set more off pause on *This do file manages all sub-do files. *It first sets the output folder for the latex files and then individually calls *the do files for each of the tables ** each sub-do file, loads the necessary data itself, runs the regressions and ** stores the tables in the specified folder. ********************************************************************************************** *PLEASE CHANGE PATHS TO REFLECT WHERE YOU SAVE THE REPLICATION FOLDER BEFORE YOU RUN THIS FILE ********************************************************************************************** global table_folder "C:\Users\nikolove\Dropbox\Labor markets\Revision\Stata files\do files - REPLICATION" global figure_folder "C:\Users\nikolove\Dropbox\Labor markets\Revision\Stata files\do files - REPLICATION" cd "C:\Users\nikolove\Dropbox\Labor markets\Revision\Stata files" do "do files - REPLICATION/" do "do files - REPLICATION/" do "do files - REPLICATION/" do "do files - REPLICATION/"