set memory 16m * Replication file for * "False Commitments: Local Misrepresentation and the International Norms Against FGM and Early Marriage" * Karisa Cloward * Forthcoming in International Organization *** Coding Notes *.a = "Missing"; .b = "Don't Recall"; .c = "Don't Know"; .d = "Refused"; .e = "Not Applicable". *** Generated Variables gen em=mar_age<18 replace em=. if female==0 gen daughter_em=mar_age_d<18 gen oth_tribe_often=0 replace oth_tribe_often=1 if oth_tribe_freq>3 *** Sampling Weights gen p1=. replace p1=103/1128 if sl_oldonyiro==1 replace p1=45/495 if sl_lonkopito==1 replace p1=25/189 if sl_kipsing==1 replace p1=28/288 if sl_lenguruma==1 replace p1=17/241 if sl_mumonyot==1 replace p1=16/237 if sl_seek==1 replace p1=12/161 if sl_sangaa==1 replace p1=6/77 if sl_ngarendare==1 replace p1=19/244 if sl_makurian==1 replace p1=13/214 if sl_arjijo==1 replace p1=27/458 if sl_kurikuri==1 replace p1=21/299 if sl_tura==1 replace p1=26/391 if sl_ewaso==1 replace p1=4/39 if sl_sieku==1 replace p1=18/252 if sl_ilpolei==1 replace p1=20/285 if sl_ilmotiok==1 replace p1=100/2659 if sl_keekonyokie==1 replace p1=60/659 if sl_suswa==1 replace p1=10/253 if sl_olesharo==1 replace p1=30/352 if sl_oloikarere==1 gen p2=1/hh_members gen wt=. replace wt=1/(p1*p2) * "p1" equals the probability that the respondent's household was selected from within the respondent's sublocation - it is the number of households in the sublocation divided by the number of households in the sublocation as of the 1999 Census. * "p2" equals the probabibility that the individual respondent was selected from within the respondent's household. * "wt" equals the total probability that an individual respondent was selected. Within each case study area, all sublocations were sampled, and thus the probability that the respondent's sublocation was selected was equal to 1 for all observations. Therefore, it was not necessary to include this probabibility in the total probability calculation. *** Analysis ** Table 1: Summary Statistics * By Region mean fgm_should_stop [pweight = wt], over(reg) mean fgm_view_changed [pweight = wt], over(reg) mean fgm_no_benefit [pweight = wt], over(reg) mean son_pref_circ [pweight = wt], over(reg) mean em_should_stop [pweight = wt], over(reg) mean em_view_changed [pweight = wt], over(reg) mean em_no_benefit [pweight = wt], over(reg) mean fgm [pweight = wt], over(reg) mean em [pweight = wt], over(reg) mean daughter_fgm [pweight = wt], over(reg) mean daughter_em [pweight = wt], over(reg) mean future_fgm_yes [pweight = wt], over(reg) * All Regions mean fgm_should_stop [pweight = wt] mean fgm_should_con [pweight = wt] mean fgm_should_dep [pweight = wt] mean fgm_view_changed [pweight = wt] mean fgm_no_benefit [pweight = wt] mean son_pref_circ [pweight = wt] mean em_should_stop [pweight = wt] mean em_should_con [pweight = wt] mean em_should_dep [pweight = wt] mean em_view_changed [pweight = wt] mean em_no_benefit [pweight = wt] mean fgm [pweight = wt] mean em [pweight = wt] mean mar_age [pweight = wt], over(female) mean daughter_fgm [pweight = wt] mean daughter_em [pweight = wt] mean mar_age_d [pweight = wt] mean future_fgm_yes [pweight = wt] ** Table 2: Comparison of Covariate Means by Treatment (International Audience) ttest female, by(treatment) ttest age, by(treatment) ttest education, by(treatment) ttest married, by(treatment) ttest pastoralist, by(treatment) ttest protestant, by(treatment) ttest catholic, by(treatment) ttest traditional, by(treatment) ttest radio, by(treatment) ** Table 3: Impact of International Audience Treatment on Respondents' Attitudes and Behavior * Model 1 (OLS, Robust SE, Treatment Only) reg fgm_should_stop treatment, robust reg em_should_stop treatment, robust reg fgm_no_benefit treatment, robust reg em_no_benefit treatment, robust reg son_pref_circ treatment, robust reg fgm treatment, robust reg em treatment, robust reg daughter_fgm treatment, robust reg daughter_em treatment, robust reg future_fgm_yes treatment, robust * Model 2 (OLS, Robust SE, Full Model) reg fgm_should_stop treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust reg em_should_stop treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often em_elders_stop em_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust reg fgm_no_benefit treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust reg em_no_benefit treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often em_elders_stop em_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust reg son_pref_circ treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust reg fgm treatment age protestant oth_tribe_often em_elders_stop em_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust reg em treatment age protestant oth_tribe_often em_elders_stop em_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust reg daughter_fgm treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust reg daughter_em treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often em_elders_stop em_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust reg future_fgm_yes treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust * Model 3 (Logit, Robust SE, Treatment Only) logit fgm_should_stop treatment, robust mfx logit em_should_stop treatment, robust mfx logit fgm_no_benefit treatment, robust mfx logit em_no_benefit treatment, robust mfx logit son_pref_circ treatment, robust mfx logit fgm treatment, robust mfx logit em treatment, robust mfx logit daughter_fgm treatment, robust mfx logit daughter_em treatment, robust mfx logit future_fgm_yes treatment, robust mfx * Model 4 (Logit, Robust SE, Full Model) logit fgm_should_stop treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust mfx logit em_should_stop treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often em_elders_stop em_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust mfx logit fgm_no_benefit treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust mfx logit em_no_benefit treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often em_elders_stop em_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust mfx logit son_pref_circ treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust mfx logit fgm treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust mfx logit em treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often em_elders_stop em_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust mfx logit daughter_fgm treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust mfx logit daughter_em treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often em_elders_stop em_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust mfx logit future_fgm_yes treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau, robust mfx * Model 5 (Logit, Weighted/Clustered SE, Treatment Only) logit fgm_should_stop treatment [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit em_should_stop treatment [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit fgm_no_benefit treatment [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit em_no_benefit treatment [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit son_pref_circ treatment [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit fgm treatment [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit em treatment [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit daughter_fgm treatment [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit daughter_em treatment [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit future_fgm_yes treatment [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx * Model 6 (Logit, Weighted/Clustered SE, Full Model) logit fgm_should_stop treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit em_should_stop treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often em_elders_stop em_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit fgm_no_benefit treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit em_no_benefit treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often em_elders_stop em_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit son_pref_circ treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit fgm treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit em treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often em_elders_stop em_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit daughter_fgm treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit daughter_em treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often em_elders_stop em_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx logit future_fgm_yes treatment female age protestant oth_tribe_often fgm_elders_stop fgm_chiefs_stop mukogodo mau [pweight = wt], vce(cluster subloc) mfx ** Figure 2: Plan to Circumcise Daughter in the Future - Treatment Effect by Study Area graph bar (mean) future_fgm_yes [pweight = wt], over(treatment) bar(1,color(black)) blabel(bar, format(%9.2g)) by(, title(Figure 2. Plan to Circumcise Daughter in the Future, color(black)) subtitle(Treatment Effect by Study Area, color(black))) by(, graphregion(fcolor(white) ifcolor(white))) by(reg) subtitle(, fcolor(white) lcolor(white)) ** Figure 3: Daughter Married Underage - Treatment Effect by Study Area graph bar (mean) daughter_em [pweight = wt], over(treatment) bar(1,color(black)) blabel(bar, format(%9.2g)) by(, title(Figure 3. Daughter Married Underage, color(black)) subtitle(Treatment Effect by Study Area, color(black))) by(, graphregion(fcolor(white) ifcolor(white))) by(reg) subtitle(, fcolor(white) lcolor(white)) ** Footnote 52 tab check1 tab check2 ** Footnote 61 gen ref_fgm_should_stop=0 replace ref_fgm_should_stop=. if fgm_should_stop==. replace ref_fgm_should_stop=. if fgm_should_stop==.a replace ref_fgm_should_stop=. if fgm_should_stop==.e replace ref_fgm_should_stop=1 if fgm_should_stop==.d ttest ref_fgm_should_stop, by(treatment) gen ref_em_should_stop=0 replace ref_em_should_stop=. if em_should_stop==. replace ref_em_should_stop=. if em_should_stop==.a replace ref_em_should_stop=. if em_should_stop==.e replace ref_em_should_stop=1 if em_should_stop==.d ttest ref_em_should_stop, by(treatment) gen ref_fgm_no_benefit=0 replace ref_fgm_no_benefit=. if fgm_no_benefit==. replace ref_fgm_no_benefit=. if fgm_no_benefit==.a replace ref_fgm_no_benefit=. if fgm_no_benefit==.e replace ref_fgm_no_benefit=1 if fgm_no_benefit==.d ttest ref_fgm_no_benefit, by(treatment) gen ref_em_no_benefit=0 replace ref_em_no_benefit=. if em_no_benefit==. replace ref_em_no_benefit=. if em_no_benefit==.a replace ref_em_no_benefit=. if em_no_benefit==.e replace ref_em_no_benefit=1 if em_no_benefit==.d ttest ref_em_no_benefit, by(treatment) gen ref_son_pref_circ=0 replace ref_son_pref_circ=. if son_pref_circ==. replace ref_son_pref_circ=. if son_pref_circ==.a replace ref_son_pref_circ=. if son_pref_circ==.e replace ref_son_pref_circ=1 if son_pref_circ==.d ttest ref_son_pref_circ, by(treatment) gen ref_fgm=0 replace ref_fgm=. if fgm==. replace ref_fgm=. if fgm==.a replace ref_fgm=. if fgm==.e replace ref_fgm=1 if fgm==.d ttest ref_fgm, by(treatment) gen ref_em=0 replace ref_em=. if em==. replace ref_em=. if em==.a replace ref_em=. if em==.e replace ref_em=1 if em==.d ttest ref_em, by(treatment) gen ref_daughter_fgm=0 replace ref_daughter_fgm=. if daughter_fgm==. replace ref_daughter_fgm=. if daughter_fgm==.a replace ref_daughter_fgm=. if daughter_fgm==.e replace ref_daughter_fgm=1 if daughter_fgm==.d ttest ref_daughter_fgm, by(treatment) gen ref_daughter_em=0 replace ref_daughter_em=. if daughter_em==. replace ref_daughter_em=. if daughter_em==.a replace ref_daughter_em=. if daughter_em==.e replace ref_daughter_em=1 if daughter_em==.d ttest ref_daughter_em, by(treatment) gen ref_future_fgm_yes=0 replace ref_future_fgm_yes=. if future_fgm_yes==. replace ref_future_fgm_yes=. if future_fgm_yes==.a replace ref_future_fgm_yes=. if future_fgm_yes==.e replace ref_future_fgm_yes=1 if future_fgm_yes==.d ttest ref_future_fgm_yes, by(treatment)