!For a detailed overview of MNLFA code and additional example scripts, see !supplemental info provided by Bauer et al. (2017) at the link provided below. !http://supp.apa.org/psycarticles/supplemental/met0000077/MET_Bauer_2015-0386R2_Supp[1].pdf !Bauer, D.J. (2016). A more general model for testing measurement invariance and differential item !functioning. Psychological Methods. Data: file is /MNLFA_CUmeasure.dat; Define: Agecent = age2 - 9.54; variable: names are subjectkey prosocial_q1_p prosocial_q2_p prosocial_q3_p cbcl_q26_p age2 demo_sex_v2 demo_ethn_v2 demo_race_a_p___10 demo_race_a_p___11 demo_race_combinedother abcd_site rel_family_id; Usevariables are prosocial_q1_p prosocial_q2_p prosocial_q3_p cbcl_q26_p demo_sex_v2 demo_ethn_v2 demo_race_a_p___11 demo_race_combinedother Agecent ; Categorical are prosocial_q1_p prosocial_q2_p prosocial_q3_p cbcl_q26_p; Missing are all (-999); IDvariable = id_s; stratification = abcd_site; CLUSTER = rel_family_id; CONSTRAINT = demo_sex_v2 demo_ethn_v2 demo_race_a_p___11 demo_race_combinedother Agecent; ANALYSIS: ESTIMATOR = MLR; LINK = LOGIT; TYPE=complex; Processors = 16; MODEL: !Specify Model CU by prosocial_q1_p* prosocial_q2_p* prosocial_q3_p* cbcl_q26_p*; [CU@0];!Set mean of latent factor to 0 CU (v_CU);! Specify label for factor variance !Regress latent factor on covariates to examine moderation of latent factor mean CU on demo_sex_v2 demo_ethn_v2 demo_race_a_p___11 demo_race_combinedother Agecent; !Regressing item on covariates to to examine moderation of !item intercept/threshold prosocial_q3_p ON demo_race_a_p___11; !!!!!Investigate Item DIF CU BY prosocial_q1_p (L); MODEL CONSTRAINT: !Specify new parameters to investigate moderation of the factor variance and item factor loadings: NEW (v_CU1*0 v_CU2*0 v_CU3*0 v_CU4*0 v_CU5*0 L0*0 L1*0); !Investigate moderation of the factor variance and item factor loadings: v_CU = EXP(v_CU1*demo_sex_v2 + v_CU2*demo_race_a_p___11 + v_CU3*demo_ethn_v2 + v_CU4*demo_race_combinedother + v_CU5*Agecent); !Investigate moderation of item factor loadings: L = L0 + L1*demo_race_combinedother; Output: Sampstat; SAVEDATA: FILE IS /MAPscores.sav; SAVE=FSCORES;