TITLE: MPlus IRT model for participation intentions ! This model must be run 5 times, once for each of the five imputed datasets ! Change the “1” in the file name, and saved data file name, to “2”, “3”, etc. ! Specify the correct filepath DATA: FILE IS alex.mplus.1.dat; VARIABLE: NAMES = ID AngH AngJ AngP IrrH IrrJ IrrP JeaH JeaJ JeaP ShaH ShaJ ShaP SadH SadJ SadP AnxH AnxJ AnxP HapH HapJ HapP ProH ProJ ProP NonH NonJ NonP EmotDH EmotDJ EmotDP IntDestr_tri IntHelp_tri IntHit_tri IntToyi_tri IntToyi2_tri SampWt Cluster; USEVARIABLES = IntHit_tri IntDestr_tri IntHelp_tri IntToyi2_tri; WEIGHT = SampWt; CLUSTER = Clusters; CATEGORICAL = IntHit_tri IntDestr_tri IntHelp_tri IntToyi2_tri; IDVARIABLE = ID; MODEL: Intend BY IntHit_tri IntDestr_tri IntHelp_tri IntToyi2_tri; ANALYSIS: TYPE = COMPLEX; OUTPUT: STANDARDIZED; SAVEDATA: FILE IS int.mplus.1.dat; SAVE = FSCORES;