*** Asif Efrat and Abraham Newman, "Deciding to Defer: The Importance of Fairness in Resolving Transnational Jurisdictional Conflicts*** *** International Organization *** *** Replication File *** use "Deciding.to.Defer.IO.dta", clear * Stset the data stset T1, failure(acceptance==1) id(dyad) * Table 1, Model 1: Gap in rule of law stcox RuleofLaw_gap logPOPTOTL1 logPOPTOTL2 log_dist idealpointdistance legal_same_LaPorta log_GDPCAP1 log_GDPCAP2 RegulatoryQuality2 DivorcedWomen40to44_2 muslim_maj2 Migrant_Stock2 log_GDPCAP2_time RegulatoryQuality2_time DivorcedWomen40to44_2_time muslimmaj2_time migrant2_time, robust cluster(dyad) * Table 1, Model 2: Gap in women's parliamentary membership stcox womenprlmnt_gap logPOPTOTL1 logPOPTOTL2 log_dist idealpointdistance legal_same_LaPorta log_GDPCAP1 log_GDPCAP2 RegulatoryQuality2 DivorcedWomen40to44_2 muslim_maj2 Migrant_Stock2 idealpointdistance_time log_GDPCAP1_time log_GDPCAP2_time RegulatoryQuality2_time DivorcedWomen40to44_2_time muslimmaj2_time migrant2_time, robust cluster(dyad) * Table 1, Model 3: Gap in rule of law and in women's parliamentary membership stcox RuleofLaw_gap womenprlmnt_gap logPOPTOTL1 logPOPTOTL2 log_dist idealpointdistance legal_same_LaPorta log_GDPCAP1 log_GDPCAP2 RegulatoryQuality2 DivorcedWomen40to44_2 muslim_maj2 Migrant_Stock2 log_GDPCAP2_time RegulatoryQuality2_time DivorcedWomen40to44_2_time muslimmaj2_time migrant2_time, robust cluster(dyad) * Table 2, Model 1: Re-estimating Model 3 as a Weibull regression streg RuleofLaw_gap womenprlmnt_gap logPOPTOTL1 logPOPTOTL2 log_dist idealpointdistance legal_same_LaPorta log_GDPCAP1 log_GDPCAP2 RegulatoryQuality2 DivorcedWomen40to44_2 muslim_maj2 Migrant_Stock2, dist(w) robust cluster(dyad) * Table 2, Model 2: Re-estimating Model 3 through discrete event-history analysis logit acceptanceTRUNCATED RuleofLaw_gap womenprlmnt_gap logPOPTOTL1 logPOPTOTL2 log_dist idealpointdistance legal_same_LaPorta log_GDPCAP1 log_GDPCAP2 RegulatoryQuality2 DivorcedWomen40to44_2 muslim_maj2 Migrant_Stock2 T1 T2 T3, robust cluster(dyad) * Table 2, Model 3: Gap in law and order and in women's political rights logit acceptanceTRUNCATED LawandOrder_gap womenpol_gap logPOPTOTL1 logPOPTOTL2 log_dist idealpointdistance legal_same_LaPorta log_GDPCAP1 log_GDPCAP2 RegulatoryQuality2 DivorcedWomen40to44_2 muslim_maj2 Migrant_Stock2 T1 T2 T3, robust cluster(dyad) * Table 2, Model 4: Gap in judicial independence and in women's labor participation logit acceptanceTRUNCATED injud_gap femalelabor_gap logPOPTOTL1 logPOPTOTL2 log_dist idealpointdistance legal_same_LaPorta log_GDPCAP1 log_GDPCAP2 RegulatoryQuality2 DivorcedWomen40to44_2 muslim_maj2 Migrant_Stock2 T1 T2 T3, robust cluster(dyad) * Robustness check: Controlling for trade between the acceding and accepting country stcox RuleofLaw_gap womenprlmnt_gap logPOPTOTL1 logPOPTOTL2 log_dist idealpointdistance legal_same_LaPorta log_GDPCAP1 log_GDPCAP2 RegulatoryQuality2 DivorcedWomen40to44_2 muslim_maj2 Migrant_Stock2 log_export_import log_GDPCAP2_time RegulatoryQuality2_time DivorcedWomen40to44_2_time muslimmaj2_time migrant2_time, robust cluster(dyad) * Robustness check: Without US observations stcox RuleofLaw_gap womenprlmnt_gap logPOPTOTL1 logPOPTOTL2 log_dist idealpointdistance legal_same_LaPorta log_GDPCAP1 log_GDPCAP2 RegulatoryQuality2 DivorcedWomen40to44_2 muslim_maj2 Migrant_Stock2 logPOPTOTL2_time log_GDPCAP2_time RegulatoryQuality2_time DivorcedWomen40to44_2_time muslimmaj2_time migrant2_time if ccode2!=2 * Figure 1: Cumulativa hazard curve, different levels of the rule of law (based on Model 3) stcurve, cumhaz range (1 8) at1(RuleofLaw_gap=-1.238) at2(RuleofLaw_gap=0) at3(RuleofLaw_gap=2.398) scheme (vg_s1m) * Figure 2: Cumulativa hazard curve, different levels of women's parliamentary membership (based on Model 3) stcurve, cumhaz range (1 8) at1(womenprlmnt_gap=-12.1) at2(womenprlmnt_gap=0) at3(womenprlmnt_gap=22.8) scheme (vg_s1m) * End of do file