******************************************************************** ** Who Caucuses? Paper Replication Do File ** Karpowitz and Pope ** British Journal of Political Science ******************************************************************** ******************************************************************** ** Dataset ** Use cces08_karpowitzpope_replication.dta file ******************************************************************** **Create basic variables **Demographic variables gen male=0 replace male=1 if V208==1 gen white=0 replace white=1 if V211==1 gen nonwhite=0 replace nonwhite=1 if white==0 gen black=0 replace black=1 if V211==2 gen hispanic=0 replace hispanic=1 if V211==3 gen educ=V213 gen nohs=0 replace nohs=1 if V213==1 gen highschool=0 replace highschool=1 if V213==1 gen somecoll=0 replace somecoll=1 if V213==3|V213==4 gen collgrad=0 replace collgrad=1 if V213==5|V213==6 gen income=V246 replace income=. if V246==15 gen lowincome=0 replace lowincome=1 if V246<7&V246~=. gen midincome=0 replace midincome=1 if V246>=7&V246<10 gen highincome=0 replace highincome=1 if V246>=11&V246<=14 gen nonwhiteXinc=nonwhite*income **Caucus state gen caucus_state=0 replace caucus_state=1 if V206==2|V206==8|V206==15|V206==16|V206==19|V206==20|V206==23|V206==27|V206==30|V206==31|V206==32|V206==38|V206==53|V206==54|V206==56 **Ideology Self-Report gen ideol=CC317a/100 **Comfort with disagreement alpha BYU352 BYU354, i gen(comfort_disagree) replace comfort_disagree=(100-comfort_disagree)/100 ***Generating individual variables that indicate whether or not a respondent supported a roll call issue*** gen withdrawtroops= . replace withdrawtroops=-1 if CC316a==1 replace withdrawtroops=1 if CC316a==2 replace withdrawtroops=0 if CC316a==3 gen minwage= . replace minwage=-1 if CC316b==1 replace minwage=1 if CC316b==2 replace minwage=0 if CC316b==3 gen stemcell= . replace stemcell=-1 if CC316c==1 replace stemcell=1 if CC316c==2 replace stemcell=0 if CC316c==3 gen eavesdrop= . replace eavesdrop=1 if CC316d==1 replace eavesdrop=-1 if CC316d==2 replace eavesdrop=0 if CC316d==3 gen health= . replace health=-1 if CC316e==1 replace health=1 if CC316e==2 replace health=0 if CC316e==3 gen gaym= . replace gaym=1 if CC316f==1 replace gaym=-1 if CC316f==2 replace gaym=0 if CC316f==3 gen housing= . replace housing=-1 if CC316g==1 replace housing=1 if CC316g==2 replace housing=0 if CC316g==3 gen nafta= . replace nafta=1 if CC316h==1 replace nafta=-1 if CC316h==2 replace nafta=0 if CC316h==3 gen num_dk=0 replace num_dk=num_dk+1 if CC316a==3|CC316a==8 replace num_dk=num_dk+1 if CC316b==3|CC316b==8 replace num_dk=num_dk+1 if CC316c==3|CC316c==8 replace num_dk=num_dk+1 if CC316d==3|CC316d==8 replace num_dk=num_dk+1 if CC316e==3|CC316e==8 replace num_dk=num_dk+1 if CC316f==3|CC316f==8 replace num_dk=num_dk+1 if CC316g==3|CC316g==8 replace num_dk=num_dk+1 if CC316h==3|CC316h==8 ****There is also a roll call variable for the bank bailout, but the CCES 2008 guide does not list the House/Senate votes for the bailout or even reference the bill.*** ***Generating a variable that adds up the number of roll call issues a respondent supported*** egen roll=rsum(withdrawtroops minwage stemcell eavesdrop health gaym housing nafta) gen roll_abs=abs(roll) gen unconstrain=0 replace unconstrain=1 if roll>=-3&roll<=3 gen lib_constrain=0 replace lib_constrain=1 if roll<=-4&roll~=. gen cons_constrain=0 replace cons_constrain=1 if roll>=4&roll~=. ***Generating party id and participation variables*** **Democrat Dummy gen dem=. replace dem=1 if CC307==1 replace dem=0 if CC307==2|CC307==3|CC307==4|CC307==5 **Republican Dummy gen repub=. replace repub=1 if CC307==2 replace repub=0 if CC307==1|CC307==3|CC307==4|CC307==5 ***This varibale is for strong Democrats*** gen stdem= . replace stdem=1 if CC307a==1 replace stdem=0 if CC307a!=1 ***This variable is for weak Democrats*** gen wdem= . replace wdem=1 if CC307a==2 replace wdem=0 if CC307a!=2 ***This variable denotes independent leaning Democrats*** gen ldem= . replace ldem=1 if CC307a==3 replace ldem=0 if CC307a!=3 ***This variable denotes independents*** gen ind= . replace ind=1 if CC307a==4 replace ind=0 if CC307a!=4 ***independents who lean Republican*** gen lrep= . replace lrep=1 if CC307a==5 replace lrep=0 if CC307a!=5 ***Weak Republicans*** gen wrep= . replace wrep=1 if CC307a==6 replace wrep=0 if CC307a!=6 ***Strong Republicans*** gen strep= . replace strep=1 if CC307a==7 replace strep=0 if CC307a!=7 **Strong partisans gen strong_part=0 replace strong_part=1 if stdem==1|strep==1 **These are the participation variables **Voted in a primary gen primary=. replace primary=1 if CC324_1==1 replace primary=0 if CC324_1==2 **Participated in a caucus gen caucus=. replace caucus=1 if CC324_2==1 replace caucus=0 if CC324_2==2 **Hillary supporters **Those who report voting for her during the primary/caucus season gen hillary=0 replace hillary=1 if CC325a==1|CC325b==1 *Obama supporters **Those who report voting for him during the primary/caucus season gen obama=0 replace obama=1 if CC325a==2|CC325b==2 **Primary condition gen primary_treat=0 replace primary_treat=1 if BYU342a~=.|BYU342b~=. gen prim_likelypart=. replace prim_likelypart=BYU342a if BYU342a~=. replace prim_likelypart=BYU342b if BYU342b~=. replace prim_likelypart=(4-prim_likelypart)/3 gen prim_diffpoint=. replace prim_diffpoint=BYU343a if BYU343a~=. replace prim_diffpoint=BYU343b if BYU343b~=. replace prim_diffpoint=(4-prim_diffpoint)/3 gen prim_bestdec=. replace prim_bestdec=BYU344a if BYU344a~=. replace prim_bestdec=BYU344b if BYU344b~=. replace prim_bestdec=(4-prim_bestdec)/3 gen prim_specint=. replace prim_specint=BYU345a if BYU345a~=. replace prim_specint=BYU345b if BYU345b~=. replace prim_specint=(4-prim_specint)/3 gen prim_fair=. replace prim_fair=BYU346a if BYU346a~=. replace prim_fair=BYU346b if BYU346b~=. replace prim_fair=(4-prim_fair)/3 gen prim_proport=. replace prim_proport=1 if BYU342b~=. replace prim_proport=0 if BYU342a~=. alpha prim_diffpoint prim_bestdec prim_fair, i gen(prim_process) **Caucus condition gen caucus_treat=0 replace caucus_treat=1 if BYU342c~=.|BYU342d~=. gen caucus_likelypart=. replace caucus_likelypart=BYU342c if BYU342c~=. replace caucus_likelypart=BYU342d if BYU342d~=. replace caucus_likelypart=(4-caucus_likelypart)/3 gen caucus_diffpoint=. replace caucus_diffpoint=BYU343c if BYU343c~=. replace caucus_diffpoint=BYU343d if BYU343d~=. replace caucus_diffpoint=(4-caucus_diffpoint)/3 gen caucus_bestdec=. replace caucus_bestdec=BYU344c if BYU344c~=. replace caucus_bestdec=BYU344d if BYU344d~=. replace caucus_bestdec=(4-caucus_bestdec)/3 gen caucus_specint=. replace caucus_specint=BYU345c if BYU345c~=. replace caucus_specint=BYU345d if BYU345d~=. replace caucus_specint=(4-caucus_specint)/3 gen caucus_fair=. replace caucus_fair=BYU346c if BYU346c~=. replace caucus_fair=BYU346d if BYU346d~=. replace caucus_fair=(4-caucus_fair)/3 alpha caucus_diffpoint caucus_bestdec caucus_fair, i gen(caucus_process) gen caucus_proport=. replace caucus_proport=1 if BYU342d~=. replace caucus_proport=0 if BYU342c~=. **Proportional condition gen proport_likelypart=. replace proport_likelypart=BYU342b if BYU342b~=. replace proport_likelypart=BYU342d if BYU342d~=. replace proport_likelypart=(4-proport_likelypart)/3 gen proport_prim=. replace proport_prim=1 if BYU342b~=. replace proport_prim=0 if BYU342d~=. gen proport_treat=0 replace proport_treat=1 if caucus_proport==1|proport_prim==1 **Winner-take-all condition gen winner_likelypart=. replace winner_likelypart=BYU342a if BYU342a~=. replace winner_likelypart=BYU342c if BYU342c~=. replace winner_likelypart=(4-winner_likelypart)/3 gen winner_prim=. replace winner_prim=1 if BYU342a~=. replace winner_prim=0 if BYU342c~=. gen winner_treat=0 replace winner_treat=1 if proport_treat~=1&proport_treat~=. **Create dependent variables gen likelypart=. replace likelypart=prim_likelypart replace likelypart=caucus_likelypart if likelypart==. **Results of experiment by level of constraint sort strong_part by strong_part: ci prim_likelypart caucus_likelypart if unconstrain==1, level(90) by strong_part: ci prim_likelypart caucus_likelypart if lib_constrain==1, level(90) by strong_part: ci prim_likelypart caucus_likelypart if cons_constrain==1, level(90) **Political Sophistication gen soph1 = 0 replace soph1 = 1 if CC308a == 2 gen soph2 = 0 replace soph2 = 1 if CC308b == 2 gen soph3=0 replace soph3=1 if CC308c==1&senate_control=="Republicans" replace soph3=1 if CC308c==2&senate_control=="Democrats" replace soph3=1 if CC308c==3&senate_control=="Neither" gen soph4=0 replace soph4=1 if CC308d==1&house_control=="Republicans" replace soph4=1 if CC308d==2&house_control=="Democrats" replace soph4=1 if CC308d==3&house_control=="Neither" replace soph4=1 if CC308d==4&V206==31 gen sophis = soph1 + soph2 + soph3 + soph4 gen roll_abs01=roll_abs/8 gen ideol_ext=0 replace ideol_ext=.5 if V243==2|V243==4 replace ideol_ext=1 if V243==1|V243==5 gen caucus_likelypart_full=caucus_likelypart*3 gen prim_likelypart_full=prim_likelypart*3 gen likelypart_full=likelypart*3 gen constrain=1-unconstrain gen process=. replace process=prim_process replace process=caucus_process if process==. **Relationship between process judgments and participation cor process likelypart reg likelypart process **Some basic ttests ttest likelypart_full if caucus_treat==1, by(unconstrain) unp ttest likelypart_full if caucus_treat==0, by(unconstrain) unp ttest likelypart if caucus_treat==1, by(unconstrain) unp ttest likelypart if caucus_treat==0, by(unconstrain) unp **BJPS, Table 2 results reg likelypart i.caucus_treat##c.roll_abs01 i.caucus_treat##c.comfort_disagree i.caucus_treat##c.process i.caucus_treat##i.strong_part reg likelypart i.caucus_treat##c.roll_abs01 i.caucus_treat##c.comfort_disagree i.caucus_treat##c.process i.caucus_treat##i.strong_part sophis dem repub proport_treat primary caucus reg likelypart i.caucus_treat##c.roll_abs01 i.caucus_treat##c.comfort_disagree i.caucus_treat##c.process i.caucus_treat##i.strong_part sophis dem repub proport_treat primary caucus nonwhite educ income margins caucus_treat, at(process=(0 .5 1)) margins caucus_treat, at(roll_abs01=(0 .5 1)) **Ordered probit oprobit likelypart_full i.caucus_treat##c.roll_abs01 i.caucus_treat##c.comfort_disagree i.caucus_treat##c.process sophis dem repub proport_treat primary caucus nonwhite educ income margins caucus_treat, at(roll_abs01=(0 1)) predict(outcome(3)) post coeflegend test _b[1bn._at#1.caucus_treat]= _b[2._at#1.caucus_treat] test _b[1bn._at#0bn.caucus_treat]= _b[2._at#0bn.caucus_treat] oprobit likelypart_full i.caucus_treat##c.roll_abs01 i.caucus_treat##c.comfort_disagree i.caucus_treat##c.process i.caucus_treat##i.strong_part margins, atmeans at(roll_abs01=(0 .25 .75 1) caucus_treat=(0 1) strong_part=(0)) predict(outcome(3)) post coeflegend