.929 218 3.863 -4.269 219 4.026 -3.28 221 3.838 -3.295 222 3.908 -3.939 226 3.564 -4.243 227 3.454 -3.973 228 3.436 -3.59 229 3.396 -3.416 230 3.543 -3.693 231 3.351 -3.796 232 2.945 -3.915 233 3.405 -3.667 234 3.255 -3.574 235 3.187 -3.741 236 3.087 -3.574 237 3.181 -3.657 238 3.164 -4.151 239 2.871 -4.571 240 3.072 -4.688 242.1 3.052 -4.257 242.22 2.481 -4.765 242.75 3.204 -4.8 243.03 2.661 -4.115 243.33 2.378 -4.54 243.8 2.179 -6.361 244.4 2.859 -4.447 244.9 2.519 -4.189 245.3 2.605 -3.994 246 2.618 -3.662 246.5 2.62 -4.366 247 2.587 -3.741 247.5 2.522 -3.669 247.6 2.44 -4.262 248 2.336 -3.404 248.5 2.394 -3.697 249.2 2.409 -3.856 249.5 2.059 -4.132 250.2 2.162 -5.036 250.7 1.779 -4.544 251.1 2.058 -4.509 251.4 1.536 -5.192 252 1.63 -5.354 252.3 1.451 -4.216 253 1.558 -3.045 253.5 1.727 -3.673 254 1.496 -2.386 255 1.49 -4.15 255.2 1.727 -3.211 255.6 1.615 -3.524 256 2.009 -4.398 256.6 1.51 -4.866 257 1.121 -5.347 257.5 1.538 -3.978 258 1.416 -4.049 258.5 1.792 -4.307 259 2.107 -3.129 259.4 1.901 -3.525 260 1.53 -3.218 260.5 1.813 -3.326 261 1.512 -3.209 261.5 1.539 -5.549 262 1.87 -3.035 262.4 1.95 -2.859 263 1.348 -3.062 263.5 0.202 -5.715 264 1.701 -3.489 264.5 1.588 -3.471 265.2 1.508 -2.719 265.6 1.229 -3.913 266 1.187 -3.951 266.5 1.095 -3.803 267 1.281 -4.087 267.5 1.34 -4.168 268.1 1.49 -3.611 268.5 1.433 -4.461 269.1 1.22 -3.141 269.5 1.608 -4.798 270 1.332 -4.314 270.5 1.313 -3.719 271 1.161 -3.335 271.5 1.441 -3.243 272 0.938 -3.599 272.8 -0.921 -4.067 273 1.248 -2.717 273.5 0.966 -4.084 274 0.836 -4.848 274.5 0.786 -3.613 275 0.727 -4.668 276 1.031 -2.957 276.5 1.517 -3.131 277 0.755 -2.701 277.5 1.048 -3.638 278 1.013 -4.167 278.1 0.821 -4.651 278.5 0.988 -3.459 279 1.067 -3.618 279.5 1.124 -3.642 280 1.177 -3.793 280.5 1.108 -3.493 281.3 2.591 -2.268 281.5 1.215 -3.353 282.2 1.239 -3.209 283 1.162 -2.917 283.5 1.18 -4.159 284 0.802 -3.594 284.6 1.013 -4.115 285 -0.01 -5.562 285.8 -0.504 -6.417 286.5 0.795 -6.027 287.3 -0.595 -6.876 287.5 1.115 -2.791 288 -0.976 -5.357 288.5 0.063 -4.506 289 0.376 -4.314 289.5 0.775 -3.797 290.5 0.319 -3.028 291 0.876 -4.175 291.5 0.856 -4.635 293 0.989 -4.136 294 0.969 -4.996 295 -3.146 -5.411 296 0.485 -3.628 297 1.017 -4.62 299 0.602 -6.434 302 1.566 -4.535 305 1.212 -6.217 308 1.515 -4.34 311 0.898 -3.974 314 1.109 -6.684 317 1.341 -4.335 320 1.421 -4.041 323 1.472 -5.782 324 0.226 -7.752 326 1.367 -10.76 327 0.94 -5.5 329 0.641 -2.957 332 0.17 -7.549 335 0.867 -4.169 338 0.882 -3.804 344 0.858 -4.905 347 0.816 -2.928 349 2.008 -4.049 350 0.577 -2.968 353 0.44 -2.966 356 0.512 -3.752 359 0.384 -3.163 362 0.626 -2.701 365 0.591 -2.964 368 0.533 -2.634 371 0.407 -4.145 374 -0.462 -5.127 377 0.452 -2.909 380 0.414 -2.964 383 0.393 -3.227 386 0.417 -2.987 389 0.694 -2.95 392 0.672 -2.564 395 0.527 -2.924 398 0.67 -2.668 401 0.357 -5.185 404 0.483 -5.738 407 0.593 -3.013 410 0.479 -3.249 413 0.733 -2.065 416 0.628 -4.084 419 0.884 -2.529 422 0.796 -1.957 ]; % Val Adrara Corg (from Bachan et al 2012): %stratigraphic elevation, d13C_org, d13C_carb Adrara_Corg = [ 1.8 -27.078 1.901 7.8 -28.442 1.803 11.6 -27.615 1.947 14.6 -28.191 2.205 17 -27.802 0.672 18 -27.445 1.643 20 -27.81 1.358 27 -26.255 2.54 30.8 -26.475 1.41 46.9 -27.082 2.544 51.2 -27.673 2.302 55 -29.602 2.367 57.2 -28.594 2.896 62.2 -29.015 3.694 64.2 -27.294 3.629 69.3 -29.613 3.315 71.8 -27.566 3.386 77 -28.597 3.386 86 -26.481 3.15 86 -26.6 3.15 94 -27.261 3.779 94 -27.026 3.779 95 -26.604 4.396 95 -26.913 4.396 100.6 -27.024 4.364 108 -26.857 5.023 112 -26.955 5.45 122 -26.52 5.456 147 -27.21 5.189 150 -26.86 5.066 162 -28.066 4.271 163 -27.202 4.771 172 -27.524 4.654 182 -26.8 4.351 196 -28.168 4.286 200 -27.921 4.173 205 -27.453 4.06 210 -27.641 4.044 221 -28.125 3.838 234 -27.606 3.255 241 -27.964 3.072 246.6 -29.28 2.62 251 -29.306 1.779 255.5 -29.892 1.727 265.5 -29.301 1.508 266.5 -29.849 1.095 271.6 -29.182 1.441 276.5 -30.297 1.517 281.2 -30.164 1.108 284.8 -28.729 1.013 291 -29.914 0.876 307 -29.286 1.212 310 -28.39 1.515 319.7 -29.204 1.341 319.7 -29.644 1.341 325 -28.992 0.226 331 -30.561 0.641 343 -29.29 0.882 356 -27.508 0.512 364 -29.142 0.626 370 -29.334 0.533 376 -26.254 -0.462 388 -28.239 0.417 394 -28.401 0.672 394 -29.142 0.672 403 -28.608 0.357 421 -28.713 0.884 445 -29.671 0.796 ]; %Val Adrara detailed (ADR) Ccarb: %stratigraphic position, d13C_carb, d18O, ADR = [ 0 2.48 -2.74 0.5 2.59 -2.45 1 2.6 -2.47 1.5 2.64 -1.9 2 2.5 -2.31 2.5 2.61 -2.61 3 2.48 -2.7 3.5 2.4 -2.69 4 1.87 -2.89 4.5 2.02 -3.45 5 2.7 -2.52 5.5 2.51 -3.02 6 2.5 -2.64 6.5 2.57 -2.66 7 2.37 -2.59 7.5 2.13 -3.5 8 2.03 -3.14 9 1.97 -4 9.5 2.03 -3.72 10 1.67 -3.21 10.5 2.37 -2.91 11 2.67 -2.47 11.5 2.24 -3.68 12 2.22 -2.31 12.5 1.87 -3.32 13 2.14 -3.44 14 -3.23 -5.39 14.5 -4.55 -5.59 14.75 -0.73 -5.2 14.85 -1.48 -5.31 15 1.82 -3.45 15.2 2.76 -2.56 15.5 2.83 -2.28 15.75 2.99 -2.07 16 3.37 -1.68 16.25 3.46 -2.38 16.75 3.84 -2.53 17 3.76 -2.13 17.25 4.02 -2.39 17.5 3.91 -2.42 17.75 3.78 -2.58 18 3.82 -2.33 18.25 3.82 -2.24 18.5 3.68 -2.43 18.75 4.16 -1.72 19 3.67 -2.62 19.25 3.73 -2.22 19.5 3.57 -2.62 19.75 3.78 -2.2 20 3.83 -2.11 20.25 3.6 -2.66 20.5 3.77 -2.19 20.75 3.18 -3.35 21 3.7 -2.09 21.25 3.57 -2.44 21.5 3.53 -2.59 21.75 3.35 -3.31 22 2.7 -2.47 22.25 3.55 -2.42 22.5 3.6 -2.67 22.75 3.44 -2.51 23 3.54 -2.69 23.25 3.49 -2.64 23.5 3.05 -2.58 23.75 3.26 -2.66 ]; %Pozzo Glaciale section Ccarb (PZG) % el, d13C, d18O PZG = [ 0.4 5.55 -6.42 0.8 5.67 -4.99 1.9 5.48 -6.48 2.3 5.46 -5.81 2.9 5.65 -5.09 3.5 5.81 -5.74 4.9 4.97 -6.89 5.3 5.55 -6.08 7 5.51 -7.22 8.9 5.36 -5.13 11.9 5.33 -5.79 14.5 6.05 -7.55 15.1 5.29 -5.15 16 5.32 -4.55 16.7 5.27 -6.06 17.4 5.26 -5.77 18.1 5.28 -4.74 18.8 6.04 -8.74 20.1 4.93 -6.1 21 5.31 -6.13 21.7 5.2 -5.65 22.5 5.12 -6.63 23.5 5.45 -9.43 24.2 5.18 -6.04 25.4 5.15 -5.96 26.3 5.84 -8.62 27 4.15 -8.77 27.5 5.19 -9.25 28.2 0 0 29 4.9 -5.04 29.6 5.03 -4.98 32.1 5.1 -5.58 33 4.99 -4.22 34 5.1 -4.94 35.5 4.47 -5.71 37.2 4.97 -5.5 39 4.99 -5.75 41.5 4.75 -5.06 43.7 4.55 -5.12 46.7 4.62 -4.56 49.9 4.16 -5.43 51.5 4.19 -4.93 54.4 4 -5.2 57.2 4.33 -5.4 65.8 3.42 -5.43 75 2.02 -4.52 77.9 4.44 -4.74 79 3.41 -4.57 81 3.32 -4.93 83.5 3.28 -4.65 86 3.16 -7 91.4 3.07 -5.24 93.1 2.61 -4.54 97.3 2.25 -4.86 100.5 2.16 -4.84 102.9 1.83 -3.07 104.6 2.11 -4.18 106.6 2.03 -3.77 112 1.89 -3.81 113.7 0.73 -4.17 114.6 1.32 -4.37 115.1 1.34 -3.02 116.5 1.34 -4.45 117.1 1.61 -3.96 118 2.04 -3.84 120.6 1.74 -3.52 123.3 1.66 -3.26 124.8 1.79 -4.46 126.9 1.78 -4.64 128.9 2.13 -4.46 130.8 1.89 -5.29 131.7 2.08 -3.97 133.4 2.31 -3.66 134.2 1.66 -4.8 135.8 1.64 -4.46 136.3 1.72 -4.32 139.3 1.49 -5.03 140.3 1.36 -4.83 140.5 0.14 -5.51 147.9 1.37 -4.83 150 1.27 -5.5 155.2 -0.15 -6.11 153.3 1.45 -5.3 153.9 0.66 -5.42 156.9 1.03 -5.86 159 0.85 -4.11 160.6 1.37 -4.41 162.8 1.43 -4.22 164.2 1.36 -4.18 165.7 1.38 -5.14 166.9 1.34 -5.81 169 1.03 -4.64 171.3 1.29 -4.39 175.3 -0.98 -6.45 177.6 1.72 -4.81 178.3 1.84 -5.09 181.5 0.84 -5.89 186.4 1.8 -5.35 191 1.55 -6.17 197.8 1.55 -6.51 203 0.04 -5.71 205.4 1.54 -5.55 208.9 1.56 -4.22 224.2 1.12 -4.98 229.5 1.12 -5.06 234.3 1.56 -4.23 239.6 1.55 -5.16 234.6 1.65 -5.79 245.3 1.02 -5.75 247.8 0.95 -5.82 251 1.22 -5.75 258.8 1.19 -5.05 264.9 1.2 -4.96 267.3 1.57 -4.66 272.5 1.47 -5.09 276.7 1.75 -3.93 281.3 0.27 -6.84 285.4 1.56 -4.45 292.8 1.33 -5.21 296.3 1.34 -4.85 300.5 1.13 -5.53 309.3 0.7 -5.76 306.4 0.51 -4.95 312.6 1.2 -3.91 315.3 0.74 -5.06 318.9 0.79 -4.36 320.4 1.3 -3.19 323.1 0.88 -3.69 327.6 0.98 -2.54 329.6 1.01 -5.21 336.5 1.02 -3.78 340.8 0.88 -3.65 347 0.64 -3.63 351.5 0.67 -2.96 354.5 0.82 -2.86 359 0.73 -2.93 365 0.94 -2.68 372.5 0.93 -2.16 377.5 0.93 -2.58 382 0.94 -1.72 388 1 -2.51 393 0.76 -2.54 400 1.14 -2.67 403.4 1.19 -2.44 406 1.11 -2.26 ]; %Pozzo Glaciale Corg: % el, d13Corg, d13Ccarb, composite el PZG_Corg = [ 0.4 -26.469 5.5513 126.16 1.9 -26.586 5.4817 127.89 2.3 -26.385 5.4624 128.34 3.4 -25.6 5.6486 129.61 5.1 -26.735 4.9714 131.56 5.3 -27.018 5.5463 131.8 13.4 -26.284 5.3267 141.11 14.2 -27.475 5.3267 142.03 15.1 -26.654 5.2866 143.06 17.3 -26.583 5.2668 145.59 17.4 -27.057 5.2615 145.71 18.1 -26.793 5.2814 146.52 18.8 -25.972 6.041 147.32 20.1 -25.578 4.9312 148.81 23.5 -26.78 5.4493 152.72 25.9 -26.84 5.1507 155.49 26.3 -26.884 5.8442 155.94 27 -26.782 4.1523 156.75 33 -29.056 4.9902 163.65 36.2 -27.134 4.4665 167.33 38 -28.553 4.9668 169.4 40.5 -26.667 4.9872 172.28 40.5 -26.208 4.9872 172.28 44.5 -26.704 4.5494 176.88 49.9 -25.811 4.1589 183.08 51.1 -27.268 4.1589 184.47 51.5 -26.883 4.1904 184.93 57.2 -27.1 4.3347 191.48 67 -27.122 3.4238 202.75 75.5 -27.664 2.0238 212.52 78.1 -28.092 4.4391 215.51 84.6 -28.621 3.2787 222.99 87.8 -27.96 3.1628 226.67 90.3 -27.94 3.1628 229.54 94.6 -28.62 2.6141 234.49 112 -30.203 1.8926 254.5 112.5 -29.369 1.8926 255.07 117.5 -29.445 1.6058 260.82 118.7 -28.413 2.0386 262.2 123.3 -25.863 1.6635 267.5 130 -29.662 2.1251 275.2 133.9 -29.846 2.3106 279.69 135.5 -29.293 1.6633 281.52 140.3 -29.765 1.3614 287.05 142.1 -29.135 0.13627 289.12 153.3 -29.652 1.2734 302 156.9 -30.011 1.0314 306.13 159.8 -29.998 0.84759 309.47 160.6 -30.121 1.3731 310.39 173.8 -29.61 1.2865 325.57 177.6 -25.832 1.7242 329.94 177.6 -28.736 1.7242 329.94 181.5 -28.598 0.84264 334.43 183.91 -29.309 0.84264 337.2 184.9 -25.9 0.84264 338.33 184.9 -28.317 0.84264 338.33 190.4 -30.187 1.8013 344.66 197.8 -29.618 1.5478 353.17 203.07 -30.019 0.038673 359.23 205.4 -25.165 1.536 361.91 212.6 -28.912 1.5596 370.19 225.7 -29.778 1.1183 385.25 233.5 -29.725 1.1184 394.22 249.6 -28.374 0.94674 412.74 302 -29.695 1.1312 473 321.8 -29.084 1.3006 495.77 350 -27.735 0.6355 528.2 ]; %Italcementi Active C_Carb: % el, d13Ccarb, d18O %*updated with "missing" data 48.0- 56.3m Feb 2014 ICA = [ 1.5 2.6874 -2.4833 2.5 2.4007 -2.0539 3.5 2.4781 -2.2421 4.05 2.4434 -4.5209 4.5 2.4693 -3.9683 4.8 2.8259 -1.9825 5 2.7966 -1.7982 6 2.5242 -1.9552 6.7 2.4685 -1.8304 7.4 2.4419 -1.3993 7.5 2.4202 -1.5021 7.6 2.4201 -1.0665 7.7 2.3709 -1.5566 8.3 2.4242 -1.6281 8.3 2.4293 -1.5643 8.4 2.3161 -1.5617 8.5 2.3341 -1.1928 8.6 2.4285 -1.5474 9 2.3509 -2.0733 9.2 2.3849 -1.7267 9.6 2.8509 -1.6028 9.7 2.4003 -2.0037 9.9 2.4752 -1.7679 10.4 2.4543 -2.039 10.9 2.4458 -1.955 11.5 2.4487 -1.6947 11.6 2.4548 -1.7424 11.7 2.4007 -1.816 11.8 2.4542 -1.8542 12 2.4258 -1.7688 12.5 3.1837 -2.006 12.6 2.3692 -2.0441 12.7 2.4292 -1.7223 13.2 2.4047 -1.7799 13.5 2.3835 -1.6151 13.8 2.3175 -1.508 14.1 2.2279 -1.5279 14.3 1.9695 -1.3565 14.5 2.3262 -1.5149 14.7 2.2938 -1.1726 15 2.2592 -1.7122 15.3 1.9115 -2.2046 15.6 2.5257 -1.5586 15.9 2.521 -1.2104 16.1 2.4783 -1.7926 16.6 2.4442 -1.7484 16.8 2.5484 -1.5228 17.3 2.5667 -1.8639 17.8 2.6935 -2.0132 18.7 2.6925 -1.6347 18.9 2.7482 -1.604 19.4 2.7584 -1.7941 20.5 3.0542 -2.5626 20.6 3.038 -2.3386 20.7 3.1457 -2.6772 21.2 3.2588 -1.9363 21.6 3.307 -1.8539 21.8 3.3061 -2.0953 22 3.2084 -2.3142 22.5 2.9006 -2.2464 22.9 3.1495 -2.6409 23.2 3.019 -2.7679 23.3 2.5603 -1.6885 23.6 2.911 -2.2995 23.7 2.563 -1.8222 23.8 2.5582 -1.7571 23.9 2.498 -1.5428 25.2 2.4702 -1.5758 25.8 2.1522 -1.4256 26.1 2.3166 -1.688 26.3 1.3948 -2.116 26.5 2.2087 -1.4489 26.9 2.8029 -1.9616 27.1 1.4149 -1.5076 27.5 1.4871 -2.8452 27.7 2.3878 -2.054 27.9 2.5384 -1.7429 28.1 2.5596 -2.664 28.7 2.7292 -1.6759 29 2.8254 -1.8284 29.2 2.9446 -1.7898 29.5 2.782 -1.963 29.6 2.7333 -1.4628 30 2.6705 -1.8426 30.1 2.8567 -1.4672 30.7 2.8838 -1.3409 30.9 2.5677 -1.1452 31.3 2.5334 -1.215 31.5 2.461 -1.2411 31.8 2.3941 -0.76453 32.2 2.3498 -1.2671 32.6 2.3209 -1.6975 32.8 2.5389 -1.9612 33.2 2.5811 -1.986 33.7 2.677 -2.1886 33.8 2.7127 -1.6173 34.1 2.7298 -1.5393 34.4 2.6511 -1.759 34.7 2.2831 -1.5046 35.4 2.5061 -1.5877 35.6 2.5945 -1.4712 35.9 2.3223 -1.6888 36.1 2.5368 -1.9655 36.3 2.4266 -1.5736 36.5 2.6846 -1.0861 36.7 2.7511 -1.8621 36.9 2.6716 -1.9471 37.3 2.7524 -1.7456 37.4 2.7872 -1.2887 37.8 2.6544 -2.0309 38.5 2.7033 -2.2892 38.7 2.7385 -1.865 39 2.7181 -2.1356 39.3 3.4216 -1.2366 39.5 2.8688 -1.9618 40.1 2.7719 -4.5691 40.3 2.7179 -2.8594 40.3 2.6949 -3.863 40.7 2.6741 -2.6369 40.7 2.6534 -3.5835 41.1 2.6848 -4.4815 41.3 2.6015 -3.8333 41.5 2.5965 -2.9526 41.7 2.4476 -3.554 42 2.3789 -6.3825 42.3 2.3887 -6.3122 42.5 2.3386 -6.0528 42.6 2.3281 -5.4792 42.8 2.3625 -4.322 43.1 2.4181 -2.9108 43.5 2.3569 -2.23 43.6 2.3834 -2.6714 43.7 2.3508 -3.4616 43.8 2.4032 -2.4534 43.9 2.4714 -2.4459 44.2 2.2999 -2.5259 44.5 2.4241 -2.3655 44.7 2.4819 -2.0149 44.7 2.5551 -2.0072 44.7 2.5667 -2.0017 45.3 2.5769 -3.0771 45.5 2.5754 -1.9891 46 2.6699 -2.2155 46.1 3.1139 -1.8173 46.5 3.1685 -1.9927 47.1 3.4888 -1.8823 47.6 3.9134 -1.7475 47.8 3.8879 -1.7589 47.9 3.8965 -1.7728 48 3.782 -1.685 48.2 3.707 -1.815 48.4 3.971 -1.765 48.9 4.013 -1.691 49.2 3.923 -1.818 49.5 4.096 -1.756 49.6 3.924 -1.845 50.2 4.052 -1.799 51.5 4.343 -1.473 51.9 3.958 -2.097 52.2 3.995 -2.149 52.2 4.033 -2.223 52.5 4.018 -2.34 52.7 3.993 -2.175 53 4.133 -1.843 53.1 4.004 -2.378 53.6 3.973 -2.274 53.9 3.995 -2.477 54.2 3.989 -2.783 54.5 3.954 -1.954 54.8 3.888 -2.192 55.4 3.945 -2.267 55.7 3.939 -2.109 56 3.889 -2.12 56.3 3.932 -2.066 56.3 3.7558 -2.0962 56.6 3.6798 -1.9199 56.8 3.6675 -1.9943 57.2 3.624 -1.9856 57.8 3.3837 -2.1051 58.3 3.3797 -1.924 58.5 3.1562 -2.6942 58.6 3.4853 -2.016 58.9 3.5426 -1.9967 59.2 3.4088 -2.0861 60.7 3.7557 -2.0195 61 3.7332 -2.188 61.5 3.9878 -1.9649 62 3.7745 -2.0711 62.5 3.7963 -1.9939 63.5 3.8684 -2.3494 64 3.7866 -2.0368 64.5 3.4868 -1.9031 64.6 3.6512 -2.0043 65.1 3.6631 -2.0664 65.3 3.7929 -2.5618 66 3.4357 -2.5901 67.4 3.4516 -2.1248 68.6 3.3826 -2.2063 69.2 3.2436 -2.4109 69.7 2.9935 -2.4266 69.8 3.3436 -1.9581 70 3.1037 -2.1694 70.4 2.8021 -2.0679 71 2.5703 -2.7785 71.2 2.7694 -2.7655 71.7 2.6692 -2.2661 72.1 2.4584 -2.6346 72.2 2.291 -2.4329 72.6 3.0471 -2.5383 72.9 3.3491 -2.1398 73 3.0995 -2.6691 73.5 3.0485 -2.6632 73.8 3.1797 -3.2056 74 3.4376 -2.7034 74.8 3.288 -2.4718 75.2 3.1555 -2.8104 75.9 3.3426 -2.165 76.5 3.5445 -2.1497 77 3.6648 -2.0547 77.3 3.3259 -2.8653 77.5 3.5506 -2.1373 78 3.195 -3.0528 78.3 3.39 -4.9407 78.5 3.2436 -2.991 78.8 3.2357 -3.1736 79 3.2363 -2.9057 79.2 3.759 -1.5224 80 3.3595 -2.5258 80.5 3.3975 -3.1554 81 3.467 -3.1833 81.5 3.287 -3.4505 82.4 3.5241 -3.6037 82.5 3.7214 -3.159 83.2 3.4599 -3.6541 83.6 -0.12925 -5.4957 84.2 3.8154 -2.9424 84.4 1.7686 -4.3907 84.8 3.8015 -3.0791 85.5 3.8239 -3.0533 86 3.8811 -2.7958 86.5 3.8296 -2.584 86.9 3.8081 -4.2245 87.4 3.9424 -2.8481 87.9 4.0081 -2.6712 88.5 3.5588 -3.7159 89.1 3.8018 -5.0786 90.2 3.6849 -4.459 90.7 3.8858 -3.5891 91.6 3.8883 -4.2048 92 3.8118 -3.8406 92.4 3.8726 -3.7788 93 3.9298 -3.9733 93.5 3.8583 -6.5611 93.9 3.8955 -4.3658 95.1 3.8641 -6.2005 95.5 3.9689 -5.6336 95.9 3.151 -7.0426 96.4 3.6377 -5.6487 97.1 4.1493 -6.1347 97.6 3.8799 -7.1805 97.9 1.4499 -6.6833 98.3 3.8821 -6.6984 99.2 4.2499 -7.4055 99.4 3.5424 -7.8108 99.9 3.779 -8.254 102.1 3.773 -8.5092 103.4 4.1539 -8.2081 104.1 4.1861 -7.9721 105.1 3.8806 -7.4005 ]; %Italcementi Inactive quarry C_Carb: % el, d13Ccarb, d18O ITX = [ 0 2.57 -6.1 0.5 2.47 -6.11 1.1 2.61 -3.18 1.2 2.62 -2.12 1.6 2.96 -2.04 1.7 2.91 -2.16 1.7 2.82 -2.17 1.72 3.12 -1.87 1.73 3.08 -1.92 1.74 3.28 -1.98 1.75 3.42 -2.18 2 3.4 -1.84 2.3 3.41 -1.74 2.8 3.51 -1.38 3.4 3.88 -1.74 5.3 2.86 -2.8 6 1.97 -6.82 6.4 3.09 -5.87 6.8 2.49 -5.87 7.4 1.35 -8.72 7.6 3.76 -2.03 8.1 3.76 -1.8 8.7 3.61 -1.8 9.1 3.58 -2.19 9.3 3.49 -2.02 9.4 3.72 -1.92 10.2 3.58 -2.02 10.7 3.49 -1.97 10.9 3.59 -2.07 11.5 3.49 -2.15 12.7 3.28 -1.99 13.6 2.56 -2.1 14.1 2.24 -2.15 14.8 2.99 -1.96 15.4 3.03 -2.61 15.8 3.12 -3.14 16.2 3.14 -2.83 16.2 3.13 -2.68 16.7 3.38 -2.09 17.6 3.47 -2.51 17.7 3.62 -3.66 18 3.69 -2.46 18.5 3.34 -2.64 19.4 3.53 -2.4 20 -0.53 -6.45 20.6 3.51 -3.5 21.2 2.37 -4.14 21.8 3.07 -3.7 22.2 3.34 -3.66 23 3.67 -2.98 23.3 3.67 -2.48 23.7 1.38 -7.9 25.3 2.72 -5.05 26 3.4 -5.2 27.2 3.51 -4.62 27.7 2.77 -7.6 28.3 3.78 -3.97 28.9 3.65 -5.24 29.4 3.68 -7.6 29.7 3.39 -4.52 29.8 3.91 -6.41 30.8 2.33 -7.73 31.8 3.66 -8.51 32.8 2.73 -8.63 33.8 2.73 -9.61 34.8 3.77 -8.1 35.8 4.23 -8.28 36.8 4.38 -8.11 37.8 4.54 -7.78 38.8 4.01 -10.32 39.7 3.98 -7.33 ]; %Adrara Boundary Marl (from Bachan et al 2014 submitted): % strat height d13Ccarb d18O d13Corg ADR_BM = [ 0 1.69 -3.52 -28.23 0 1.74 -3.48 NaN 1.50 -3.47 -5.6 -26.65 1.50 -3.41 -5.58 NaN 2.00 -3.47 -5.89 -24.51 2.00 -4.05 -5.78 NaN 2.25 -0.73 -5.11 -26.11 2.25 -0.8 -5.06 NaN 2.50 1.18 -3.4 -28.25 2.50 1.13 -3.35 NaN 2.70 2.61 -2.66 -28.88 2.70 2.82 -2.4 NaN ]; %Italcementi FBM section % strat height d13Ccarb d18O d13Corg ICA_FBM = [ .10 2.65 -1.97 -29.26 .15 2.37 -2.52 -26.49 .15 NaN NaN -27.98 .15 NaN NaN -27.8 .22 -0.48 -3.61 -27.15 .35 NaN NaN -27.92 .35 NaN NaN -27.57 .45 0.14 -3.66 -27.34 .45 0.47 -4.03 -27.31 .55 0.5 -4.05 -26.74 .55 NaN NaN -26.63 .66 0.36 -3.88 -26.81 .76 0.99 -2.82 -28.77 1.09 2.46 -2.49 -27.88 1.16 2.9 -1.97 -28.56 1.16 NaN NaN -28.31 ]; ICA_SBM = [ 0.01 2.32 -2.43 -28.87 0.015 1.93 -6.15 -28.12 0.07 -0.87 -8.17 -25.31 0.07 -4.55 -7.29 -27.29 0.07 -0.57 -7.57 -26.48 0.22 NaN NaN -26.99 0.22 -0.8 -5.86 -26.88 0.45 -0.1 -5.59 -27.2 0.81 NaN NaN -27.97 0.81 0.26 -5.24 -28.68 1.01 NaN NaN -27.91 1.01 2.02 -2.93 -28.07 1.16 2.01 -3.82 NaN 1.32 2.76 -2.25 -28.1 ]; LBC_Data = struct(... 'Adrara',Adrara,'Adrara_Corg',Adrara_Corg,... 'ADR',ADR,'PZG',PZG,'PZG_Corg',PZG_Corg,... 'ICA',ICA,'ITX',ITX,'ADR_BM',ADR_BM,... 'ICA_FBM',ICA_FBM,'ICA_SBM',ICA_SBM); end function LBC_carb_lines(LBC_Data) %Adrara - black Y1 = LBC_Data.Adrara(:,2); X1 = LBC_Data.Adrara(:,1); line(X1,Y1,'Marker','x','LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','k',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','k'); %ADR (Adrara detailed) -black Y1=LBC_Data.ADR(:,2); X1=LBC_Data.ADR(:,1)*1.1+40.3; line(X1,Y1,'Marker','x','LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','k',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','k'); %ADR-BM: Adrara boundary marl Y1=LBC_Data.ADR_BM(:,2); X1=LBC_Data.ADR_BM(:,1)*1.1+40.3 + 13; line(X1,Y1,'Marker','x','LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','k',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','k'); %PZG - green Y1=LBC_Data.PZG(:,2); X1=LBC_Data.PZG(:,1)*1.15+(243-102*1.15); line(X1,Y1,'Marker','+','LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','g',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','g'); %ICA - blue Y1=LBC_Data.ICA(:,2); X1=LBC_Data.ICA(:,1).*25/39+26.34; line(X1,Y1,'Marker','+','LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','b',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','b'); %ICA-FBM: Italcementi first boundary marl Y1=LBC_Data.ICA_FBM(:,2); X1=LBC_Data.ICA_FBM(:,1) + 55; line(X1,Y1,'Marker','x','LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','b',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','b'); %ICA-SBM: Italcementi second boundary marl Y1=LBC_Data.ICA_SBM(:,2); X1=LBC_Data.ICA_SBM(:,1) + 55; line(X1,Y1,'Marker','x','LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','b',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','b'); %ITX -red Y1=LBC_Data.ITX(:,2); X1=LBC_Data.ITX(:,1).*28/21.3+53.57; line(X1,Y1,'Marker','x','LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','r',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','r'); end function LBC_org_lines(LBC_Data) %PZG Corg X1 = LBC_Data.PZG_Corg(:,4); Y1 = LBC_Data.PZG_Corg(:,2); line(X1,Y1,'Marker','o','LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','none',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','r'); %ADRARA Corg X1 = LBC_Data.Adrara_Corg(:,1); Y1 = LBC_Data.Adrara_Corg(:,2); line(X1,Y1,'Marker','o','LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','none',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','b'); %ADR-BM Corg Y1=LBC_Data.ADR_BM(:,4); X1=LBC_Data.ADR_BM(:,1)*1.1+40.3 + 13; line(X1,Y1,'Marker','o','LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','none',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','k'); %ICA-FBM Corg Y1=LBC_Data.ICA_FBM(:,4); X1=LBC_Data.ICA_FBM(:,1) + 55; line(X1,Y1,'Marker','o','LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','none',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','b'); %ICA-SBM Corg Y1=LBC_Data.ICA_SBM(:,4); X1=LBC_Data.ICA_SBM(:,1) + 55; line(X1,Y1,'Marker','o','LineStyle','none','MarkerFaceColor','none',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','b'); end