*BJPS replication dataset *BEYOND PRESIDENTIALISM AND PARLIAMENTARISM *JOSE ANTONIO CHEIBUB, ZACHARY ELKINS, TOM GINSBURG *CODING THE REGIME VARIABLE use /.../ceg_bjps_replication_tscs, clear *CODE EXECUTIVE-LEGISLATIVE RELATIONS ELECTIVE ATTRIBUTES gen emergency=0 recode emergency 0=1 if em==1 recode hosdec 1=1 else=0 recode hogdec 1=1 else=0 replace hogdec=hosdec if execnum==2 gen decree=0 replace decree=1 if hosdec==1 | hogdec==1 gen hosldiss=0 gen hogldiss=0 replace hosldiss=1 if legdiss==1 | legdiss==3 replace hogldiss=1 if legdiss==2 | legdiss==3 | legdiss==4 replace hogldiss=hosldiss if execnum==2 gen dissolve=0 replace dissolve=1 if hosldiss==1 | hogldiss==1 gen oversight=0 replace oversight=1 if (intexec>0 & intexec<4) | invexe==1 gen initiate=0 gen hosinit=0 gen hoginit=0 replace hosinit=1 if leg_in_1==1 replace hoginit=1 if leg_in_2==1 | leg_in_3==1 replace hoginit=hosinit if execnum==2 replace initiate=1 if hosinit==1 | hoginit==1 gen veto=0 gen hosveto=0 gen hogveto=0 replace hosveto=1 if legapp==1 | legapp==4 replace hogveto=1 if legapp>1 & legapp<5 replace hogveto=hosveto if execnum==2 replace veto=1 if hosveto==1 | hogveto==1 gen cabapp=0 gen hoscab=0 gen hogcab=0 replace hoscab=1 if cabappt_1==1 replace hogcab=1 if cabappt_2==1 replace hogcab=hoscab if execnum==2 replace cabapp=1 if hoscab==1 | hogcab==1 *** FIGURE 1 *** use /Users/cheibub/Dropbox/awork/chelkinsburg_bjps/ceg_bjps_replication_tscs, clear gen pres=1 if regime==1 recode pres missing=0 gen parl=1 if regime==2 recode parl missing=0 gen semi=1 if regime==3 recode semi missing=0 tab regime pres tab regime parl tab regime semi foreach x of varlist pres parl semi { egen mn`x'=mean(`x'), by(year) egen total`x'=total(`x'), by(year) } set scheme s1mono line totalpres totalparl totalsemi year if year>1920 & year<2007, legend(off) /// title("Figure 1: Number of Constitutions by Government Type", size(small)) /// ytitle("Number of Constitutions") /// xtitle("Year") /// text(21 1930 "Presidentialism") text(14 1960 "Parliamentarism") text(17 1990 "Semi-presidentialism") /// sort use /.../ceg_bjps_replication_401, clear *INTERCORRELATION AMONG REGIME VARIALBLES tab regime no_ce tab regime dpi_system tab no_ce dpi_system tab no_ce hinst tab dpi_system hinst *TABLE 2 table regime if year<1945, c(n year m veto m decree m emergency m dissolve ) table regime if year<1945, c(n year m oversight m initiate m cabapp ) table regime if year>1944, c(n year m veto m decree m emergency m dissolve ) table regime if year>1944, c(n year m oversight m initiate m cabapp ) sum veto decree emergency initiate oversight cabapp if year<1945®ime~=. sum veto decree emergency initiate oversight cabapp if year>1944®ime~=. *CREATING SIMILARIY MEASURES gen c="c" gen b="b" gen a="a" gen d="d" gen e="e" egen cowcode_year=concat(cowcode year), punct(_) egen c_cowcode_year=concat(c cowcode year), punct(_) egen b_cowcode_year=concat(b cowcode year), punct(_) egen a_cowcode_year=concat(a cowcode year), punct(_) egen d_cowcode_year=concat(d cowcode year), punct(_) egen e_cowcode_year=concat(e cowcode year), punct(_) matrix diss a= hogdec hogem hogldiss oversight hoginit hogveto hogcab, names(a_cowcode_year) match proportion /*just head of govt*/ matrix diss b= decree emergency dissolve oversight initiate veto cabapp, names(b_cowcode_year) match proportion /*exec as monolith*/ matrix diss c= hogdec hosdec hogem hosem hogldiss hosldiss oversigh hoginit hosinit hogveto hosveto hoscab hogcab, names(c_cowcode_year) match proportion /*treating as separate offices*/ matrix diss d= decree emergency oversight initiate veto cabapp, names(d_cowcode_year) match proportion /*without dissolve exec as monolith*/ matrix diss e= decree emergency oversight initiate veto cabapp amnd pardon execimm bicam immunity budpro, names(e_cowcode_year) match proportion /*without dissolve plus other electives; exec as monolith*/ svmat a, names(col) svmat b, names(col) svmat c, names(col) svmat d, names(col) svmat e, names(col) drop c_cowcode_year a_cowcode_year b_cowcode_year d_cowcode_year e_cowcode_year keep c_* b_* a_* d_* e_* cowcode_year system_num region regtype regtype_ze regime hinst latest reshape long c_ b_ a_ d_ e_, i(cowcode_year) j(cowcode_yearb) string rename c_ simsplit rename a_ simhog rename b_ simmono rename d_ simnodiss rename e_ simextra foreach x of varlist system_num region regtype regtype_ze regime hinst{ rename `x' `x'a } egen yearb=ends(cowcode_yearb), tail punct(_) egen cowcodeb=ends(cowcode_yearb), head punct(_) egen yeara=ends(cowcode_year), tail punct(_) egen cowcodea=ends(cowcode_year), head punct(_) destring cowcodea cowcodeb yeara yearb, force replace use /.../ceg_bjps_replication_similarity, clear *TABLE 3 sum simnodiss sum simnodiss if bothpres_r==1 sum simnodiss if bothparl_r==1 sum simnodiss if bothsemi_r==1 sum simnodiss if presparl_r==1 sum simnodiss if pressemi_r==1 sum simnodiss if parlsemi_r==1 *TABLE 4 gen yeardiff_b=yeardiff*100 sum yeard* regress simnodiss samecoun yeardiff samesysr samereg regress simnodiss samecoun yeardiff samesysr samereg if postwar==0 regress simnodiss samecoun yeardiff samesysr samereg if postwar==1 regress simnodiss samecoun yeardiff samereg bothpres_r bothsemi_r bothparl_r regress simnodiss samecoun yeardiff samereg bothpres_r bothsemi_r bothparl_r if postwar==0 regress simnodiss samecoun yeardiff samereg bothpres_r bothsemi_r bothparl_r if postwar==1 *TABLE 5 regress simnodiss samecoun yeardiff samesysh samereg if postwar==1 regress simnodiss samecoun yeardiff samereg bothpres_h bothsemi_h bothparl_h if postwar==1 regress simnodiss samecoun yeardiff samereg samesysh if yeara>1973&yearb>1973 regress simnodiss samecoun yeardiff samereg bothpres_h bothsemi_h bothparl_h if yeara>1973&yearb>1973 regress simnodiss samecoun yeardiff samereg samesysh if yeara>1989&yearb>1989 regress simnodiss samecoun yeardiff samereg bothpres_h bothsemi_h bothparl_h if yeara>1989&yearb>1989 *ROBUSTNESS CHECKS *diff measures of dv regress simmono samecoun yeardiff samereg samesysr regress simsplit samecoun yeardiff samereg samesysr regress simhog samecoun yeardiff samereg samesysr regress simnodiss samecoun yeardiff samereg samesysr