set more off do "do files - REPLICATION/0_gen three year" est clear *************************** *ROBUSTNESS TABLE (TABLE 3) *************************** *column1 eststo:reg restrictions_all_racial_max restrictions2_racial_max perc_black2 perc_landless2_new urb2 density2 proprietary charter yearcleanup $colonydum $colonydum_trend, robust estadd ysumm *column2 eststo:ivreg29 restrictions_all_racial_max restrictions2_racial_max (perc_black2=rice_wheat_40_low) perc_landless2_new urb2 density2 proprietary charter yearcleanup $colonydum $colonydum_trend, robust savefirst savefprefix (first) first estadd ysumm *save the first state results in the e()-data of the main equation, so that they are printed in the table est store tmp est restore firstperc_black2 scalar fs_r2 = e(r2) scalar fs_b = _b[rice_wheat_40_low] scalar fs_se = _se[rice_wheat_40_low] est restore tmp estadd scalar fs_r2=fs_r2 estadd scalar fs_b=fs_b estadd local fs_se = "("+string(fs_se,"%7.3f")+")" est store est2 *column3 eststo:reg restrictions_all_racial_max restrictions2_racial_max perc_black2 perc_landless2_new urb2 density2 proprietary charter yearcleanup $colonydum north_trend middle_trend, robust estadd ysumm *column4 eststo:ivreg29 restrictions_all_racial_max restrictions2_racial_max (perc_black2=rice_wheat_40_low) perc_landless2_new urb2 density2 proprietary charter yearcleanup $colonydum north_trend middle_trend, robust savefirst savefprefix (first) first estadd ysumm *save the first state results in the e()-data of the main equation, so that they are printed in the table est store tmp est restore firstperc_black2 scalar fs_r2 = e(r2) scalar fs_b = _b[rice_wheat_40_low] scalar fs_se = _se[rice_wheat_40_low] est restore tmp estadd scalar fs_r2=fs_r2 estadd scalar fs_b=fs_b estadd local fs_se = "("+string(fs_se,"%7.3f")+")" est store est4 *Read in the data again, need the entire dataset do "do files/0_gen annual" drop if colony=="GA" drop if colony=="ME" drop if drop_observations==1 *column 5 eststo: cgmwildboot restrictions_all_racial_max restrictions2_racial_max perc_black2 perc_landless2_new urb2 density2 proprietary yearcleanup colony_d1 colony_d2 colony_d4 colony_d5 colony_d7 colony_d8 colony_d9 colony_d10 colony_d11 colony_d12 colony_d13, cluster(colony_num)bootcluster(colony_num) reps(400) null (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) *column 6 xtabond restrictions_all_racial_max restrictions2_racial_max perc_black2 perc_landless2_new urb2 density2 proprietary charter yearcleanup , maxldep(1) maxlags(1) vce(robust) lags(1) ////////////////////////WARNING!!!!!////////////////// THE FOLLOWING LINES MAKE SURE THAT THE COEFFICIENT FOR L.restrictions_all_racial_max ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IS WRITTEN INTO THE SAME LINE AS THE COEFFICIENTS FOR restrictions2_racial_max ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BUT IF THERE SHOULD BE ANY CHANGES MADE TO THE COMMAND above (XTABOND) THIS IS LIKELY TO ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LEAD TO UNDESIRED (AND UNPREDICTABLE) CONFUSIONS OF ROWS AND COEFFICIENTS. IN THAT CASE, PLEASE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// REMOVE THE NEX 6 LINES AND EDIT THE tex-FILE MANUALLY AFTER RUNNING THIS do-FILE, ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TO GET THE DESIRED RESULTS matrix bb = e(b) //save coefficents matrix VV = e(V) //and variances in new matrices. Rename the columns: matrix colnames bb = restrictions2_racial_max perc_black2 perc_landless2_new urb2 density2 proprietary charter yearcleanup _cons matrix colnames VV = restrictions2_racial_max perc_black2 perc_landless2_new urb2 density2 proprietary charter yearcleanup _cons matrix rownames VV = restrictions2_racial_max perc_black2 perc_landless2_new urb2 density2 proprietary charter yearcleanup _cons sum restrictions_all_racial_max if e(sample) scalar eymean=r(mean) scalar eN=r(N) eststo: ereturn post bb VV //store them as a new estimation result ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// THATS THE END OF THE CRITICAL PART estadd scalar ymean = eymean estadd scalar N = eN //export all the saved estimates to a TeX table. See the comments for for detailed explanations esttab using "$table_folder/robust1.tex", label replace se star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) booktabs nonotes /// mtitles("\mtitle{OLS\\Colony FEs and colony trends}" "\mtitle{2SLS\\Colony FEs and colony trends}" "\mtitle{OLS\\Colony FEs and reg. trends}" "\mtitle{2SLS\\Colony FEs and reg. trends}" "\mtitle{Wild bootstrap}" "\mtitle{Arellano Bond}" "\mtitle{OLS\\Unweighted Suffrage}" "\mtitle{2SLS\\Unweighted Suffrage}") /// end("\rowstyle{\relax}\\") /// alignment(D..{-1}) /// drop(_cons ) /// indicate("Year control=yearcleanup middle_trend north_trend" "Colony fixed effects = colony_d*" "Additional controls = proprietary charter", labels("\checkmark" "")) /// order(restrictions2_racial_max perc_black2 perc_landless2_new urb2 density2 yearcleanup $colonydum proprietary charter ) /// scalars("ymean Mean suffrage" "r2 \(R^2\)" "fs_b \midrule{\bfseries First-Stage Results}\\Instrument Coefficient" "fs_se ~" "fs_r2 1\(^{st}\) stage \(R^2\)") /// substitute("(7.67e-20)" "(0.000)") /// somehow these extremely small values are shown as exponents, I replace them with 0.000