* ====================================================================================== * * A Two-Stage Theory of Discussant Influence on Vote Choice in Multi-Party Systems * * -- Preparation of the dyadic data set (FINAL VERSION) -- * * JP, 2014-06-13 * * ====================================================================================== * ** Set working directory cd "$WD/BJPOLS_replication_files" ** Open respondent data file use rcs2009_ipk, clear set more off ** Create dyadic data file (wide format --> long format)) reshape long ipk_bezGP ipk_bez1_GP ipk_bez2_GP ipk_bez3_GP ipk_bez4_GP ipk_bez5_GP /// ipk_bez6_GP ipk_wisGP ipk_mverGP ipk_rl_corrGP wabsGP wabsEGO_GP wabsLA2EGO_GP /// panel_wabsEGO_GP panel_wabsEGO_d1_GP panel_wabsEGO_d2_GP panel_wabsEGO_d3_GP /// panel_wabsLA2EGO_d1_GP panel_wabsLA2EGO_d2_GP panel_wabsLA2EGO_d3_GP voteEGO_GP /// voteLA2EGO_GP wabs_sonstige_GP agree_camp_GP agree_party_wcamp_GP /// pos_agree_camp_GP pos_agree_party_wcamp_GP ipk_verGP, i(id) j(no) tab(no), gen(GP) * ====================================================================================== * * Recoding * ====================================================================================== * ** Vote intention discussant (dummies) tab wabsGP recode wabsGP (7/9=.), gen(voteGP) copy lab def vote_lb 1 "CDU/CSU" 2"SPD" 3"FDP" 4"Greens" 5"Left" 6"Other" lab val voteGP vote_lb label var voteGP "Vote intention of discussant" tab voteGP, gen(voteGPd) ** Agreement within dyads * Cross-secion tab wabsEGO_GP wabsLA2EGO_GP gen agree_cs=. replace agree_cs= 3 if wabsEGO_GP==1 & wabsLA2EGO_GP==1 replace agree_cs= 2 if wabsEGO_GP== 0 & wabsLA2EGO_GP==1 replace agree_cs= 1 if wabsEGO_GP== 0 & wabsLA2EGO_GP==0 replace agree_cs= 0 if pre005== 98 lab var agree_cs "Agreement with discussant (cross-section)" lab def agree_lb 3 "Agreement on Party Choice" 2 "Agreement on Ideological Camp" 1 "Disagreement" 0 "Undecided" lab val agree_cs agree_lb tab agree_cs recode agree_cs (0/2=1) (3=0), gen(disagree_party_undec) recode agree_cs (0/1=1) (2/3=0), gen(disagree_ideo_undec) recode agree_cs (1/2=1) (3=0) (0=0), gen(disagree_party) recode agree_cs (1=1) (2/3=0) (0=0), gen(disagree_ideo) recode agree_cs (3=1) (0/2=0), gen(agree_party) recode agree_cs (2/3=1) (0/1=0), gen(agree_ideo) recode agree_cs (0=1) (1/3=0), gen(undec) * Panel tab voteEGO_GP voteLA2EGO_GP gen agree_pan=. replace agree_pan= 3 if voteEGO_GP==1 & voteLA2EGO_GP==1 replace agree_pan= 2 if voteEGO_GP== 0 & voteLA2EGO_GP==1 replace agree_pan= 1 if voteEGO_GP== 0 & voteLA2EGO_GP==0 lab var agree_pan "Agreement with discussant (panel)" lab val agree_pan agree_lb tab agree_pan ** Rename agreement within camp var due to length limits gen agree_party_GP = agree_party_wcamp_GP gen pos_agree_party_GP = pos_agree_party_wcamp_GP ** Pre-election agreement (incl. undecided in the ref. cat.) gen ctr_agree_camp_GP = agree_camp_GP replace ctr_agree_camp_GP = 0 if wabsEGO== .a & voteGP<. tab ctr_agree_camp_GP gen ctr_agree_party_GP = agree_party_GP replace ctr_agree_party_GP = 0 if wabsEGO== .a & voteGP<. tab ctr_agree_party_GP ** Missing if no / or no second discussant foreach var of varlist agree_camp_GP agree_party_GP /// pos_agree_camp_GP pos_agree_party_GP /// pos_agree_party_wcamp_GP agree_party_wcamp_GP /// ctr_agree_camp_GP /// ctr_agree_party_GP /// ipk_bezGP /// ipk_wisGP /// ipk_mverGP /// ipk_verGP /// ipk_rl_corrGP /// GP1 /// pid_d pidLA2_d { replace `var'=.z if ipk_anz == 0 replace `var'=.z if ipk_anz == 1 & GP1==0 } ** Label variabels label var wabsEGO_GP "Agreement vote intention (party)" label var wabsLA2EGO_GP "Agreement vote intention (camp)" lab var agree_camp_GP "Same camp" lab var agree_party_wcamp_GP "Same party within camp" label var ipk_bezGP "Type of relationship" label var ipk_bez1_GP "- Spouse/life partner" label var ipk_bez2_GP "- Relative" label var ipk_bez3_GP "- Friend" label var ipk_bez4_GP "- Colleague" label var ipk_bez5_GP "- Neighbour" label var ipk_bez6_GP "- Other" label var ipk_tage "Frequency of discussions (1-7)" label var GP1 "First discussant (1= named first, 0= named second)" label var ipk_wisGP "Political expertise of discussant (0-3)" label var ipk_mverGP "Trustworthiness of discussant (0-3)" label var ipk_verGP "Trustworthiness of discussant (0-3)" label var ipk_rl_corrGP "Response latency voting intention of the discussant" label var wabsEGOd2 "- SPD" label var wabsEGOd3 "- FDP" label var wabsEGOd4 "- Greens" label var wabsEGOd5 "- Left" label var voteGPd2 "- SPD" label var voteGPd3 "- FDP" label var voteGPd4 "- Greens" label var voteGPd5 "- Left" label var age "Age (in years)" label var male "Sex (1= male, 0= female)" label var abi "Education (1= baccalaureate, 0= lower)" label var polint3 "Interest in election outcome (0-4)" label var gkoal "Evaluation of Grand coalition (-5-+5)" * ====================================================================================== * * Save dyadic data file * ====================================================================================== * save rcs2009_ipk_dyads, replace exit